The protoss are disapearing on the ladder, 1v1

maybe its just my luck or something but last week i decided to play a little bit of 1v1 and did about 10 games or so. Out of those games I had 3 zerg opponents and the rest were all terran. Not a single toss game. which was very dissapointing cause i was trying out a new build to see how well it worked on 1v1 and didnt even get a chance at trying it on toss. Anyone out there by anychance know the actual player base statistics and were to find them. Ive found like mmr and league stuff but never any actually numbers to tell how many of each race are played.

Yup, that’s bourne’s point. There’s only terran in bronze and silver, the protoss are living large in GM.

im in plat in 1v1 tho, surely you’d think in ten or so games i would of got one toss.

Yeah, that’s bournes point, Terrans are more active and achieve less whereas toss are boycotting ladder until they buff Protoss so that outliers of outliers lose a bo7.


Try nonapa .com

You can get Race statistics there and it tells you that the toss representation is fine

wait toss got nerfed? i just got back after 2 years of not playing

It’s called the standard mean error. You can’t make these measurements from a small sample because there is enough variability to give you any possible outcome. It’s like flipping a coin once and then being all “omg is tails even real bro?”.

Toss is extremely overpowered because the balance team refuses to accept that serral is just better than everyone else, so they are on mission impossible to prevent serral from winning the next premier tournament and as a result they’ve practically deleted zerg from the ladder. For example they recently nerfed baneling HP and Serral absolutely destroyed Maru with mass baneling despite the nerf. These people can’t beat serral because of skill issues and they just can’t accept that so now all the zergs on planet earth get to suffer 20% winrates vs equally skilled protoss.

More or less yes.

If you want free mmr Just Go Play terran and abuse the new cyclone. A d2 hardstuck Player can easily Peak 5.2k with 1 base 2 factory cyclone with scv pull.

For reference:
sc2pulse. nephest. com/sc2/?type=character&id=3847396&m=1#player-stats-mmr

Delusional protoss players like this are referred to as the “platinum protoss patrol” because they militantly patrol bnet and reddit to whine about balance; the time they spend on the forums could easily solve their in game issues especially considering how favored protoss is in the current game version. Their posting style is caricatured by the complete inability to comprehend both basic game concepts as well as simple mathematical principles needed to interpret game statistics.

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Batzy i am your BIGGEST Fan. I provided the Streamlink to anyone because Not everyone is realizing you are slammer.

Dont do me Like that.

Yeah, that’s bourne’s point. We shouldn’t have to rely on these websites with their stats especially since the API isn’t always up to date. It would be far easier if you could see your MMR per matchup.

When baffled by a valid point, the PPP are known for their deflection tactics which sound awkwardly similar to autistic screeching.

Batzy please Stop. Im crying :sob:

The guilt tripping tactics are a specialty of the platinum protoss patrol. With these tactics, they single highhandedly managed to delete an entire unit from the game (infested terran) despite protoss having higher win-rates vs zerg in the late game. Given enough time, they will delete a whole race from the game.

" There’s a protoss here who needs mouth-to-mou - ooh… well… mouth to… something."
Clicking maniacs will know that ^

Unfortunately, this heretic plays APEtoss, and must be burned at the stake. :fire: :fire: :fire:

Since when are you terran fan ? I thought you were zerg apologist who defended his own race by spamming stats, maths, theories, equasions, inequalities just to prove how desperately zerg needs buff at pro level.

I’m sorry but if toss at say 4.5 k mmr is losing to D2 with ANY strat, then probably he shouldn’t be 4.5k.

Btw what kind of strategy is this ? Does it even work ? I play only 3 rax at my scrub d2 level.

No its the same with proxy voids when proxy voids were completly broken 2020-2021(?) or nydus ling/nydus swarm host in 2019 when nydus were completly broken. This stuff should get fixed.

And btw i did not lose to him lol. And hes now 5.1k but was hardstuck d3/d2 for multiple years. Even harstem made a vid about it where harstem himself lost to him (tho harstem played zerg). akrij gets interviewed and laughs about how easy this build is and he is beating very good people with just 69 apm…which is noice:

www. youtube. com/watch?v=QXlmBFYkZYs

In the post you mention i have given you every information you need and a reference for a player that did that (hes even mentioned on reddit).

Does it even work? Hell yeah. Look at that spike in his mmr and tell me if it works :smiley:

There is a very easy 3 rax 2 base worker pull all in that can easily kill 5.5k protosses even if you are 4.5k terran… :smiley:

Batzy…in the corresponding reddit thread:

reddit. com/r/starcraft/comments/1acj6dl/akrij_gained_more_than_2000_mmr_in_2_months/

ghosthydra posted this nephest link and claimed this was akrij:
sc2pulse. nephest. com/sc2/?type=character&id=341102633&m=1#player-stats-mmr

And the account is namend Adventurer. Batzy. Be honest. Is that you? Are you actually exploiting this build too?

Nope, but the zerg in game 1 was using a very similar build to one that I streamed a ton a few months ago. His build isn’t as well tuned. Pool first is better because it creates an ambigous scenario, you want zergling speed, and you want enough ravagers to one-shot depots and bunkers, after which you pull off of gas and make nothing but zerglings. You never reveal the lings until he is out of position, which usually happens after you do a bile and take some damage on the ravagers. He will chase to try to get a clean-up or something to that effect. In that game from harstem, the lings would reveal after he pulls the scvs and it’s a free win (with a surround, he can’t dodge the biles). A new variant that is an option on the new patch is to skip zergling speed in favor of burrow, and to make roaches off 1 gas while expanding. It’s a light pressure build meant to delay their natural. The roach burrow healing makes it viable.

I don’t get the hype around cyclones; they really aren’t good units. Plain speedlings with a surround absolutely eviscerates them. Burrow is great, too.

I stopped using the proxy ravager build because it was a little too good, and so I felt it didn’t have a lot of entertainment value. I beat practicex once with it, and he’s generally 5500 mmr. It felt like it could go even higher with some fine-tuning. It was just a build that I was YOLOing for the memes and turned out to be pretty good.