Tips on Dead of Night as Artanis

I don’t have Robotics Warp yet so I couldn’t put Reavers on those unreachable platforms so I’m stuck with putting these weak photon cannons on the ground, I’m kinda struggling with these jumping stuff and turns out I was on Hard instead of Normal and I kinda got ashamed since I was just simply carried by my Stukov ally.

Should I mass Zealots here next time I get this map? Their bladestorm seems really good against mass infested but then again they’re kinda weak against Amon proper like the normal Terran/Protoss/Zerg armored units and as well as the giant Baneling and Abberations

High Archons are surprisingly good against the infested. Their attack has some AOE and a bonus against bio units, combine that with their natural tankiness and well-timed storms and they can hold pretty well. Just keep a really good eye on your energy use. Spells aren’t the best possible answer to infested, but they’re usually a good answer.
As always, keep them behind zelots (since they cost like nothing)

Reavers can work, but are very expensive, and the charges won’t accumulate fast enough unless you’re using P1 - they’ll get swarmed rather easily.

So sounds like your best option is probably a combination of Dragoons and Immortals. Those are more durable as the bulk to deal with infested and aberrations (regen shield and barrier). Only decorate a few Reavers (since you do have them, just not robotics warp) to help deal with the infested terrans that come in mass.

You’ll still likely run an excess of minerals, so this is where you dump them into your cannons instead of zealots. Whirlots are great against general low-bulk enemy but not really against mass endless infested. Over time, you’ll end up losing a lot of minerals with little retention of army.

If you managed this correctly, you’ll be able to at least hold the nights (up to N3), assuming your ally did absolutely nothing. You do need to move out during the day still, just give yourself time to come back (since Sinatra’s army is slow).

Hmm, Vols has a good point too on Archons. I would caution with that cuz they are expensive and short ranged, vulnerable to several of the special infested (as you’ll likely want to hold position and also need to manage psi storm). You could give it a try too, although I suspect it’s going to be harder. That said, each night has a very clear incoming waves of infested. So if you timed those psi storms correctly and well, that would lessen the need for a core army DPS.

Wait… can reavers shoot down cliffs?

Not in the sense that you’re referring to probably. The scarab shot will move as if it’s a unit. So having a Reaver up on a ramp, the scarab shot won’t just jump off that cliff from the enemy side (like a reaper) but will see and target from afar and move more like a marine… if all that make sense.

Is it still the same as starcraft 1 where they go down the ramp? I thought that is how it worked, and if you put them up on a cliff with no ramp they cant do anything.

Yes, as far as I know but I don’t bother putting them up there. It’s too vulnerable. Better just behind some units.

Actually the Reaver shot acts largely like a projectile, it’ll try to path around objects but if the path is blocked it can and will ignore terrain:

Like so, the SC2 Reaver is perfectly capable of firing both up and down cliffs with no pathable terrain.

That said, I agree with Fearr, there’s certainly use for Reavers on the map but there’s not a ton of reason to put them up in areas like the one I used for an example. It’s just wasted resources and supply in the day.

Seems I have lvl 3 right now, useful coincidence


Huh, interesting, I didn’t figure it was like that. Wonderful that it is though.

Use shield overcharge as soon as it’s available. That way you get more of them thru ought the mission and can absorb more damage.

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Ever heard of psi storm?

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Mass immortal is the best def on don and this is not even a joke.


Immortals are hitscan and twoshot infested civvies. They put in serious work.

Arty’s cannons are still good. Populate all the high ground areas with cannons. Get plus 3 shields for them. They are a really good mineral dump for him and last longer with shield overcharge.

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I always spam gateway units, usually get a good number of dragoons. However, there are times when unit composition calls for more splash damage. In this case, I make zealots and archons. Storm is so good, and it heals your units too.

If I’m on the left (the side beloved by the Hunterlings you mentions), I always make 1~3 canons expecting one to pop on the first night there.
Canons are good for them due to their habit to stun units by jumping on them (cause units to be less effective in many cases).
Ally (hopefully) and orbital weapons will be there even if first units are a bit late due to that.

For the rest of the map, there are the other posts.

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Just mix dragoon, immortal, and reavers (probably around 6~8 reavers). I only build 1 or 2 cannons around the nexus in case there is hunterling jumped into your nexus. Defending shouldn’t be hard when you can just park your main forces at the entrance in the mid-game.

And you shouldn’t mass zealots because some infested can explode which is really deadly against zealots. Few zealots for the spin are OK if you really wanted but for me, I just build enough of them to clear the unguarded infested colonies after my main forces cleared the enemy forces there and move to other infested colony zones.

Yeah, and up! I posted a clip of that in action…

Dead of Night is my worst Artanis map.

I usually go Immortal, Reavers, Dragoons, mineral dump zealots in the daytime. If I have to I make gateway with range behind gateways and some immortals to take the heat.

Archons suck at killing buildings.

I can ~60 of the work but DoN is my only brutal Artanis map I can’t solo / hard carry.

Miner evac is different because you can go Immortal / Reaver / Phoenix / mineral dump spinlots. Phoenix in mass are actually really good against infested banshee and infantry. Immortals for the abberations.

Probably with Artanis is his army DPS sucks. Takes too long to kill the buildings.

I love Artanis he’s my most played commander. He’s got pretty good flexibility/ counters to different comps. But again buildings are the issue. Yes Reavers have 150 dps against structures but your waiting on scarabs if you are constantly fighting.

Mass Immortals with minor Dragoon support is best for DoN. I only build Reavers to guard entrances, they move too slow to keep up with the army.

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