This screenshot perfectly describes everything wrong with OPtoss

148 (P) vs 285 (Z) apm over a 24 minute game is 3,552 actions for the Protoss and 6,840 actions for the Zerg. The zerg has to do 1.92x more actions than the Protoss which, over the course of game, totals 3,288 more actions than the Protoss. Note that this isn’t even the most severe example, because games can go longer than 24 minutes and Protoss can (and do) have APMs lower than 148. I think the lowest I’ve ever seen in GM is 110.

This is just absolutely nuts how hard a Zerg has to work to win a game against a Protoss. And this isn’t an isolated incident, either. According to Sc2replaystats, the following statistics are for GM:

Zerg requires 22% more APM, 6% more screen movements, 3% better spending. Despite this, Protoss dominate GM & have higher win-rates across the ladder. Protoss is absolutely busted beyond comprehension.


:joy: Apm never be a measure of skill King Cobra prove it


Batz your main us unbanned pls no need to use your alt

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LUL apm have correlated with skill. Of 0.65. Sorry small bird. Apm is skill…


What on Earth are you talking about?

It’s 0.65 between win-rate and APM. So yes the vast majority of skill in SC2 is how fast you can play.


:joy: Watch King Cobra man can win witch 120 apm against 400

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Just touch ice. In refrigerator… LUL whole planet is cold…

I thought I remembered you.

Your most upvoted comment is leeching from my reputation. So I will gladly count those upvotes for myself.

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Nope i like fire spicy

This is something only Batz would say so yea use main it’s unbanned

Because he plays noobtoss. Autohealing battery, autocharge, every Air unit except Oracle can hit air/ground (yeah Phoenix can lift 90%of SCU units), storm melts everything, Ruptor one shot 70% of ground units, cheesing with toss is absolute nobrainer ez, Protoss all in is not really all in. Yeah - need more reasons why noob as queenkobra is good? With no other race can you play greedy and be safe, and do dmg on other side and/or skip tech path.


Another low effort whine post that has every snippet of information debunked already. Try again, but with more effort next time


Do i need you explain what emp can dont witch half army trick stuff? L2p

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This thread smells like T whine ‘’ I won but not hard enough, X race is OP’’

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Indeed we need steamroll harder

Doesn’t this literally prove MaskedWords’ point lmao?


More manure from BatZ. Just remember that the place of manure is in the compost-field. BatZManure should simply be flagged as spamming.
No sane person would argue with a deluded clown, it’s a waste of time and keyboard.

Only proves that P needs less APM, does not prove that APM means ultimate skill and something you only need to win, because if that was true a player with more APM would never lose against someone with low APM. Things like micro or decision making, which are really important do not improve a lot the average APM numbers.


The BatZ fetishism for APM and some “metrics” reflects his primitive american mind when the priority is always “you have to do something” (for the sake of doing something).
The issue that “doing something - APM inflation” could not improve your tactical/strategic position never crosses his primitive mind.
It is the typical case (you mentioned it yourself) when a moron “microes” rabidly his units needlessly and loses 50% of the DPS in the process…
Never in the neanderthal brains of those clowns downs the idea that decision-making in most cases trumps the APM.
Sure a handicapped person with 25PM won’t play in Dia/Master/GM, but there are 100-150 APM geniuses that reliably compete up to Top 50 GM and take part in DreamHack…