The dislike feature on the forums should "not" have been removed

One of the best parts of visiting the forum was seeing the posts that got down-voted to oblivion.

Those were the rules that were set. I play by those rules. You see I don’t do moral highground because that is nonsense but if you want to throw a rock I will throw a rock back.

I am a big believer in treat those how you want to be treated you treat me a certain way I will treat you the same way back. Some on the forums didn’t like that much. Some people figured it out and either handled me respectfully or they decided to not throw rocks at me.

Now my beef here is that I am fully prepared for the rock fight that will break out but many who throw that first rock seem taken aback when they get hit back.


The amount of people who simply left as a result of said behavior is not a joke. Especially when we get into individuals that were largely harmless that were harassed by members of this board for no other reason then they could. Not everyone is willing or able to effectively throw a rock back in this context.

Also I never claimed innocence truth is I can throw rocks with the best of them as you are aware. Just as a rule don’t throw rocks unless you are fully prepared to get one back.

I do give new posters a chance and if they don’t throw rocks I won’t throw rocks back. If they are respectful I will help them out.


Excellent post by Reno. As somebody that is not foreign to rock-throwing (personally if somebody throws a rock at me i throw a rock and the kitchen-sink), i understand and respect his way of reasoning.
Moral of the story?
If you live in a glass-house: don’t throw rocks!

People are MUCH more likely to downvote something they don’t like than they are to upvote something that they do like.
Its simply human nature.

People who did not read the post fully before jumping to conclusions or who just have a personal dislike of the poster regardless of the topic/post or find the topic unacceptable for personal reasons will zealously downvote.

Downvote also lets you “reply” to the topic without actually giving a reply for dicsussion.
If someones idea you do not like to express yourself now you actually have to POST and REPLY instead of just hitting that downvote and moving on.

I have seen many actually interesting or good threads that pose good questions or concepts but have received downvotes without any communication or discussion happening because of “downvote and bail” mentality.

Quote from blizzard on this topic:
“In practice, however, we found that it was primarily being used for things like downvoting a post simply because they disagreed with it, which was not the intent, and too often led to different opinions getting unfairly buried.”


I agree with the statement that generally people who say something meh usually deserve to be given dislikes.

People on the forums are usually pretty good at disliking posts that deserved to be disliked, not just due to the person who posts the content.

That is debatable. This place is well know for its petty nature for a reason

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I would dislike this horrible, horrible idea… but I can’t :wink:


I know I loved downvoting every post in the thread when it was a thing

You’re correct. There is no ignore in the new forums.

Which is a good change.

No, it should not have beed added to any forum for any reason since the dawn of forum posting. We told them decades ago it was stupid. And like usually it took this long for them to realize this. Now if the likes are removed we’d go back to he only thing being important being content and arguments… If this had happens a few decades earlier e might have saved a few brain cells. But no… Not important enough.

The lack of ignore means we are really in the crapper though… This must be minimal forum mode. Good bye starcraft2. We hardly knew thee.

Now put back explosive and concussive damage and make SCU!! 8D


End of the day it’s a good thing it was removed as now someone will actually have to detail why they dislike a post and if they can’t it’ll show what type of forum user they are.

To give people an example I remember when Blizzard did the Robo and Immortal change and I did a post just calculating the maths of the change with no actual view given in the post, it worked out that one Robo and 2 Immortals would cost the same as before the change. This showed people that the changed was doing the opposite of what Blizzard intended where it instead buffed cheese play and punished macro games.

The post got down voted yes simple math got down voted and this highlights why the dislike button got removed as some people aren’t looking for balance in a game or an actual informative articulate debate so the second a post that doesn’t boost what they want turns up they down vote it as they can’t argue facts or come up with proper game theory but the button was their way to try and discredit what was said while remaining hidden. If you’re a user who can articulate your views this is a non issue.


Going to take you guys sometime to catch up…

You guys want the 90’s back.

This is era of the snowflakes. Anything that could offend must go.

No the 90’s was the opposite. It has to do with meaningless simple things in place of actual communication. Now is the period of snowflakes… Like and dislike functions server no actual meaningful purpose. They were always shunned for a reason. It has to do with producing more intelligent conversation. Things were that much more developed back then also. And this is part of what changed that. It was a mindless silly fad and was never any good for anything. Just like modern handheld devices and social media. Just mindless half assed version of something we already had and without a better version would have been produced. Most of it was there because greedy people(who couldn’t actual make things well) wanted money and so they made lots of crap to get money from idiots. Who were and are in an increasing number.

Like how we could have handheld devices not gimped like how cell phones used to be with actual abilities to fully utilized the hardware without purposeful crappy software limitation and they would be 1000 times more useful and interesting by now. It’s literally just an extension of old greedy cell phone lines ripping every cent out of everyone. I guess the war wasn’t over.

Like how the lightest form of data(texting) has been expensive to get money from people too stupid to know it for decades. That was what was being fought in the 90’s. This is the same garbage those people utilize and won’t stop until they can’t get any money. Which will be hard because we have the least educated populace in our history now. Sadly, that battle was lost. Although colleges world wide are loving the fact they destroyed the internet and libraries and have become monopoly factories. Literally in many other sense too(including inflation). Enjoy the silent book burning that has been going on now for decades as you confuse freedom and oppression and the destruction of all the knowledge around you. It’s almost complete now.

3.) Help the community as a whole see posts that are vastly poor.

This is disgusting. This is just mindless mob rule as mass opinion overtakes actual argument and it’s merit. The mass of people don’t usually or even normally have the correct answer. That is now how real life works. That is why it is bad. And especially the worse version where it shuts down a persons post or deletes it.


Aital wrote about trends of 90 vs. 2020, i would add that this did not start then, only accelerated. This trend has the origin from the immediate Second-World War.

You realize that the downvote feature was not working as intended? In fact what you’re suggesting is the exact opposite effect that it was having. Removing the downvote feature was a big step in the right direction for blizzard.

LOL, i see that logic is not your best friend. If something that was not used as intended (a sharp kitchen-knife) had to be removed, then the people on your Country would cook and eat in paper-utensils…

Like feature will be used to target people also (just the same process reverted), will you ask for it’s removal also?

Personally i want both present or both gone. You can’t have it both ways…

I don’t care whether they keep or remove either feature, but frankly a downvote function is far more destructive than a like function. This is a fact, just take a look at reddit.

I disagree. People should grow a pair of … and not be such snowflakes. It’s pathetic how people go to inner crisis because a perfect strangers does not like them enough.
Take me for example: my beef with the removal of downvotes is mainly because i can’t keep track of my effort to educate whineterrans bu seeing how much i was downvoted!
Usually for such a post i would get 10 dowvotes from angry whineterrans. And now?
How will i understand that i have achieved my goal?

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You’re definitely missing the point. The downvote feature is not a feature that you use if you simply " Disagree " with something. That is all it was ever used for, hence the reason they got rid of it.