The facts are in, BOOOYYYYS

It absolutely is something to cry about. I would be rank # ~25 on the NA ladder if not for balance. Let’s do the math! Yay! Blizzard’s MMR algorithm is detailed in the AlphaStar paper (page 9):

P(Win) = 1.0 / (1.0 - exp(-(r1 - r2) / 568))

This calculates the odds of Player 1 winning given the difference in rank between Player 1 and Player 2. To calculate a rank difference, we would need to simplify r1-r2 as X then simplify for X:

y=1/(1 + exp(-X / 568))

y * (1 + exp(-X / 568)) = 1

(1 + exp(-X / 568)) = 1 / y

exp(-X / 568) = 1 / y - 1

-X / 568 = ln(1 / y - 1)

-X = ln(1 / y - 1) * 568

X = -ln(1.0 / y - 1) * 568

Great! Now we plug in the win-rate difference for Y:

r1 - r2 = -ln(1.0 / 0.4242 - 1) * 568
r1 - r2 = -173.6

In other words, the exact amount that Protoss get their rank inflated is +173.6 MMR compared to zergs. We can do the same for TvZ:

r1 - r2 = -ln(1.0 / 0.4476 - 1) * 568
r1 - r2 = -119.5

So Zergs get a whopping -293.1 MMR because they pick Zerg. That means I would be 5700 mmr if not for balance issues.