Toss hits 43% in GM

Also, the entire averages of the ladder are mistaken, it’s just that Terran players are just worse players. In fact, any and all statistics that aren’t “Oh mah Premier Tournaments where my best player refuses to play” are irrelevant!

Statements without any further Analysis or explanation of context in a small Interview in a tourny are definetly true for any Case you want for all eternity.

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So before 2018 protoss was hardest on the ladder ? Since they were by far the least represented in GM. And they did fine in tournies because ?

Your conclusions dont add Up.

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What are you talking about? I’m on your side remember?

What some silly Professional player says doesn’t matter! What some silly 100,000 player population suggests doesn’t matter. What some stupid 800 person sample size suggests doesn’t matter! The 5 Players that won tournaments that weren’t Protoss! FIVE! That’s what I call insurmountable evidence!

By what measure do you believe this?

Everything you post is contrary to this.

Therefore the only reasonable conclusion is that you are not.

Reading the troll and these sarcastic strawman posts has progressed past tiring and into depressing at this point.

Didn’t Protoss get buffs? Void Ray, shield battery (nexus battery overcharge), mothership changes.

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No, no. Protoss was nerfed! Serral wins all the tournaments :trophy:! Lurkers shred ground toss and corruptors amove through skytoss! Marines counter everything protoss, and mules make free marines! BUFF PROTOSS!


You’re right, I’m getting old and I want my free wins as Protoss, I’m willing to turn off chat and ruin the game for everyone, I want my diamond wins, I want my prestige.

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There is no such thing as a diamond protoss, there are only gm protoss. Once protoss players get what we deserve, every protoss will be GM!


Sarcastic? You wound me. Surely you can’t find any logical fallacies with this:

As I said in the post you replied to, that’s a strawman.

A strawman how? Clearly it proves that Protoss is under-powered! Since you were unable to point out the logical fallacies, I must conclude you agree.

No that all happend much later. Real Buffs to for example void ray happend in 2020 and later.

2019 was the darkest age of Balance (for protoss) but they Had highest GM representation

In 2019, toss had 20% of the first/second place tournament finishes in the premier category and 32% of major tournaments, and 40% of minor tournaments. Obviously, anything less than 100% doesn’t represent the superiority of protoss players. They play protoss therefore they are better, afterall. Clearly anything less than a 100% winrate is proof protoss is underpowered. How else could protoss players be superior and yet only win 40% of tournaments unless balance disfavors protoss. Buff protoss!

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We need a training ground where we just do filthy Protoss strategies to each other. Have a laugh about it. I’m not quite heartless enough to do it on ladder…

We can go Carriers, Void Rays, Cannons etc.

I have believed you are not an idiot. We have been over this exact particular sentence before, even. You have a brain in your head, and I usually assume you can use it.

Since you have asked, I will be explicit in my explanation and treat you with less intelligence than I know you have for the moment.

In the fallacious sense, a straw man is when a debater’s argument is constructed against something that is not actually part of the opposing argument, but looks like it could or should be due to the way you present it.

The reason this is called a straw man is because it is easy to set up and to then fell a straw man. In the classical straw man situation, the debater creates an untrue thing that is easy to knock down, then does so.

As I have added the prefix sarcastic, I will next clarify how that modification is supposed to be read. First, we start with the definition: Sarcasm is when someone uses words that are not what they mean with those words. Whether sarcasm is in use is usually conveyed with tone or other indicators.

“Sarcastic straw man”, thusly: The debater is saying words that are not what they mean, such as pretending to agree with their opposition; and the specific words are intended to be a mockery of the argument of their opposition is using, presented as though it were a logical argument.

Except it’s just… usually not. These are most often used in rhetoric for “gotcha!” moments, where the point is to trap the opposition by equating their position to something ridiculous but carefully avoiding saying what that ridiculous thing is until after they agree.

You may remember, say, this post here:

Which is similarly a gotcha, so I know you have familiarity with this particular tactic.

As you also may remember, I called it nonsense and called it nonsense at the beginning - this is because it is the same type of argumentation.

Would you prefer I call it an appeal to emotion, specifically to ridicule, and an ad hominem? Because that also applies, since your language and tone makes it imminently obvious that you hold the opinion that Sentry and I hold laughable positions.

Which you do instead of actually rebutting the point. So it qualifies for all of those.

To, once again, rebut each point in brief:

Nobody reasonable - at any point - said that Showtime doesn’t have a clue what they’re talking about.

That the quote is six years old, that the comment you link in this post was in context of professional play, where things are brought to the extreme and therefore not necessarily relevant to other situations, that ShoWTimE’s personal feeling on what the most mechanically demanding race is is not an objective fact? Those all got said.

My rebuttal to this could be as simple as “Harstem thinks that Terran plays itself”. It’s… an opinion.

I don’t think anybody actually said this either. They obviously are not the only thing that matters. You know that.

Hang on, wait, let me just:

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So toss has its peak 2019 in GM. But because 1% does not manage
win a single final out of many, should we keep buffing Toss?
While other races are removed step by step because of 3 players. i see.

Did you Read carefully?

The Problem is you balancewhiners are convinced that Balance has Something to do with GM representation. You think that high GM representation means Something Like easier/Harder balanced/unbalanced but the Numbers contradict your theory.

For example if high GM representation means Something is easy and Low representation means Something is hard then protoss must have been expectionally hard before 2018 because protoss Had the worst representation imaginable. But the funny Thing is they Had tourny results opposed to now.

Next Thing is obviously that protoss Had very high GM representation in 2019 where everyone agreed that zerg was bonkers broken. And while protoss GM representation was very high in 2019 upwards they didnt Deliver anymore in tournies.

For zerg its completly the other way round. They Had very good GM Presentation but didnt win that much in 2018 and before but absolutely Rocked everything from then to today. Meanwhile their GM representation went down. And No…its Not Just serral who is winning. If we exclude serral then t and z would have won the Same amount of tournies.

In conclusion: your theories cannot be observed by the data. It simply doesnt Match.


Therefore they were too weak and Blizzard took Action. That it correct. Thank you for your summary.

Do you realize that in all discussions we Had i simply pointed Out how your logic doesnt make any Sense regarding that terran is supposed to be the hardest Race ever? And nearly everytime you deflect any critic with strawman Arguments about what you think i am thinking about protoss Balance. Meanwhile in any Case i simply respond that i Just give Back what the Pros are saying and doing. For example that the Pros try to Balance the Game for pros.

Meanwhile you ignored how protoss was by far least represented Race before 2018 (while protoss got Harder to Play after all the nerfs but by your logic they must have been the hardest Race already).