Tips on Dead of Night as Artanis

You can actually do Tempests on DoN quite effectively. I’d say I’ve rarely seen anyone do it, and most aren’t terribly adept with it.

So depending on your ally, you should also make some cannons to help hold off N1&2. It generally doesn’t get to N3.

So how tempests? Their disintegration can actually be a cast and leave it (similar to HH’s strike platforms). So it does mean you can’t fiddle your thumbs and a-move (or it’ll end up being pointless as they attack what’s burning). P3 works best as always mostly because you can fanatic strongholds or waves at night, should your ally fail miserably.

There are no volatile infested on Dead of Night.

Archons deal more basic damage than immortals. The infested structure are neither biological or armored.

Yup, pretty crazy isn’t it. Buildings are light with 1 armour and Artanis has no anti-light-building. Immortals are great, but they’re not there for the buildings. For overall cost-effectiveness zealots and dragoons are better for buildings, but why not use any extra gas for archons.

Is it? My bad then.

Then it was from Miner Evacuation?

thanks for the replies everyone!

there’s a giant baneling in DON that’s extremely tanky

Perhaps remove the sex reference?

Yes, they’re there. Lots of them.

There are actually. I dont’ remember what spawns them. I think it’s the virophage? point is volatiles do exist on DoN

Mass WW zealot clears the map on day 3 on brutal. I wasn’t able to get as fast of a result with other unit combinations.

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Wrong. I definitely met some the last time I played.
But it may be that they can not be parts of the main infested waves, and only can be pre-placed on the map (and maybe spawned by the Virophage too?)

According to you don’t get volatile infested as noise till night 3. Perhaps that’s why some don’t see them, they clear too quickly.

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Not that having them changes how one should approach DoN as arty.

Wrong statement

----Unlike ME they are not spawned regularly. Would be a nice pace of change if they are spawned from infested structures.----

Nevermind, Volatiles do spawn from structures but not a lot (I’d say, as rarely as Stukov).
Strangely, when I take control of a hut I cannot manually create Volatile (That hardly matters anyways), they are automatically controlled.

Volatile infesteds are spawned when you hit infested buildings during the night.

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Things you only know if you push fast on DoN lol.

If you are willing to be babysitting them all the time, Zealot Templar is good here, as long as you let the infested clump up before engaging. Stay back until you see them form a blob, then charge-in with Storm on top, and retreat back when everything is dead. Otherwise, Zealots will spread all over the place and die.
Or just cast Storm and retreat.

It’s also good to add Immortals, Dragoons or Cannons to fall back to between each charge into infested.

If you want less babysitting, mass Immortal is the best way to go as already mentioned, because they don’t waste their attacks on targets that are already dead. Unlike Dragoons, and especially Reavers.

You can add Reavers, though, but not many. IMO 4 is a good number because they will one-shot most infested buildings (except the largest ones).

I strongly discourage going Archons because for that 300 gas you can have 3 Immortals, which will be able to do much more and have lower chances of dying.

I will only add to disable Whirlwind autocast when clearing buildings because Zealots will waste time spinning when Broodlings spawn instead of actually killing stuff. Then reenable it for the night.

Nothing one Storm on top can’t fix. :stuck_out_tongue:
Although it’s good to bait them out with ranged units first, instead of charging with Zealots.

It’s important to note that his Immortals are his only hit-scan ranged unit (well, Archons are sort of hit-scan, but they’re not very long ranged), so they’re also his strongest unit en masse. This is especially important when dealing with masses of small units; too many Dragoons or Reavers and they miss shots, too many Zealots or Archons and they just can’t attack.

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I have put a reply here on this specific topic, as in tips for artanis on dead of night, the rest of the thread may be useful as well.

To add to my reply, a few cannons can help hold the early nights specially if they are in tandem with your allies defenses. Keep in mind though any amount spent on cannons is potentially less on army which is ultimately what you need for finishing this map, and it will hurt you as artanis to not spend it on army instead.

While I list zealot goon archon as the ideal scenario, for reasons that archons can easily clear waves and the dps is more optimal for destroying the buildings, this composition is at least sub par for defending if you dont make good use of storms or zealot aoe. Zealots warped in waves can help to clear masses of infested while you are defending but you will ultimately lose these and dragoons are very prone to dying as well. Immortals will surely help you to have a more effective defensive army on this map if it comes down to that being required.

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Oh, indeed. I forgot about the Virophage spawning them.

Hmm, not once I’ve seen people destroying buildings at night (even myself), but I don’t recall encountering volatile, apart from the Virophage’s nest…

They do spawn but they are (very) rare and come at like Night 3 (or maybe as early as 2). I hardly see one because I mow down map before that point and just waiting for the bonus.
For some reason, they Volatile are not included with angry infested swarm when you attack their structure (Volatile spawn have separate queues with average infested spawning queue).