Unable to publish my mod

I’ve seen a similar post in the editor category, and I’m pretty sure, too, that this is not related to my own failure. Something’s broken on your side which prevent my mod to be published successfully. I’ve published it for as long as early 2020. The only thing that I change in it, is the custom models I put in the imports. So when I publish, it goes up to 100%, then it freezes as if it waits for something to confirm, then it goes as “Failed”.

The error message I get from the editor, reason of failure goes like this:

Document aliases could not be accessed: CLIENTSIDECACHE_READ_CONNECTION_FAILED

Edit: So I ran a few tests to get this pinpointed, I got the “Import” size as a problem. As any other mod that I tried to publish, even the ones that failed, only the ones with the least imports did work.

I ran a test with only my Assets/Textures. From A to M, it worked, from N to Z it worked too. Both togheter, it failed. What happened here?

In the partitioned version, the largest import = 123MB~
In the whole version, the import = 196MB~

All of those file size are “compressed value”

In conclusion, it would seem that the service that receives any of my publishments doesn’t accept a certain size of imports (file size I presume). What happened between your patches? Will I be forced to partition my import sole file into many files? This is going to be an important check up from your part, because people like me, using custom assets, will figure out the same solution: spam multiple mods for dependencies, publish multiple mods. It’s going to spam files, just to work around this issue.

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