The best of the best Mengsk achievement

Has anyone got this yet? I wonder whether simultaneously means exactly at the same moment, or just poorly worded in a single game…

If the former, it would require rather specific steps to be taken. I was thinking building 13 barracks, training 13 marauders at the same time and never letting them to participate in the combat so that experience is always distributed evenly between them. This seems weird and not that challenging…

Thats the one about having so much supply of high ranked royal guards rigth?
I got it and didn’t try any sort of weird methods, so i just think it counts the guards with full rank and adds the supply of all of them, so it’s jut about keeping your royal guard alive for long enough that they get the rank and mass a bunch of them


I went on DoN solo, built 5 BCs and got them to rank 3, sure enough at the end of the match, got the achievement.

Simultaneously is to say you need to have them all active at once. Like if you make 30 supply, lose 10 supply, then make 20 more supply, you won’t get it. You need 50 supply of rank 3 royal guard alive simultaneously. (Or whatever it is. You get the idea)


My first game after hitting Master (Royal Guard Level 3 unlocks at Commander Level 15) was a Mist Opportunities with a super pro Dehaka. Made 5 BCs (10 supply each) and followed him around while he did literally everything and got all 5 of them to Level 3 before the end of the mission.

As long as there’s 50+ supply of units all at Level 3 at the same time, you’ll manage. As long as you get the RGs out and keep them alive, you should be fine.

That makes more sense and shouldn’t be a problem to get. Thanks

DoN and having your ally leave is probably the best advice. Just remember that experience is split among your Royal Guard so just get as close to 50 supply as you can of them then stop making them.

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Got it during Void Launch I think. Had like two Vikings, three Battlecruisers, two Thors, something like that.

Actually no. The only 3 stars I had at the end of my match was my 5 BCs, they leveled to 3 almost simultaneously but from start to finish it was a 5min difference between them. Still got the achievement tho.

5 BCs is 50 supply, they are 10 supply a piece, the thing the achivement is looking for is the amount of royal guards with 3 start and how much supply they represent out of your army, once they acount for 50, the achivement unlocks.
Not completly sure if you have to keep them all alive by the end of the round though

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Sorry for being dumb here. What is BC that you guys keep on talking about? I am also after this achievement and at the moment no clue what so ever. I just bought it yesterday and got 2 achievement already at level 15. The third one is easy enough but the last one which is the one you are all talking about Best of the Best. There is also a typo there. (Best of the Best of the Best). Thanks in advance.

BC is Battlecruiser.

BC = Battlecriser, For Mengsk it’s his Pride of Augustgrad.

5 of them “on the field” at the same time = 50 supply. The way my son and I did this achievement was to set up our “usual farming of Lock & Load” - The Non-Mengsk player would set up defenses at the various drop points (aka spawn camp the map) to keep us alive, capture all but 1 lock (and leave only one player’s units at that lock to prevent it’s advance but not claim it) then park the 5 BCs near some defenses so that they get XP from it and the achievement triggers when the 5th gets it’s third star.

Honestly, I got it the first game after hitting level 15, without even trying. I was playing on brutal though, so there were a lot of enemies, as I recall you said you usually play on hard?

I got all his achievements before 15 actually.
Believe I got this one on a Brutal +6 when the trains were still bugged.

Just tanks, 1 Thor and 1 BC. Didn’t even knew about the achievements…

Except best of the best of the best actually requires level 15 which unlocks the third star.


I think you overthink this a bit. It is not that challenging. Well on certain maps. When I got it I played Oblivion express and I created only tanks and ESOs.

Pretty fair point, got this one confused with the earthsplitter one then I Think.

Don’t know when I unlocked this one then, but I wasn’t even trying (and therefore not remembering all to well :sweat_smile:)

Here’s the gas breakdown for the royal units (as of Feb 23, 2020): (supply, gas, gas/unit supply limit)
Guard: 4 supply, 280 gas, 70 gas/unit
Tank: 6 supply, 340 gas, 56.6 gas/ unit
BC: 10 supply, 720 gas, 72 gas / unit
Fury: 4 supply, 300 gas, 75 gas / unit
Blackhammer: 8 supply, 480 gas, 60 gas / unit.

Best fastest combo in my opinion using dead of night map on hard is 7 tanks (42 supply), 1 black hammer (8 supply). Stick at least 1 or more SCVs by each of them to repair and keep the tanks behind the bunkers so the bunkers can take the hits. The SCVs will keep the royal units alive. Then use marine/scvs along with medivacs and other units to destroy buildings during the day. Worked the 1st time I played it.

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