Highlighted in red is the one secret to beating toss:
It yields a whopping 48% win-rate vs protoss:
48% might sound bad, but let’s compare it to other zergs like PiG:
Oof. 45%. You can’t spam drones vs a race that has every advantage conceivable in a macro game. They are ahead in tech, upgrades and economy. They have the range advantage, supply efficiency advantage, resource efficiency advantage, static defense efficiency advantage, peak army strength advantage, mobility advantage, vision advantage. What other advantage is there? You’re just praying he has narcolepsy and falls asleep at the keyboard. If he’s maxed, he might have a successful defense even if he falls asleep.
The only time protoss has a true vulnerability is at the 1 base allin mark. They have 1 probe scout that has to figure out if it’s proxy hatch, gold base, hidden base, 3 hatch, and it’s just impossible for him to know unless he gets lucky with the scout. Even if it’s a gold base, and he scouts it, it could still be a drone pull ling flood. That’s the only legitimate strategical weakness that protoss has right now. Don’t let the game go past the 5 minute mark. If it does, just gg and move on lmao.
Queen walks, gold bases, 1 base baneling busts – it all looks the same. You do 14 gas 14 pool 14 hatch 13 overlord. Put the hatch at the gold or as a proxy. This looks identical to a bane bust, proxy hatch, and 14/14 into gold, 14/14 into drone pull, etc. Too many variants for toss, and that’s just one branch of the proxy hatch possibilities. Rogue won so many tournaments by bypassing the late game vs protoss and he did it with proxy hatch. It’s the only way to beat apetoss reliably.
On some maps, there are FOUR gold base possibilities. There’s no way he’s going to reliably scout what’s going on. It just won’t happen. The gold bases are so good for this style because in the event he over-reacts he falls behind big time. But if he under reacts you can allin him. It’s wonderful.
LMAO: https://i.imgur.com/tpvpg5C.png
He didn’t realize it was HIS gold that I took. There are 2 gold bases but 4 gold locations. Proxy hatch is really something.