This screenshot tells the whole story

This screenshot tells the whole story … of how idiotically ZvZ is designed:

Blue had complete control of the map and mined out every base save for the little corner red is in. Red won through efficiency in an hour long game.

Starcraft 2 should be renamed TurtleCraft 2 or EfficiencyCraft 2. The goal of the game isn’t to expand and control territories and fight the opponent and gain resources, it’s to be as efficient as possible which means turtling as hard as possible and this leads to long, boring games.

I wouldn’t wish this nonsense on my worst enemy. It’s the only way to win against mutalisks since the repeated infestor nerfs. Please do your job, design team. Please give Zerg viable anti-air tools. They need it in all matchups. The infestor was the glue that kept zerg from falling apart and you deleted it from the game.


Little red corner? That’s not what it looks like.

Blue had half the map.
Red had half the map.
Red lost his main up to his third through who knows what. But by that time they were probably mined out already.

Blue kept throwing units again and again for ages until he had nothing left to spend to throw units.

So of course Red won?


Lurkers. (20 characters)

You need to use more nydus worms.

PLEASE tell me you think the Infestor is worse than the Raven. Please do it.


I do, and so did he, and so have other zergs. It’s a free 100 gas donating to the opponent. It’s not like a BC that can teleport anywhere at any time and can’t be denied. You know where it’s going to go before it even starts and you kill it 3 seconds into it building and it can’t be cancelled.

Blue had 9 bases.
Red only ever had 1 mining but ultimately mined 7.

The design of the game is so screwed up that you can be in complete control of the game and the opponent can still slow turtle from 1 mining base and win. Zerg has such an extreme inability to end games, even when massively ahead, that it even happens in ZvZ.

Lings and spine crawlers VS hydras and lurkers


Of course the lings and spines should be victorious [for the simple fact that it had and lost more supply].

No actually it was mass mutas into ultralisk viper. Followed by a thousand spores and spines with a cloud of brood viper overtop putting pressure on the red’s final base. Red won. Blue had probably 50 spores and spines and was maxed on brood viper. Red was making queen viper lurker because the queens were the only thing he could afford. Lurkers could push into that spine forest while the broods couldn’t push into the queens without being abducted. Vipers abducting vipers favored the red thanks to transfuses. Lurkers are much more micro-able than broods. Blue burnt through the whole map and red survived with 1 base not completely mined and it was enough to make that massive army you see in the screenshot.

SC2 is all about turtling and taking efficient trades. If you turtle, you will never lose. SC2 kills the first person to attack and that is VERY bad game design.

Have you ever even heard of TVP? Terran would have a 0% win rate if that were true.

Meanwhile Maru smashes late game protoss with mass bcs while he hides behind a bazillion tanks and planetary fortresses. SC2 needs a redesign with less emphasis on turtling.

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Avilo would be the ultimate Bonjwa if turtling was efficient.


Nah the efficiency of turtling is the only reason he isn’t gold league.

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You forgot to hide the clock.

Maybe that’s because the clock is the point of this thread.

The image you wanted us to see had no muta/ultralisk/viper, but ling, spines, hydras, and lurkers.

Post the replay next time – for science.


If you want mirror matchups to be fun, try WarCarft 3 again, man orc vs orc is so much fun to play and watch, at least for me.

In SC2 I like tvt, and sometimes pvp to watch and play, but not every game. Zvz is by far the most boring and most predictable match up.

between the insane mechanical requirements, and the length of time the games can go on, ZvZ seems brutal

No wonder, a few days ago reynor was talking about off racing as Terran against zerg opponents

Blue mined 106,150 resources. Red mined 72,509. That’s a difference of 33,641 or 46% more resources for Blue. Blue lost. At the final base, Blue had about 100 spores/spines AND a maxed cloud of brood viper camping THE HIGHGROUND overtop of the base. This screenshot is after it had been cleared out slowly by a lurker push. Zerg has a tremendously terrible ability to end games even when massively ahead.

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With lurkers, zvz becomes TvT, you can’t do anything with lurkers on the map so everything is about moving all the time trying to avoid the lurkers and reaching a safe ground.