The dislike feature on the forums should "not" have been removed

If you ban thermometers that measure body-temperature below 35 degree Celcius and above 37 degree Celcius that does not make dead-people less dead and feverish people less so.
You simply lost a great deal of useful-crucial information…

Can anybody with straight-face say that the making of a certain word in USA off-limmts solved the centuries-old racial-problem?

How naive and stupid can be some people…


You’ll live without dislikes. The up vote/down vote system was only introduced in recent years to the old forum. Prior to that we had nothing and it was fine. Another forum I post in has the same system as this new forum. Most forums follow the system of this new forum and they function fine. Dislikes being allowed in forums is rare.

Dislikes on a forum should never exist, period. Maybe not even likes, just let replies do the voting. Votes are anonymous and are prone to abuse. At least replies explain why someone likes or dislikes a comment.


Couldn’t agree more. Having to actually articulate your arguments is a very big positive.

Really? Because that second part isn’t true at all the amount of nonsense theory crafting I have seen with upvotes is hilarious to me.

As for the first one about it being trolls who got followed and got petty downvoted is wrong as well I have watched some petty forum nonsense over the years.


I am from the Overwatch forums, and it has been a positive change when we made the switch from the old platform. The idea is to give constructive feedback if you did not agree with the post in question instead of just giving a Thumbs down.


I believe you mean “incited”

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The overwatch forums are a different beast all together.


Well, one can still comment like this.

“I dislike this post, because…”

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Incited? What a bizarre stance to take. Its actually a really poor way to justify bad behavior and it doesn’t work for children why you are taking that stance is beyond me.

He did X so I did Y if both actions are wrong then your justification for petty behavior is ultimately both childish and wrong.

Mind I don’t mind playing by those rules but I know for a fact you don’t like that. Well I should reword that. You don’t like it if you are on the receiving end of it which is the inevitable consequence of it.

So perhaps not pouring gas on the fire and justifying it as the fire was already there would be a better approach. Especially since you want to call them all trolls. Following them around downvoting is giving them exactly what they want if they are indeed trolls. You are aware of that right?

Which poses a different set of questions either you know they aren’t really trolls and are using it to justify negative behavior or you know they are trolls and you are giving them what they want so you can keep punching at them.


You clearly never dealt with Charmed.

Hey all,

Bliz had been experimenting with downvote removal since mid 2017 and later decided to go with it. The new forums are a 3rd party base code that doesn’t even have a downvote/dislike/etc feature natively within it.

That, plus Bliz’s moving away from the feature probably means it’s gone for good. Here’s the only known insight into how it all began:

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I can understand proper spite and now people have to actually work for it instead of just hitting a button, so I guess I can live with that.

But forum is terrible in terms of visuals. One big Charlie Foxtrot.

I wouldn’t worry about that the spite is real around here.

I posted quite a bit in the wow forums so I am used to it

“Eventually… Man can get used to being hung.”

Czech proverb.

Normally I would link Monty Pythons always look on the bright side of life but you know the forums being what they are.

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tehbatz just jizzed his pants lol

I see you are man of culture as well.

Reno pretending hes innocent is just laughable. One of the single biggest perpetrators of the behaviors he claims to despise.

The old GD made everyone toxic, so I’m not saying I’m any better, but cmon.


I dunno, its not like there was ever particularly a lack of people willing to educate him in just how wrong he was.