TIL: The Starcraft universe has a planet colonized by Mormons

The Golden Armada is not Mengsk, and Kerrigan was operating with a fraction of the total Swarm at the time. She has every reason to believe that if the protoss could corner her at that point, they would annihilate her without hesitation.


Is that canon, that being only a fraction of the total swarm? I guess it depends on what missions you do first. Also, this is a question, how much time would it take for the Protoss to muster and actually send a significant force there? Like, when it comes to warp traveling and all that.

The only set of missions you can do before Kaldir is Char, and Zagara doesn’t improve Kerrigan’s chances by all that much.

You have to piece it together, but Zagara’s brood is just under half of the existing swarm’s strength, with the other half being spread out among the brood mothers who only really start coming back to you after you complete the first 3 planets. Youre also missing most of the advanced strains at that point.

If you do Char first, you can also grab Zerus, but while that increases Kerrigan’s personal power, it doesn’t do a lot to increase the strength of the Swarm.

As far as warp speed goes, its ambiguous, but Legacy of the Void implies that it would be less than the time it took for the assault on Amon’s hybrid body (ie fast)

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My girlfriend would be personally offended for downplaying Dehaka’s role in the strength of the Swarm.

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Dehaka is great, but him and his pack do nothing for the Swarm until Korhol.

Swarm Hosts are a result of Zerus trip.

Back to the previous point. Not the original one… the previous one.

Dark writing isn’t edgy. Logan is darkest X-Men movie, yet it ends on the point of hope for the future, it ends with Wolverine finally acknowledging love for someone.

And no, having a hots for Famke Janssen doesn’t count. That’s biology

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The way Gradius talks, he certainly seems to be looking for edge, not just darkness. Maybe he’s just really bad at communicating his point, but if so, he’s been really bad at it for years now.


I speak for myself, not for Gradius. He has his own keyboard. And it is once again no secret, that we have different tastes and agree on stuff as often as we disagree.

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Wings gets pretty dark in places. But I have to wonder what, exactly, youre comparing it to? Heck, the victory speech of the evil ruthless dictator after Rebel Yell is probably one of the more hopeful and inspiring pieces in the setting.


You are forgetting my debate with Phlynch goes further in past. He called Ancient Greek literature (directly) and W. Shakespeare (by proxy) edgy.

Eh, I can kind of agree with him, on the greek part at least. They were very much not subtle.

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I’m gravitating more towards dark personally. But I have a twisted mind so no wonder.

Or maybe, just maybe.

Life was a lot crappier back then and blaming stuff on unseen entities known as gods was a coping mechanism.

All I’m saying is, eating your own kids ebcause you’re afraid of them taking over one day is not edgy.

People tend to overestimate how bad life was. The old people still found time to complain about the new generation, the new generation still found time to carve vulgar things into bathroom walls. The Dung Ages are mostly a myth.

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That is a testament to their culture and the people to whom we owe lot of what we have now.

Not a testament to an easy life (I know you didn’t say easy).

Who’s edgy now.

The point is, life went on. Even the often quoted life expectancies used to demonstrate how crappy it was tend to be terribly misleading, since they include infant mortality. The ancient greeks had sports, plays, alcohol… culture, basically. Yeah, life sucked if somebody specifically set out with the goal of making it suck for you, in particular, but that’s still the case today.

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You are absolutely ignoring my Patrick Stewart speech and it would irk me if one of our cats wasn’t unbearably cute right now.