This screenshot tells the whole story

Looks like Blue doesn’t know how to play zvz and just kept throwing waves of units at red. Blue should have just gone lurker as well barricade red it and use vipers to pick away at him. That’s how you win. You use abduct and blinding clouds

I’ve never seen a race become so destroyed as Zerg is over the last few

It’s pure revenge balancing and pandering

Terran players aren’t stuck on tanks for an hour though. They get access to game ending BC raven Viking comps

Unlike what you see in batz example the Terran player who mines more, holds more ground, and transitions out of siege based comps into offensive sky Terran first wins.

after attempting to bait with TvZ posts, batz has moved on to complaining about a ZvZ matchup.

Terrans have the ability to end the game in TvT although it can go longer. Doom drops, base trades, or even just choking their opponent out with tanks or liberator harass doing economic damage.

ZvZ is very different. 99% of zerg’s fighting units are ground units and lurkers shred those to an extreme. Zerg doesn’t have an ability to bypass terrain. Don’t point out the nydus, because it doesn’t work. It’s way to easy too shut down. This means a Zerg can camp a ton of lurkers at a couple choke points and he is basically unbreakable using all units except air units which aren’t affected by lurkers. That’s where the viper comes in. Zerg can make corruptors (worthless) mutas (shredded by parasitic bomb) and broods (abducted).

Zerg is a ground-based race (which is its biggest strategic weakness) and that’s a problem when lurkers make it impossible to attack with ground units.

A similar problem exists in TvZ. Terran has insanely powerful ground-control units, and all of zerg’s fighting units (worth making) are ground based. It makes it pretty much impossible to end a game vs a terran in a timely fashion.

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zerg is ground based army which is why they have the best AA(corruptors) compared to vikings and phoenix

KEKW this dude