Terran takes 8 slots of top 10 in korea

Oh, boy, math denial.

It works even better if they scout. I shouldn’t have to explain this to you.

You can clearly see in the video there isn’t lag. You guys are so desperate it’s effin hilarious.

I’ve done it many times and on the KR server too. As I have shown, I’ve played at least 150 games against him. Those are just the facts.


I have many more examples. You are all “ehh this parting thing was just a one off” but I can show you a countless stream of examples where I beat the world’s best players. It’s funny how you cry about “lag” and “cheese” but conveniently ignore the game where I beat a top protoss who is playing with no lag and in a macro game.

Your argument is hinged on sheer lunacy.

You took my words too literally. I mean that it has happened that cheesing of lower skilled could earn them win , Im not talking about pro play only. Pro players are pros and know everything about it so they do not just cheese but play normal. Also I am not saying that cheese means the cheeser will win, in Weekly tournaments (Watch Wardi’s) the non-pro would try to cheese and fail but the reason they do it is because there is a chance to win like how Elazer lost as you describe. Which is again to make you feel good for NA. why you say it.

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Which is factually false. In a game designed to stalemate, cheesing earns you a loss. Denying that modern SC2 stalemates is a fundamental rejection of the basic principles of the game.

ladder and tournaments weeklies, major in group stages… have you ever watched replay packs? I have taken builds from such when I need exactly because it has such builds when needing one. stop denying like an idiot.

Oh boy, more math deniers. If you look at a graph that plots how frequently games end in the 5 minute mark, the vast majority of games don’t end in the 5 minute mark. It is factually false to state that cheesing is a viable way to win. You would have a 10% win-rate if you cheesed vs an equally skilled opponent. The game is designed to stalemate. If you can’t understand that, then you have no clue how SC2 works.

But, let’s assume you were right. How do you respond to the example I posted where i won a macro game?

“ChEeSe DoEsNt CoUnT”
“ok here is a macro game”
“I aM MaGicAllY BlinD ReEeEeEeEeeEeeEeeEeEeEEeEeEeEEE.”
“I hAvE SElEcTivE ViSiOn. ReEeEeEeEe”
“I CaN OnLy SeE ThInGs ThAt ConFirM My ThEoRieS ReEeEEEeeEEe”
“I WilL ReSorT To SupPorTinG My ArguMenT WitH LieS thAt WilL Do ThE TriCk!”

This is thanks to LotV design. All cheese games even protoss instead of dying would turn into a macro game with some exceptions that you should be able to run over them after few minutes. The statistics you show is because there is no more those all-ins like 4gate that would be insta win.

But cheese can bring advantage for the cheeser even if it turns into macro. So your statistics may be correct but it may still give the cheeser an upper hand when successfuli I dont give bat crap whether it is in the <5 min statistics

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And I am beating 7200 mmr protoss in 5 minutes through sheer luck. Oh wait I can beat them in macro games too? That’s sheer luck too! EVERYTHING IS SHEER LUCK, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! EVIDENCE IS IRRELEVANT, REEEEEEEEEE! THE FACTS ARE WRONG, I AM RIGHT! REEEEEEEEEEEE

Too literally taking what I say. Ofc there can be games that ends fast but hey you are contradicting yourself since just above you claimed how games dont end soon because:… and now " Oh but games do end within 5 mins

Can you even read? Im saying that cheese can still give an advantage and worse economy I dont care if the game lasted 5 mins or more, cheese is cheese and can be reason for victory. Get a bunch of DTs in your base and can leave you behind the entire game

You are contradicting the facts and this conversation is over until you stop doing that. There is nothing left to say here. You have shown that no amount of evidence will change your mind. You have literal video proof of something happening and you still don’t believe it. That’s legit psycho.

If you are constantly beating the best players in the world. What are you doing here instead of IEM?

I am not desperate, I just find it funny, how a person, who says that europe players are apm spammers and have bad strategies, uses the most brain-dead cheeses, which require less than 1 digit IQ and is absolutely proud of it.

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Batz is just hater of players who are far far superior than him. Uses some stupid excuses to say how Elazer lost to some cheese, how Serral just wasnt playing in the ‘most skilled times’ unlike Idra etc etc. Ofc will hate NA server has been trash and his opponents on the lower GM have never been as good as the opponents on KR and EU. TRUTH HURTS. Batz can be clowned upon the same way avilo was clowned upon when he took part in NW.

Remember when you walked the zerg army into a falling nuke then rage quit? I remember. Just Z version of avilo, blinded by himself but clown to the ones that he belittles.

Batz doesn’t play this game seriously so that he can complain about Terran occupying too many spots at the top of the Korean ladder. That’s the only logical explanation.

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You’d have to be brain dead to compete for cash in a video game. Most professionals make poverty wages, and those who don’t make like 50k a year after taxes etc. They prioritize this over an education, which means they are basically unemployable after they retire from esports. The manager will be like, “So it says here you played video games for a living?”. “Yes sir, I played video games.” “Oh, I see. Uh, how long did you do that?”. “About 10 years sir.” “Did you do anything else during this period?”. “Uh, well, no sir. I did take lots of adderall, though, and had to get weekly steroid injections in my forearms.”. “Ah. Hmm. Well … thank you for interest. We will contact you at some later point!”. So, if you average out their winnings 10 years into the future, I suspect they all make poverty wages.

Do you know how many business ventures I am pursuing? I have like 15 primary ones. I legit work 10 hour days. The weekends are the busiest. It’s not uncommon that I work 12 hours. Monday is my relaxation day. I only average 6 hours on that day. Do you know how I find time to grocery shop? I don’t. I order it all from Amazon and Ebay lmao. It all just shows up on my porch. A week back, I placed an order for $500 of A2 stainless steel metric bolts. Do you know what the clamping force is for an M3 bolt? It’s roughly 350 lbs. That’s flipping insane for such a small bolt.

So, get this. I am bolting together this assembly of parts. It’s a bearing sheath made of plastic. It has 12 m3 bolts. Do you know how many lbs of force this thing has to endure? 4200lbs. I realized I should probably check to make sure this thing isn’t going to die the moment I torque the bolts down. Now, PLA can handle 9686 lbs of force per square inch as long as it’s loaded in compression. The contact area between the bearing and the sleeve is 0.74 inches. So that’s a total force per unit area of 4200/0.74=5676. Well, good thing I checked. I am going to be assembling this thing at 59% of it’s total strength. When the part is deployed on the field, it will an even higher net sum of forces. So, I definitely shouldn’t over-tighten these bolts. But, m3 bolts are so freaking small that my torque wrench won’t work on them.

I head on over to amazon and buy this $100 screwdriver that is made for electricians so they can torque down set screws inside electrical panels. I got it here with overnight shipping. God, I love amazon.

Do you know how many tool sheds I have? Three. Legit. My basement is full of tools, too. I know how each and every one works. It’s not every day I have to buy a new tool. I bring a chick home and give her the grand tour. I only bring chicks home on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I can make the joke that it’s “Tool Tuesday” as I give them the tour.

I do all that, am a math and computer genius, am successful in a broad range of domains of which SC2 is only one, keep track of all this sht in my head without taking notes, but I can still find space in my brain for a video game to such a degree that I can clown on 7200 mmr Protoss players ez pz and you’re not impressed? I could legit cure cancer and you’d be like “Yeah, not buying it, bro. Anyone could do that.”

The only reason to grocery shop is if you are getting items for free. That’s a major reason why Walmart can’t compete with Amazon, lmao.

I absolutely despise the self checkouts at walmart. I hate those things so flipping much. You got this guy staring over your shoulder with the presumption that you’re a thief, with cameras pointing every which way. If you ring something up wrong, you can be sure it’s your fault and not theirs. What an absolute pain.

Walmart has free 2 day shipping if you buy over $35 and they offer curbside pickup. The problem is that Walmart just doesn’t have the stuff I like. I like tools and hardware. Amazon and Ebay are great places to buy those. Sometimes I go onto aliexpress if I can anticipate a need several months in advance. I once placed an order for 2,000 bolts. I ended up going with something else, which is part of the problem with pre-ordering.

A buddy of mine has a Chinese girlfriend who is well connected. She comes from a family that is wealthy in manufacturing. He was trying to get me on board one of his projects awhile back. I am good with 3D printing and prototyping and such. He wanted me to produce an injecting molding die for him and a circuit board. I was like, bro, I am so flipping busy but I’d be happy to talk things through on occasion and give you some advice. He threw about $15k at some Chinese company to make the die, and then covid hit. He ended up losing all his money. He hasn’t talked to me much since. He’s an old SC2 bro. He played Protoss. We go way back. I’ve been wondering if he is kinda mad at me for not helping him out.

Oh well, c’est la vie.

Then one of my long-time software clients gives me a ring. He needs me to write some code for a video game engine I developed for him about 10 years ago. He asks me to evaluate the project and give him an estimate. I send the estimate back a week later, and then the earthquake hits in Turkey. I haven’t heard back from him yet. I hope he’s alright. Man, wouldn’t that suck if he died in the earthquake. I have no way of even finding out. Where do you go to find out if your Turkish bro died in an Earthquake? How does this even work.

Oh well, c’est la vie. 'Tis a sad day to be the batz:

Considering how easy you find StarCraft you could easily EARN FEW THOUSANDS BUCKS by just beating these “worthless” koreans, as you do right now, instead of doing it FOR FREE.

I am really sorry to tell it to you, but eSports players earn a lot of money not only from the tournaments itself, but also from their advertisement sponsors. You might notice them on the Serral t-shirt.

It is something to do for early years. I never wanted to be pro for some of the reasons you say but someone gotta to do it to entertain us and they have earned more money from few tournaments than I would have for years on a job. Everybody knows that pro gaming isnt a life job but that should not exclude esports from existing. People could compete even if they had other activities or life, there can be still esports, just not the one that makes them not have education and qualifications, this is their choice though. Many GM and master players would have real life and games could be just as fun without one wasting their time for life. Also some players like Rotterdam can be come casters, maybe they do a living in order to do it… it could make you an employee of such events, commentator.

Also your assumptions that nothing comes out of esports. we had a player both good at war3 and SC, he entered the telecoms after he decided to put an end to his esports career. Some people are hired also as new and can be trained,

But game industry does give opportunities to gamers, they can become developers, designers, testers these ARE JOBS. I have worked… for Sega for a while. Now game dev many not be very profitable but depends. Some could hire programmers for thousands a month.

A thousand bucks is so close to zero it’s effectively zero. What are you going to do with a thousand bucks? Do you know how much it costs for custom upholstery in a classic car? You could easily spend ten times that just on some fabric and foam for the seats in your car.


Nah, my business senses are tingling and I suspect they don’t get much from sponsors. They might get like 5k/year or something like that. For twitch streamers, I think the rule of thumb is 1 cent per viewer per hour. So, that’s like $10/hour for a person who can bring in 1,000 viewers. To get 5k/year, you’d have to stream 500 hours aka 10 hours/week.

Most SC2 streamers don’t have 1k viewers and most pro(s) don’t stream. Their reach is going to be really low, which means they probably make poverty wages.

Idra on the other hand had 12k viewers. That means he’d get $120/hour to do a sponsorship stream. Now, that’s pretty good. That would be worthwhile to do. SC2 just isn’t popular enough to be worth pursuing for financial gain. Now, if it’s fun for you, then it’s worth the entertainment value. But, there is absolutely nothing that is fun about being a pro sc2 player. You probably have to have a mental disorder like OCD in order to do it. It’s so bad I don’t think a normal person in their right mind could find it enjoyable to play 1 video game on repeat for 8 hours a day. I am pretty sure it absolutely requires either drug use (like adderall) or obsessive compulsive disorder. There is no way to stay focused on a video game that much.

Rates of OCD decline with age, which is probably why SC2 pro players become worse as they age. I don’t think a 30 year old is worse at video games than a 15 year old, the 30 year old just has different priorities because their brain has matured. If you hopped a 30 year old up on adderall and forced him to play 40 hours of SC2 a week, he’d absolutely destroy these kids. It’s a matter of maturity and different priorities/interests. The idea that a 15 year old is a better strategical thinker than a 30 year old is fundamentally insane. That idea is just so dumb it’s like something you’d find scribbled on the wall of a cave next to a stick figure stabbing a buffalo.

“Gronk was here. Gronk stab beast. Gronk eat beast. Gronk think child smarter. Old person dumb.”

How interesting that so successful businessman like you, still has a time to write thousands of replies, with a4 page each. Can you teach me, how to be so good in time management?

As of earning, Serral has a team, which does financially support him. I have never heard of sc2 salaries, but I know that in CS:GO the best teams pay 15-25k usd per month, which is even higher than almost all companies pay to senior programmers. And I highly doubt that you are a lead in Apple or Google.

A) CS:GO has 2.5 million active players. Sc2 has something in the ballpark of 140k. CS has close to 18x as many players.

B) The statistic you cite is straight up wrong:

Most Tier 2 teams pay enough to be a full-time job, but the players aren’t getting rich off of it. For instance, Tier 2 teams like GamerLegion and Copenhagen Flames pay their players around $5000 per month

I literally write for a living. Programming is just a technical form of writing. You are writing very complex & specific instructions using a technical language like C++. There is a reason why programming languages are called “language”. It’s literally like knowing how to speak Chinese. It’s a language that has words which describe algorithms. You become so proficient at this that you can describe any kind of behavior that you want. In the same manner that you can use English to describe how SC2 works, I can literally write code that produces behavior exactly like SC2. It’s the same process.

That’s why I am skeptical of climate models, by the way. You can make an algorithm to make any prediction you want, so the elimination of bias is paramount. I am not convinced that the researchers who implement these models are unbiased, in fact they display some of the most severe bias I’ve ever witnessed. The accuracy of a prediction in a volatile system is much lower than the impact of bias, so if there is any bias then the results are totally invalid.

They have models making all sorts of predictions. Some are saying +10c and others are saying 0.5c. That’s a clear-cut proof that bias is way too profound for any accuracy whatsoever. Their most accurate model had to be revised because their prediction was off by 25% due to under-estimating one variable (solar panel sales). This entire thing is a load of garbage. It is not science, it’s superstition.