OP can afford fancy keyboard and set better key repeat settings so he thinks he’s so superior.
Cobra point simple truth sc not arcade game no matter how fast you press button if your army economy position and other stuff bad you lose most fight
Yep. The correlation between win-rate and APM is 0.65. It’s simply a fact that APM is the lion’s share of skill. People point out a Protoss who can get GM with 110 APM. Protoss is obviously the outlier since for the same league they have lower performance metrics in general (not just apm). In other words APM would probably correlate with skill at a rate of 0.9-0.95 if Protoss required as much skill to play as Terran/Zerg. Because Protoss is easier, requires less APM to play, there is a weakened correlation between APM and win-rate, which proves my point that Protoss is so absolutely busted an ape could bang a keyboard on the wall and win a Code S with Protoss.
These screenshots should enrage anyone who cares about the health of SC2:
Zerg is ahead by a full set of upgrades, micros like a madman all game long with 39% more effort and is rewarded with HALF the efficiency of a Protoss who amoves. Furthermore the zerg has good spending vs a Protoss with bronze-level spending skill.
Protoss wins because he can a-click his army, despite being 800 mmr lower than me on the ladder. The state of protoss is plain disgusting.
EDIT: I just played a Zerg of the same mmr and completely crushed him. It was as easy as eating pie. Protoss is busted beyond comprehension.
Aren’t all of them protosses with the occasional terran thrown in, or cheesers though?
Also the argument of “good micro doesn’t affect apm in a significant way” is only really true if said micro is relatively easy to do.
Good strategy on the other hand really would have no large effect on apm. The thing is though, sc2, for the better or the worse, is a game that is much more about execution/speed than strategy, so having a race, that on average requires much less speed to play at a similar skill level really can be a problem.
And I’m pretty sure the apm differences between protoss zerg and terran can’t simply be explained solely by the fact that they have to produce a different amount of units.
Uh sorry to tell you buddy but exploiting the APM limits of your opponents is 95% of the strategy in SC2. It’s one of the biggest things that makes Protoss so busted. The APM requirements are so low that it’s hard to exploit a Protoss’ APM limit. It’s very easy to bust through a Zerg or Terran’s APM limit but you can throw 300 apm at a Protoss and he will relax with 160 apm and be just fine.
That’s what this entire thread is about. Throwing 300 apm at a 160 apm opponent will just bury him in so many problems so quickly he can’t keep up and loses in like 5 minutes. A protoss on the other hand can have 160 APM and still play a long macro game and even win vs a 300 apm zerg or terran. It’s crazy.
Protoss is the joke of SC2.