That might be the nicest thing I’ve heard on here. I thank you. See guys, nothing bad will happen to you. The truth will merely get you on Playa’s good list. You don’t want to see what happens to people on the bad list. Transparent threats being sent.
If anyone should be writing anything, it sounds like you’re the homosapien for the job (I’m under the impression I’m supposed to use technical/snobby terms in the presence of a real writer).
They say kids are silly, you know? Probably some truth to every saying. If I wasn’t doing sports, I believe the consensus was that I’d either do stand up (clearly forgetting I was introverted) or that I’d become a writer for TV shows/comedies. I was thinking more along the lines of I’d just become “the Dude” off The Big Lebowski. When they say you should bet on yourself, probably not what they mean. I would have won that one, though.
In high school, I ended up making some geocitie website just to amuse a friend. I guess you could call them short stories. I probably made around 10 “short stories” or different skits. Utilized my lack of paint skills to comedic effect and added some music and then retired from doing that, and never tried again. I’d like to say I went out on top, but I can’t say it really felt like it. Maybe the first to go out on the bottom. I think people liked it, but that’s what friends are for. Faking it. You truly can’t trust a friend. Paradox of sorts, really.
Other writings would be things that weren’t supposed to be short stories but became short stories because I’m lazy and “life sucks.” Let’s call it how it is for most of us. It sucks, alright.
So, I started out on this zombie movie concept/script. Like these two friends became a zombie, and it was from the “zombies perspective,” but they were just normal dudes, with just minor quirks, due to the being a zombie. Tried to put a different spin on things and give a more fresh perspective and change the zombie game for good. But, like I said… I’m lazy.
You know, it’s really hard to set out and write anything with the intent of being humorous, if it’s going to take months to complete. One of my favorite quotes, that really describes why it’s hard:
“I’m tired of all of this bs, tellin’ me to be positive
How am I ‘posed to be positive when I don’t see s positive?
You know what I’m sayin’?
I rap about s… around me, s… I see
You know what I’m sayin’?
Right now, I’m tired of everything
Tired of all this player-hatin’ that’s goin’ on in my own city.” - Eminem. Song: If I had…
Stuff happens and your mood changes, yet… it’s not in line with what you’re “supposed to be writing.” It just makes it hard to be in the mood to complete anything. Thus, just give up and don’t.
I also started out on a book that was Ender’s Game themed, that described a future where the government in the US would end up with an Ender’s Game type system/program, where a group of certain people would lead the country, based on more objective means than winning a popularity contest or rigging one…
Basically, in the story, a hacker was able to gather information that made it clear that a previous regime was behind a huge conspiracy that was detrimental to everyone, and this led to a civil war and not just the realization of the need for change but the ousting of the current system and people in it. Also added lie detector tests and what not to help ensure that those in charge were honest and had good intentions.
Anyways, again… lazy… Thus only thing I’ve ever completed was the SC book thingy, and only cause that was really short. Intentionally so, from the start.
Again, I thank you. And I hope that YOU consider writing anything that might fancy you or just fancy others. Could be selfless like that.