The credibility of Protoss players

Balance is likely the worst it’s ever been in sc2 with Protoss dominating throughout ladder. It’s become so bad that Zerg players barely exist on ladder and are rapidly quitting the game.

During all this Protoss players are in complete denial of the strength of their race. These same players argued that Zerg was favoured against Protoss for 3 YEARS even though they were the ones crushing it on ladder since 4.0.

They’ve been whining since 2018 because that’s when Serral started winning tournaments, as if that has anything to do with balance. They’re either liars that have no desire in having a fair and balanced game or they have zero critical thinking skills and always believe they’re the victims.


1000’s of avilo clones switched to… protoss LUL


Kübler-Ross model

The Kübler-Ross model, or the five stages of grief, postulates that those experiencing grief go through a series of five emotions:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance.

I guess those zerg-trolls are at the second-stage: anger.
Way to go to the final stage: Acceptance.


Protoss are on stage 1/2. Goba & Playa are perpetually on stage 1. CollegeWings is on 2/3 (he’s ahead of the curve) - he’s at least talking about how zerg can be buffed (after weeks of denial) although his suggestions are more like bargains than actual solutions.


amazing that the literal answer to any sort of aggression is mass shield batteries. If it looks like youre going to break through hey look they have an even more broken ability “just spend 50 energy and defend any army that comes your way!!”

F this piece of S game. Seriously F it all i hope all sponsors pull out, i hope the pro scene dies i hope no one is left but garbage protoss players who have no thing but cannon rushes and turtling all god damn day long.


Too much delusion in these posts not enough substance


As you can see CollegeWings is a local comedian. He does satire quite well! He specializes in hypocrisy :slight_smile:

What would we do if his characature weren’t here to make fun of the PPP for us?


Why do you assume the author is wrong merely because he is complaining? If he’s not an active player how could it be a player problem?

Is it because you don’t like what he’s complaining about?

It would be awesome to see if zerg Players could stop crying for 1 Sec and maybe learn to Play. :man_shrugging:


That would be it in a nut shell he seems to be the type to scream as soon as he is put in the reverse situation. Its all fun and games until its on him then his smug attitude drops and he becomes even worse then the ones he decries


Simple. It has nothing to do with liking or not liking what he claims because it is based off personal preference. Whether I like his claims or not is irrelevant, just as whether he like my claims or not is irrelevant as well.

But then you would prefer to go into this whole credibility crap about me not being a Z player so if there is a question about that then what is the use of any proper discussion? It isn’t any different from you visiting your local Macs and claim that they are not using real fries (and whatever they say is phoney to you). Sounds like the Parable of the Invisible Gardener.


Anyways, in case you never noticed the intricacies of languages.

If you are complaining:

P is overpowered.
Nerf P.
They win too much.
Balance is a problem.
Some things need to change.

That is because it leaves no room for discussion. It is a declaration / statement.

If you are keen on a genuine discussion:

I have having issues with this match up. How do I go about it?
How should I counter this unit composition?
Should I do this / that?
What should I change with my BO?

As what I always say, the problem is…
NOT the game;
NOT the race;
NOT the unit;
The problem is the player (you).

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  1. There is absolutely room for discussion, ex: ‘what changes need to be done’.
  2. This is an argument saying toss is op, you are free to provide counterarguments, but you don’t because literally all the stats show toss is op.

Not if the player doesn’t actually play the game and not if the game is in fact imbalanced.

As to your claims of being a zerg player I’ll say the same thing since the start: link rankedftw or gtfo.

“bUt SeRrAl wInS tOuRnaMenTs”

Thousands of Zergs magically became worse on August 20th and thousands of Protoss players became amazing at the game… :+1:

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Already addressed this a long time ago regarding cherry picking numbers. Topic #1. :slight_smile:

The people who are affected are too busy trying to improve and learn to counter, whereas the masses who are not affected are attempting to leverage off others and spend more time posting here than practising.

I have played Z for 10 years, and though Skytoss is troublesome to deal with, I am still able to deal with it. Practise more is all I’d say. The common denominator with all the complaints on this forum (there are complaints for / about all 3 races) is not the race. It is the player.


No the common denominator is the race being complained about.

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AKA looking at valid statistics

Yeah, if you’re 3 times better than your opponent you can win. Who knew???
People want a fair and balanced game and that’s not what this is right now.

Hidden profile and simps for Protoss on every thread. Not buying it.


Probably the only time I’ll humour you for this since people can’t be bothered to research. The lack of critical thinking is simply too painful.

TLDR: If you don’t want to believe, anything that is shown will be claimed to be fake. So what is the purpose?


< Parable of the Constant Gardener >

John Frame, theologian, Christian philosopher, counter to Anthony Flew

Once upon a time two explorers came upon a clearing in the jungle.

A man was there, pulling weeds, applying fertiliser, trimming branches. The man turned to the explorers and introduced himself as the royal gardener. One explorer shook his hand and exchanged pleasantries.

The other ignored the gardener and turned away: “There can be no gardener in this part of the jungle,” he said; “this must be some trick.”

They pitch camp. Every day the gardener arrives, tends the plot. Soon the plot is bursting with perfectly arranged blooms.

“He’s only doing it because we’re here—to fool us into thinking this is a royal garden.”

The gardener takes them to a royal palace, introduces the explorers to a score of officials who verify the gardener’s status.

Then the skeptic tries a last resort: “Our senses are deceiving us. There is no gardener, no blooms, no palace, no officials. It’s still a hoax!”

Finally the believer despairs: “But what remains of your original assertion? Just how does this mirage, as you call it, differ from a real gardener?”


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You sure wrote a whole lot to not link your rankedftw.

Great quote, pretty much sums up you on protoss :joy::joy::joy:


That’s rich coming from a gold league Protoss

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