Watching harstem's "getting grandmaster with terran" is really quite revealing about how imba protoss is

He has 22% winrate in TvT, the match up most influenced by skill in the entire game. He has huge problem with basic terran micro and he can’t even reach grandmaster even though he plays the game for a living. Harstem is infinitely better than i will ever be but i think its still quite telling.


Hmm… You realize beastyqt has done getting to GM with stupid stuff with stupid stuff across all 3 races.

He did one with just marines.
One with queen infestor.
One with mass sentries.
Etc etc.

A pro players beating up on lesser players isnt proof of balance. I play chess at a decent level (I’m around 1700) and most pro chess players can beat 10-20 regular chess players like myself all at the same time whilst wearing blindfolds (they do this all the time. It’s called blindfold exhibitions. In fact often they handicap the pro players by giving him less time as well. Unless you think blindfolds are somehow broken or having the white pieces sometimes is broken). Harstem, beasty those super GMs can beat regular players with pretty much anything.


Thats your opinion , my friend.

Yeah he has problems with basic terran micro and ofc reached 5390 mmr by a moving .Facepalm. Also Im pretty sure he actually reached a few times the mmr needed , he just needs more games.

Finally here is I think your soul brother who tried to offrace , from Terran to Protoss, im guessing here, “because Protoss easy win” :

“Actually i tought playing Protoss much easier then that” and gets outplayed. Then switches back to terran and is able to win over Harstems Terran, he is pretty good with terran.

So how is this possible? A superman Terran cant win with easy toss?Lol.
Because obviously each race is very different and you cant just switch and win…

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His lips are probably hitting the keyboard.


BuT BuT BuT… PrOToSs Is ThE HaRdEsT RaCe, WhAt ArE YoU TaLkiNG AbOuT.

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5,3K and still master, he should have played on NA where just 5k gives you bragging rights about being GM.

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So his TvZ and TvP are good but not his TvT… :thinking::thinking::thinking:

His Terran is still better than his Zerg… :thinking::thinking::thinking:

16mmr more as Z.

Nope. 5342 as Terran.

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It just proves how hard terran is compared to eztoss . . .

Find me a single terran around Harstem level and let’s see if he can’t reach GM in 6 month LMAOOOOOOOOO


Oh, so he plays T with that account too, I only looked the profile shown in that video.

Keep in mind the low amount of games Harstem plays, last season 200 games. And it looks like only in the last three months has been playing more than 20 per season with T, so it’s not like he is grinding the race 24/7, 200 games for a pro or top level player is nothing,there are people who play a lot of games per day and end the season with 800-1000 games or even more.

Thats a widely regarded opinion by most people not just one person making a point.

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Havent heard but possibly.Or possibly all Terrans say this… Its still silly to bring it up in that style here, with a player offracing. Its natural his TvT will be the worse, because he doesnt know terrans as well as he knows Protoss. It doesnt mean its becasue he lacks overall skill.

Can you find one that does?

Terran has a much steeper apm requirement so it makes perfect sense that a protoss switching to terran will get a lower rank. This is basically what happened with alphastar. They gave it fixed apm and it did far better with Protoss than any other race.

None of this is surprising if your analyze the design of Protoss for a second. Protoss is all about big, slow, bulky units. This means a lesser reaction time because units are bigger and slower. It also means less micro is required (fewer units = less micro). It means less actions are required to build your army & infrastructure since what few units you have to requires fewer buildings to produce said smaller army.

Imagine for a second if we kept the power level of Protoss units the same, but cut their cost in half. Suddenly now Protoss have TWICE as many units to manage. That’s twice the blinks and twice the splitting and twice the units that have to be produced from production structures. It’s BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that the difficulty of the game depends MOSTLY on how many things you have to manage and Protoss has fewer things to manage.

Protoss is designed from the ground up to require less APM. People who play Protoss have less APM. AlphaStar had fixed APM and was far better with Protoss than any other race.

I am not sure how this is some new or enlightening revelation. It’s a blatant consequence of obvious facts about protoss and there is a mountain of evidence that proves it on top of that (and which has been well known for many years).


Not according to his race report. All time TvT 53% TvP, 45% TvZ 44%. Current season 76% TvT, TvP 63% and TvZ 54%. Harstem trying to push forward an agenda of course! Lmao.

Sorry, but look at this link:

It’s a Harstem game from Feb, TvP, look at his APM during a long game.327, he has more apm than the average Z.
I will say it again,more APM does not mean more skill,if he has problems with T is not because he is a slow protoss playing the 0 APM race for years. As I said, anyone can play faster, that’s is not really a problem,some races requires more apm than others, that’s all.

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And ofc you blatantly omit the exact proof countering your theory in my last longer post.

Terran switches to Protoss -> Harstem offracing terran blasts him
The same player plays with his main Terran -> Harstem offracing terran looses, i think 2 times in a row.

So how is this possible a player switches to the easier, more powerful race and looses?

The truth is you are a typical terran equaling apm with skill, just wanting to micro his bio and looking at it as a pinnacle of SC2. Well mate this isnt an arcade game, this is a strategy. APM helps, but is far from conclusive. Ever heard of Sos ? Sure you might argue he plays the easy Toss race but there are plenty of Protoss with much higher apm that would never beat him. Equally if you analyze winnings in tournaments , there is no 100 % correlation between apm and win rate, otherwise Reynor, Clem and Serral would be winning everything every time.

which they literally are.