Throwers in ranked

Yeah, absolutely. I learned it the hard way about one year ago : in these forums, if you want to denounce some kind of bad behavior, you’d better make absolutely sure your posts are 100% chart compliant, otherwise you’ll get reported by the very ones you were supposed to report.

You’ll have to understand that about one user over five is a smurf, and that the more their doings are talked about, the higher the chances for the devs to take action. And so if they see the smallest infraction to the chart, they’re likely to use it to shut the thread down. The same applies to hackers : even if themselves disrespect the code of conduct, they can still get careless users’ complaints to be shut down using that very same code. Interesting behavior, isn’t it ? :smiley:

So if you want to use screens as examples, you have to blur any parts of them that could lead some angry readers to target the described individual :

There are plenty of examples on the thread I gave you, you should take a look at it, some parts are worth the read to every player.

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