- Stetmann’s Overseers randomly have Unity Barrier, even when Karax isn’t in the game.
- Fenix’s Adepts use Text-to-Speech instead of their actual voice lines.
- Oil Baron Prestige Talent for Stetmann crashes the game if you use BattleCarrier Lords.
- Karax’s Templar Apparent does not affect the base Colossi given to him at Level 1.
If there is anything else I run into I’ll update the thread.
Blizzard would like to have each separate bug on a seperate forum/thread, apparently, just thought you’d like to know.
“Please make sure to have separate threads for each bug report and not fill one thread with multiple bug reports.”–How to write a good Bug Report! - #3
Eh. With how small most of these are, I didn’t want to make multiple threads.
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