Nope. EPM is like APM but filters spam and Zerg/Terran have higher EPM so it’s not inflated. Protoss is lower in every skill metric, not just APM/EPM. You simply have to work harder to win with Zerg. Protoss has a leg-up against Zerg and Terran thanks to its low skill requirements. APM requirements dictate how fast you have to play the game. If a race requires more APM you have less time to do everything in the game and that heavily affects your odds to win and your race’s overall performance. That’s why Protoss are winning 4x as many tournaments as Zerg, and are DOUBLE zerg in grandmaster.
I knew how it would be construed, but… you know who beats every single Toss he plays? Me, unless losing to the odd cannon rush maybe. It’s like these guys are bad man. Everyone is just waiting for me to spoon feed them how to play the game, and then they go find some random hero to talk up (pick a streamer from a hat).
It’s really embarrassing playing this game. They need to remove strategy from the genre. I’ve never seen a game attract as many close minded people as this game. I mean, heck it took them years to even realize they should incorporate a couple disruptors against Zerg in the late game. Like what kinda an idiot wouldn’t realize that?
A few years ago, if you ever dropped below 5500 MMR you got removed from GM. Now? 5k MMR is enough for GM. You gotta become crippled to get removed from GM.
It’s honestly like talking about GM from SEA back in the day to make all your points. It’s like, come on… who are we kidding. It’s just not the same thing. Honestly, it’s been time to make GM only 100 people, tops, for years. It really needs to be changed, imo. Either change it or just stop talking about GM meaning anything, cause it doesn’t.
Lowko joked about that
All Z players from EU that can’t get into GM should play on NA.
Cant find Lowko on GM, oh wait he’s in contender. GM level has dropped yeah, same thing happened towards the end of hots and wol except this time we have 1 less server and crossplay/alts are far more common. They also didn’t remove low MMR players from GM prior to releasing MMR, it was a first come first serve basis with ladder points.
Yet another instance of people not knowing a blasted thing about statistics. You’d have to standardize the natural logarithm of the rankings, bare minimum, to compare them. You can’t compare the numbers directly.
LUL have playa. Dripped to 5k?
The day I drop to 5k is the day I make my first barcode and understand the cowardice behind Batz. Some things just shouldn’t be seen. Even with instant leaving game after game to Maplez and having to auto lose due to playing on Brazil and Aussie server, after 4 months with no games, still not dropping that far.
13-1 ATM 5400+, 74th on ladder. While you’re away from the game, the other players are practicing getting worse, I tell you. The more they play, the worse they get or something.
Lesson to all the kids out there. Play less, post more. Especially have conversations with me. Better way to utilize time and probably improve at the game.
I be looking like big bird on ladder. Ostentatious/conspicuous. See me coming from a mile away and already know what’s going down, yet… it just don’t seem to matter. Let’s pray for these noobs. They don’t choose to sin, by being bad. As long as you’re not talking/playing with Maplez or BerryCrunch, I choose to believe you’re all deserving of some amount of respect or at least respect until proven scummy.
You dropped to 5074 MMR on 4/22/2022 aka last week. Also my main account isn’t a barcode and it’s extremely famous. tEhbAtZ has always been an alt account and it too is extremely famous. I am like the Midas Touch for SC2. Any account I play on turns to gold.
Let’s round that up and further add another reason for why Maplez should be banned and remind people that Brazil isn’t in NA.
Another complication I had is, everyone 12 pools now and I had no idea how to wall off on new maps. Losing every game cause my pylon didn’t have the precisely needed GPS coordinates.
The last time someone was scammed this hard was never. If you heard of Bernie Madoff’s scheme, times that by a few and that’s what the ladder has done to me.
Did you see me instantly bounce back and decide to never lose again. You know the 1 game I lost, it’s cause I was playing dumb. Some guy who has gone proxy gateway + forge for 10 years in a row. Every game. I decided to “play along.” Oh, golly gee, what’s he doing. O man, caught me by surprise… and while I’m in this stupor and just wondering what kinda neanderthals his parents are, I forgot to have my zealot attack his pylon. I literally had my units on hold position right next to the pylon he decided to throw cannons down at.
It’s kinda like when you see a bear, they say you’re supposed to play dead. This guy plays dumb every game and then the bear is like… well this ain’t no fun bruh. They catch you napping. Now you dead for real.
Listen, the above didn’t make no sense. That’s what happens when you play people this bad. They bring you down their level and you just start drooling. Thank god not everyone is that bad or it would become harder to win.
I found a screenshot on google.
You thought the nydus was fair? Bruh… This is why people need to use barcodes. These people also need to remember to not post screenshots that, basically, incriminate themselves, though.
What would you expect someone to say in response? If he’s not wrong… he’s not wrong, you know? Btw, why do you get to post links every freaking post. Special indeed…
It’s the current iteration of the nydus that he’s crying about. He’s also misspelling “syndome” and blocked his opponent three times.
Well, if the person abused swarm hosts, guilty as charged. Even if he didn’t, given there’s an instance where it clearly is broken… the benefit of the doubt goes to the dude playing the bro race. It’s hard to spell when a barcode dude has made enraging you his life goal and he’s trying to bring you down in the dumpster with him.
Good guy Hupsaiya still good guy Hupsaiya. Spitting facts left and right. Next.
Funny you should mention that.
Wow google is really good at finding videos of mad sc2 players.
yes we know
and yet you spam walls of text about sc2
That’s the most autistic correlative reasoning I’ve ever seen. 9/11 I spit out my coffee. Congratulations.
You love to see it, but you don’t always love to admit it. We all have our guilty pleasures. Need to hold a poll, and once you see the majority like it, you can become open with your love. Can have a real Alcoholics Anonymous type thing going on, but instead of people trying to overcome a problem, they gather to embrace the continuance of something amazing.
Getting drunk on Playa is only a crime when you don’t admit you love it. Don’t be guilty.
Yea I’ve always liked your posts I admit. There is some kind of tantalizing charisma about the way your messages are sequenced. It lulls one in like giant ocean currents pulling you out to sea. You know you’re getting dangerously far from the shore, but you don’t care. Even when I read stuff that I don’t agree with or want to correct I find myself so entranced and relaxed I don’t even know why I’m mad anymore.
If only that effect worked on tehbatz that boy seems to still be going through puberty anger.
Have you ever considered writing short stories @Playa?
LUL… have this bird. Seen the mirror?