Is there something that can be implemented, to stop players from smurfing
for example. You can check their match history and a common behavior is seeing lots of losses with a gametime of less than a few seconds. The obvious intent to tank mmr quickly then try again(using their actual ability) vs a lesser opponent. Isn’t there something they can do to set red flags on suspicious accounts?
It’s either that or do what Beasty and Winter do, which is make new accounts to bully on bronzes.
winter is still doing that? is it still under the pretense of “learning/education” or " bronze to GM" BS video
That’s exactly what he does. Even saw Vibe doing one last week.
thats so annoying, it happens in overwatch as well. Some GM streamer make these videos vs an obviously outmatched opponent or team, like the better mechanics and experience isn’t the obvious factor; and their fans just circle jerk.
It’s terrible what they do. Killing the very game that they claim to love so much, all in the name of making a few more pennies on twitch.
It’s really sad, but smurf culture is going down with this game
There are two things you can do :
- Try to convince the devs that this is an increasingly troublesome issue. I’ve created a topic to gather feedback and ideas about it, share your thoughts on it if the subject matters to you. The more visible it gets the better.
- Learn to recognize them, and adapt your play accordingly. Even at 200 APM vs 100, as long as you don’t mess-up, a counterbuild is a counterbuild. There are a few tips on the quoted thread about that. If people are interested enough, I might share my algorithm to recognize them since the very first seconds of a game.
Devs/Corpo knew smurfin would be an issue…
But still they willed it…
They indeed willed it.
What say you now???
Lmao that is complete nonsense. Matchmaker puts you up against gold league when you first do your placement matches. By the time people like beasty get out of their placements they’re in mid diamond and 5 games later they get to master league. A few content creators dunking on a small handful of people a few times a year is actually not going to have any noticeable impact on the player base.
What MIGHT impact it is cheese or the people who tank MMR solely so they can dunk on noobs because they’re too insecure to play at their own level.
Hey champ it’s not nonsense at all. He is playing at least 5 placement matches each time he does it. And those people are being severely bullied.
It’s already going around that NA ladder is ded. People are going to EU to avoid playing the same person 5-10 times in a row.
The problem is not the frequency of the “Bronze to Masters” series. Indeed, they aren’t that many. The issue is the example, the image they give. Because :
— They use players who would have no chances mechanically against them to prove points (which in fact invalidates a part of the demonstration).
— Their example then suggest that smurfing is something to be encouraged.
And so then you see nonsensical things, such as nobodies doing streams of bronze to diamond or bronze to platinum series ; people smurfing in groups ; people speed-smurfing ; people dropping their regular play for smurfing only. They start thinking that instead of seeking challenge at their level, they should start doing completely silly things two, three, sometimes four leagues under theirs.
It’s not those streamers as individuals that are problematic, but the example they provide to the others players.
I knew that making SC2 free to play was a disaster and current situation is the proof of that. With the ability to create countless free accounts people can spam idiotic “bronze to masters” series with no consequences.
It’s an honour to get smurfed by beastyqt… he climbs the ranks very rapidly so you might only play him once.
They spend much more than 5 games in diamond. Its more like 20+.
Smurfing is the most ridiculous thing to do but its so rampant that the only thing you can do about it is smurf yourself. Contribute to the death of this game by taking a slice out of the player base yourself just so you can clown on them. The amount of players I have faced with 350+ apm in diamond is absurd. And if youre gonna tell me your in diamond with 350 apm and you’re not spamming inputs like a crackhead then you truly have no idea how to play starcraft.
That is clearly one of the main downsides to F2P. That being said, F2P also brings in quite an amount of completely new players, and so in terms of games played/day the game currently fares better than at the last addon’s launch due to that.
The issue is that the combination of separates MMR and F2P made it increasingly easy to smurf, and that, the game being frustrating at times, more and more players unable to cope with that joined the smurfs boat. And so we’ve got ≥ 20% of smurfs in the metal leagues, with peaks at 49% in some league tiers.
So the passive attitude of the devs, wich was legit when the phenomenon was below 5 to 1%, could be the downfall of the game. Just don’t let toxic users do as they will with their accounts if you turn those into freely spammable ones. LoL devs realized that earlier, since their model was F2P from the start, but SC2 ones are yet to implement something about it.
Provided you didn’t rage over smurfing, and provided he didn’t humiliate and troll you publicly on Twitch/Youtube.
I like BeastyQT, he has truly original and entertaining styles of play. But man, when I see that diamond (even platinum) border of those opponents at the end of the game, it leaves something of a durable foul taste.
He has skill though. Dunno why he doesn’t do all those challenges at GM only, it would be even more spectacular, without the bitter reality check at the end.
Doesn’t matter down. Gaem ded. Looks like they took it down for christmas.
Try logging-in on EU, it works fine currently (14H:20 GMT).
Or (if you like the game), you can learn to recognize them, and deny them the pleasure of a regular game. Superior mechanics can’t always compensate for bad scouting or decision making :
As a platinum/diamond player i don’t mind getting smurfed by some master/gm guy. I will take that as an advantage and learn from them, but think of all those poor bronze-silver-gold players getting smurfed over and over. All that frustration will eventually make them lose interest in this game and leave it.
Sc2 kinda adopted you only get better by playing better opponents from brood war, which is a true statement, the big issue is that its a behavior(smurfing) that will push away new players. Look at brood war for example, during the launch of remaster a sizeable player showed up; but pre-launch you saw lots of posts about how to make the game approachable for new players. But that got shot down quick from devs and the old playerbase. Now the result is only the korean region is alive and any other servers the player pool is so low that its always a missmatch or its a smurf playing, since you can make like 6-7 accounts from one bnet I believe. One of my favorite things about starcraft 2 especially during its peak, is the accurate match making and normal climb through ladder. Which does still exist today but its getting skewed slowly but surely.