Trying to reinstall SC2 but Battlenet screen just all black

Before you ask, my drivers are all up to date and I’ve run SC2 on this system before. Whenever I try to open battlenet I just get a total black screen with nothing to work with.

that suggests that your root certificate is outdated. if you are running windows 7 that is. if not i have no idea what is wrong. the solution if you are windows 7 is to download an app called legacy update. another issue is that`s hardware requirements keeps increasing so, even if your hardware was strong enough before, it is not neccesarily strong enough now. my asus laptop used to be able to run it well but, now it takes much longer to start it up. updating my root certificate enabled it to run properly again but, it still takes longer to start than before. on the other hand: this does not seem like a starcraft 2 issue. you should post it on the app forum.