Unexpected fatal error

need help. been trying to figure out what’s seem to be the problem. been researching
and following some instructions re: fatal error but to no avail. here is the error code80FA7B89-25AC-43B9-869B-AAA89D35149A

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Hey IM2vicious,

Is this when clicking on the “Custom” game mode?


is the replays not working from last patch a bug?

Please don’t hijack threads. This thread is about the Custom game mode issue that’s going on.

I don’t know if the missing game version is a bug or intentional.

yes. everytime i click the custom game mode.

It’s nothing on your side. There’s been a series of attacks on the Arcade game mode where if an attack is active, clicking on the “Lobbies” tab will crash SC2.

It’s intermittent as the attackers show up and Bliz deals with them, back and forth. For example, at the time of this post, there are no attackers so the Lobbies tab can be used.


yep, the attack is on…

the attack is back on then because I have been having issues for an hour.

This really needs to stop. This is happening on a daily basis now, sometimes multiple times per day. Blizzard needs to do something about this issue.


same here… its’ annoying and makes the custom games tab unless.

Looks like they’re back at it. Crashing for me on both US and EU servers…

Same issue, Apple M1

Same here. Almost every time I’ve attempted to play on Arcade.

You may not have the answer on this, but how often long do these attack last? I was played my last custom game at 11am (ended with a crash when game was over), and here at 11PM still can’t get to a game. 12 hours seems like a long time for a cyber attack to continue, though maybe that’s normal.

I’ve got a wonderful Idea. How about you guys identify what this person/people are using to corrupt the custom map section and remove their ability to do so? Crazy…

This is becoming assinine. Blizzard is a large company that has dealt with many issues in terms of hacking and abuse in the past. The fact that this isn’t fixed really only shows the lack of care Blizzard has for the games that don’t have a pay structure to them.

It’s intermittent. At night and on weekends the attacks are longer, and duing the weekday days they are fairly short.

It’s pretty well known what they are doing. What’s impeding the action on it is SC2’s retired status. Someone somewhere is weighing the higher priorities of the actively developed games against the lower priority retired SC2. So it’s less about money or company size, and more about the game’s end of development almost four years ago.

Bliz did patch the initial exploit strategy, but the attackers then changed to a different strategy which essentially started the process all over.

It’s pretty well known what they are doing.

so then the answer should be easy enough to fix from a team of coders. no?

What’s impeding the action on it is SC2’s retired status. Someone somewhere is weighing the higher priorities of the actively developed games against the lower priority retired SC2. So it’s less about money or company size, and more about the game’s end of development almost four years ago.

There are many people who payed money for this game and the fact that blizzard retired the game wasn’t our call. Just because the game is out of development does not mean we all stopped playing it.

Bliz did patch the initial exploit strategy, but the attackers then changed to a different strategy which essentially started the process all over.

then focusing a little more attention for a little while to correct the deficiencies would help a lot wouldn’t it?

It’s intermittent. At night and on weekends the attacks are longer, and during the weekday days they are fairly short.

The issues happen literally during all the normal game play times. I half way assume Blizzard is totally okay with this person continuing the attack so they can just chuck the whole starcraft name.

I’ve been playing Blizzard games for my whole life. I have slowly watched the degradation of the services provided over the years. It’s heart breaking. Long gone are the days of pure care for the players.

If it wasn’t for the info I provided in my next paragragh.

Of course it doesn’t, but those aren’t factors. There are tons of retired video game out in the world that people payed for and many still play. It’s a fact of video game life that they will get old and the studios will decide to move on to new projects.

I didn’t like it when the King’s Quest franchise was retired, but I understood and accepted it as a reality for all video games. People bought and still play WC1, WC2 and D1. However, those now barely function without community created patches. Even SC1 was falling apart until it was remastered eight years afterit was retired.

As priorities allow, yes.

Sorry, Mobeus, if that were “literally” true, there wouldn’t be times of no crashing, which simply hasn’t been the case. I’ve even been on the Arcade several times with no crashes since this all started.

Welcome to the age of multinational conglomerate juggernaut corporate studios. It’s a fact of video game life now, no matter who the studio is.

I still want to be mad. But G’damn if you didn’t answer all that like a boss. It’s just such a crappy thing to watch happen with all games. Sucks mostly because it’s probably 1 or 2 people causing all this grief to thousands.

I hear ya.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like that it’s retired, or that it’s retirement is impeding the fixes of major exploits. I feel that if SC2 is to be left as a server-based multiplayer game, then, retired or not, it needs higher priority when the game service is disrupted by something like this. But alas, I have no more say in it than any other player.

Of all Bliz games, SC2 is the one I (still) play the most. When the end of development announcement was made, I was crushed. More Coop commanders and maps? More mission packs? More arcade maps? Nope, all hopes dashed. Instead, the beginning of the slow decline until it won’t even run anymore.