Toss and Zerg can F2 A move to masters

Yeah, even if you know their name it’s still hard. MaxPax could be Life and he could go onto a stage wearing a wig and nobody would notice.

Supposedly so, yes. He’s also done verbal interviews with several casters too, including PiG.

Around that time PiG released a video explaining how Life may have had a gambling addiction. Interesting coincidence, eh.

that’s johnny depp

why are we changing subjects though

Everyone knows Z and P are easy up until Masters 2
Blizzard just come out and admit it and move on . Lower Z and P MMR before that level because they dont deserve it

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Johnny Depp is the key to understanding SC2 balance. He explains why MaxPax can’t go on stage and why Protoss can’t be buffed.

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not only that but hes a straight up legend.

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Zerg has like half the players as Terran/Toss in Masters and in GM it’s more like 1/5th of the GM pool is Zerg. Hwat are you talking about willis? Can’t siege amove mech and got a little salty?

How about that:
Max pax is neither danish royalty, nor life, nor Alpha Star. Just ordinary danish 19y/o kid who enjoys playing SC2 on ladder and is not interested in offline tournaments ?

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maybe max pax is henry cavil, i hear hes a big gamer.

Zerg and toss are easy races before masters 2

Pathetic players in denial . Skill requirement is not linear . F2 a move more chumps

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I dont think you understand the statistics youre posting.

The only reason the proportion of Terran in higher ranks is lower than other races is because players start the tutorial, campaign and started on terran free to play pass (when the game was pay to play).

This would create a higher base of players (though inactive) in the terran race, artifically inflating the proportion of race ranked highly because the inactive players would all land on the lower end. This is why terran has the highest % of race in bronze and silver, because they have the most number of players that either dont play or are are ULTRA casuals. This kinda proven by the fact that the number of terran players take up 40% of the entire player base.

Thats also why the % winrates vs other races are basically identical in masters and diamond.

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I understand him fine. If you don’t understand what he’s saying that says more about YOUR reading comprehension than it does his second-language spelling/grammar.

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Yes that’s the most likely outcome.

I avoided going pro because the sc2 competitive community is incredibly toxic. I saw what they did to Idra. Years later, I received such overwhelmingly positive support from big streamers that I eventually decided to give streaming a try. It took years of people begging me to stream before I finally caved against my better judgement. It took 6 months before people started to harass me on stream, spread rumors about me “spamming slurs”, and various other things. If MaxPax wants to remain anonymous then I honestly applaud his clarity. Maybe he has a similar line of reasoning. It’s a bad idea to enter the SC2 competitive scene because it’s just so toxic. In the limelight, you become the focal point for every mentally unstable rando on the internet. While the positive support from all the good users is great, it still sucks beyond comprehension.

Staying anonymous I think is the sane option. You have to be crazy to want your face and name out on the internet.

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LOL really ?
And when was that ? 2011 ? When today’s plat could be a pro player back then ? Say honestly you were never close to pro level (except maybe so called “stone age of SC2” - 2010 -2011).

haha what a clown take . players “start” tutorial. Explain how there are tens of thousands of games being played at lower level then

It seems you dont know what you’re talking about buddy

Funny cause “tutorial” race has been said before. but the fact is that this game is 20 years old. There’s no such thing as “tutorial” race kid . I can easily say , zerg and toss are easy starts. See ? no basis on facts right? That’s your argument

Also since you dont’ know how to extrapolate data. The number of players are steadily decreasing . With that said , there shouldn’t be as much “new players” unless you are saying that they are constantly swapping.

The number of terran games played are exponentially high compared to the rest of the races. So therefore games are being played , not by “new players” but consistently by people in that rank. Please go to school kid

While there isn’t a “tutorial race” in the sense that no one race is easier or more difficult than another, Terran certainly is the “tutorial” race in that:

A) The first campaign - which is free - is Terran, thus most players who go from campaign into multiplayer will often play Terran first.

B) Terran is generally the most familiar race mechanically in comparison to other RTS games in the way they work.

And the majority of those games are from low league players, who don’t play very often, however “consistently” it might be. Gold league Terrans play as much as gold league Protosses and gold league Zergs. Same goes for silver, and for bronze. More Terran players means more Terran games, even if they’re only happening at the same frequency.


This game is 15 years old buddy. Keep making excuses. Explain how the number of players are declining please if they are “new players”. Also Nephest actually has a graph that shows the number of new players and they are extremely low.

You make no sense and are contradicting yourself. The number of games played at lower leagues exceeds the upper leagues. There are more players in lower leagues crunching out games. All data points to them being active and non-new players

I never said they were new players. I said that players who join ladder are more likely to play the race they are most familiar with, for the reasons I’ve already outlined.

A player who plays only campaign for over a year isn’t a “new player”. A player who plays coop, or arcade or vs AI isn’t a “new player”. But none of these players are players who actively play ladder, thus if/when they do join ladder, whether it’s 1v1 or team games, they’re more likely to play a race they’re familiar with.

Because the number of players in low leagues greatly exceeds the number of players in high leagues. Players in diamond and above only make up some 18% of the ladder, if that. You would need to play an extreme number of games in diamond and above to equal the number of games the rest of the player base of each race plays combined.

“Active” in this particular sense is no more than one or two games a week, if that. Obviously as the leagues get higher, they play marginally more, but very, very few players of any race are playing one or more games a day on average below diamond.


The difficulty of pro play peaked in 2017. It’s been on a downward trend since then. It’s hemorrhaging talent. The game’s popularity is going down, this reduces the value of tournaments to advertisers, that reduces the number of tournaments and that means the pro scene is smaller with less room for talent. The hyper-talented people cashed out and went on with their lives. Hydra for example, the dude who dominated WCS America, opened a bar in South Korea. It really can’t be understated just how horrible it is to be a professional sc2 player, so I think they check out as fast as they can. They get their payday and move on pronto.

The point for me where it became clear that pro players wouldn’t be protected from mob harassment was when Idra left EG. Idra was pulling in 12,000 viewers when he streamed and they cut him loose because a few people were mad that he, as an American, spoke American English. Imagine if Hollywood let Brad Pit go because someone didn’t like that he swore once upon a time. It’s insane. Their decision making made no sense at all. They should’ve begged Idra to stay and should’ve given him a blank check and said put whatever number there is necessary to keep you streaming. They should’ve defended him from the mob. Instead, they sided with the mob. This creates an esports scene filled with hostility and mob harassment. That means pro players check-out as soon as they get their payday. That means talent goes down over time. The only people who stick around are the untalented ones who can’t get their first big payday. That makes esports boring and repetitive.

This is part of a broader trend where companies in general are overly sensitive to a vocal minority on the internet. The businessmen don’t have a good way of gauging how authentic the feedback is because the internet allows for brigading. Brigading is an effect where people bandwagon together in a way to create a bigger problem than exists in reality. It creates a distorted perception of how the customer feels because the customers are coordinated in their ability to give negative feedback. Some businesses are starting to adapt, but a lot of them haven’t figured it out yet. The balance counsel, for example, walked back most of their balance ideas because protoss on youtube lost their mind and this caused a brigade of whiners to form on reddit and other places. It’s a good example of how people don’t understand that the internet creates brigading and that this inflates negative voices.

haha what a clown take . players “start” tutorial. Explain how there are tens of thousands of games being played at lower level then

This actually does explain it, if there isnt a group of new players/ casual players who only use terran in low level games then how else do you explain the fact that the terran player base is 33% larger than zerg and 23% larger than protoss? Are you just assuming people would chose the “harder race” if what youre saying is true - obviously they wouldnt.

This is furthered by the fact that IN MASTERS terran is the highest % among other races. So not only do terrans have the most players, they have the most players in both MASTERS AND DIAMOND.

If Terran was indeed the hardest race, and there were no new/casuals dragging down the bottom half of the terran ladder, you would see terran accounting for the LEAST number of players in masters and diamond but that is not the case and is instead true for zerg.

Also what rank are you?