Terran takes 8 slots of top 10 in korea

I mean I give you what you have, you have been GM and could have won some game but you claim it in a way you are pro regular that often can win like how foreigners who currently win vs Koreans do. You are not that. Can beat once in ages does not make you as skilled as them. But I’ve seen only the cheese that you made vs Parting, if this is your video proof. It is not hate or envy. Just that one knows you too well here and how righteous you always makes yourself to be even when you are not, that’s is why.


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Dude got so salty he had to write an essay. Btw, why isn’t this dude banned? My first account 10 years ago got banned for posting 3 replies in a row. Yet this dude can do it constantly for years on end?

Actually his mains TehBatz proly were banned. I had my main banned because of Goba’s irritating trolling and looks like that one finally hid himself to never return and look how much more OK it is to view posts here.

I still find it stupid from moderation point because look, when there are no goba creatures it can be peaceful at least within the acceptable tone. I’ve been telling them that it is not me who they had to punish but the one that caused it. And it is stupid to even perm ban because look the game is almost dead, played but there’s D4 coming, new strategy, why would I stay here to rant over balance that will never change for us mortal players. They could have as much dropped their moderation or lifted their bans on old accounts and the place would still be a wasteland with the fading of SC2

Hey, you were finally honest for once.

Modern SC2 doesn’t have micro. Terrans siege their tanks and liberators and F2 their thors around. This game has less micro than League of Legends and Dota 2.

I played quite a bit of WC3 with buddies way-back-when. We used to make custom maps and do hero battles. It was fun, but WC3 really can’t hold a candle to any of the other games in the genre (League, Dota, SC, etc).

Chess has a broad variety of tools that are used to solve a broad variety of problems. Strategy is about coming up with strange solutions to known problems, and which your opponent won’t anticipate. Because he doesn’t anticipate it, he is a turn or two behind you in knowing what’s going on. That gives you a turn advantage, which is the most valuable resource in a turn based game.

That’s so far from true it’s practically delusional. I saw an analysis of a game with Magnus Carlson in the late game. I think he had a rook and pawn and a king left. According to the best computers, the only way to win from his position was to make a very specific set of 86 moves. He didn’t make the right move, and won anyway.

All endgame states with fewer than 7 pieces have been solved by computers, and do you want to guess how many solutions there are? There are 423,836,835,667,331. There is no human way to remember that many possibilities, and that’s just the end game with fewer than 7 pieces left.

Magnus Carlson is the GOAT of chess (you could actually argue it’s Kasparov) because he has a very good understanding of what tools are available, how to identify and classify problems, and how to use those tools to solve those problems. There is no way you can win chess through memorization. It’s simply not possible.

SC2 on the other hand has very simple build orders that pro players spam on repeat like robots, because what determines the outcome of the game isn’t the build orders but, rather, the multitasking aka how fast they click. Pushing the game from 1-3 base plays to 5-7 base plays was an enormous design mistake because it made out-multitasking your opponent into the primary mode of winning. It was absolutely idiotic that blizzard made those design changes.

Translating this into chess, it would be like if you are playing 10 games of blitz chess simultaneously. Obviously, nothing matters except making moves as fast as possible.

Changing the game to emphasize multitasking was really the nail in the coffin that killed SC2, by the way. When they started artificially prolonging the game, the popularity peaked and went down from there. You can see this correspondence clear as day if yo contrast the date of balance patches against the popularity of the game. The moment they went after “game ending moments”, the game’s popularity peaked. Sc2 was a colossal design failure. It went from #1 in esports to #1,000. They had a pair of aces and they somehow lost. Micheal Jordan was about to slam dunk for them, and they paused the game and substituted a toddler in his place.

SC2 forumites after learning that GMs play against & beat professional players basically all the time:


Who exactly did you think the pro players were practicing against when they laddered – masters league players, perhaps? Lmao this understanding of the ladder/game is so “nooby” it’s actually quite cringy. OMG YOU PLAY PRO PLAYERS? YOU ARE LYING!

I used to play vs Incontrol a lot. He was fun to play against because he wasn’t a crybaby. I’d elevator some lings into his main’s mineral line and he’d say, “I’ll take it, right to the TEETH!” and then quit. Obviously, that’s a boxing reference. There was no “waa waa you are a cheeser and couldn’t win a macro game waaaaaa waaaa.”

Imagine crying about “cheese” in a game as easy as sc2. You can legit roll your face on the keyboard and get GM, but people still cry about “cheese” and “hackers” and “stream snipers.” I wish my opponents would hack because it might make SC2 hard enough that it’s worth playing again.

Goba absolutely still posts, lmao. The problem is that forum moderators became extremely aggressive at banning literally anything. If 3 people report a post, that person is instantly banned regardless of if they broke a rule or not. I once made a sarcastic comment in a thread where two people were threatening to kill each other. It was something about how they needed to get a room, or something. I got banned for that comment because it was “inappropriate”. The other two were allowed to continue posting.

The result of this is that literally everyone got banned eventually, and so nobody posts here anymore. That’s made it a half-decent place to post, because all the trolls basically nuked each others accounts out of existence.

There are two claims I’ve made.

  1. Claims backed by video proof.
  2. Claims about having a basic, normal life.

Obviously, you must be referring to #2. Ouch. What an incredible self-diss. PhD Kelthar strikes again. A normal life is so unbelievable it must be a lie, but the people denying the video proof magically aren’t caught by Kelthar’s “lie radar”. What an absolutely wild and hypocritical contradiction. This is what you call mad jealousy, lmao.

Imagine thinking that owning a jacuzzi is so unbelievable that it must be a lie. Lmao. I actually have a cousin who is a jacuzzi repairman and he hooked me up. There was a store that sold jacuzzis that was going bust, and they were liquidating everything. I got it for half-off. This was like 7 years ago and it’s still running great. I actually ran into him at a funeral and got talking and he mentioned he could hook me up. It was this same funeral where I ran into a hot babe who was a professional ballerina. She was a family friend and she tagged along with one of my cousins. I could see her thirsty eyes checking me out from across the room. I almost felt uncomfortable. Like, is there something wrong with my suit? I just got it back from the dry cleaners. I went with a blue tie on a red shirt. It was a three piece. I just stood out from the crowd because all the mormons in utah always war white shirts. Ladies love bold colors, especially on a good looking man. They just can’t resist. You just stand out from the crowd and aren’t scared of judgement, which are leadership qualities. So it’s a win win from all angles. The ladies start picturing wedding rings and tuxedos the moment I stroll in.

I have a lot of buddies who play SC2. One of them lived not too far away so we got together and became IRL friends. This was like 10 years ago. He was really into dating and I was busy in business type things back then. He would tell me all the time that he’d go on dates, and the girl would ask about his friend group, and that they were always super interested in me out of all his friends. He thought it was so odd, which is why he mentioned it. He tried to hook me up with a bunch of chicks but I just wasn’t interested back then. Now I’ve got the sports cars and houses and cash to burn.

Truth be told, the reason I wasn’t interested in chicks was partly because I was so focused on business, and partly because I was just broke and didn’t have money to dedicate to anything but business. I legit didn’t want to be distracted / tempted to spend money on anything else, because that would jeopardize my business investments. My buddy used to joke about me being a celibate “business monk”. I’d deliberately isolate myself from the dating scene because I didn’t want to spend money. It’s like a monk going off to a monastery. Now my “bowlcut” username makes a bit more sense, eh? It’s an inside joke. Do I need to explain it to you, you absolute nitwits. Monks have bowlcuts. Me and my buddy thought it would was flipping hilarious. :joy:.

I have played in the weeklies but I will not compare myself to pro players, I am not. However, ladder has been filled with Zerg and Protoss in just 2018 and the years around, not every Terran had the patience to play that hard, it was enough TvP back then to kill the desire to play that game any more because as Terran it is just frustrating to play ladder, all current patches did not make things playing better. I was never looking terran to be easier than other races but other races specially Toss to take equal amount of APM to play. Zerg kind of does Protoss not.

When SC2 became more dead and new titles emerged and by the time one waited for Protoss to get unpatched, the wish to play died for many, I did not quit easily but let’s get real this train is going into the chasm so I decided to jump off it before that happens. Which is why 3K almost 4K games since WoL were not enough for anything higher. I never choose the race based on which is easier to play, Im a micro player, that is how Terran was for most of the time and still is but they made some lame designs like Widow mine.

I would recognize his style if he posted, it is very… unique style of posting that I dont see from others. The others are just other toss posters

Have you beaten them so hard that they rage-quit the game, and have you done this so many times that you were able to catch some of them on camera? I think I know a person who has. Hmm. I wonder who he is.

I loved TvP because it gave Terrans a taste of what it’s like to be Zerg. You can radically outplay your opponent and, no matter how far he falls behind, he can just turtle up and it’s impossible to beat him. TvP is more merciful than ZvT because the Protoss usually crushes the Terran quite quickly, while TvZ turns into a 40 minute stalemate no matter how badly the terran screws up.

I’ve had terrans do a 2 base hellbat BC allin, lose the BC and get nothing done with the hellbats, and they were still able to macro out of it. It’s absolutely insane just how powerful the siege tank is.

Terran has slightly more APM than Zerg, but Zerg drastically dwarves Terran in other metrics like screen movements per minute, spending quotient, etc, while having similar APM requirements. AlphaStar was strongest with Protoss and weakest with Zerg, which is exactly where the ladder and tournaments are at. Weekly cups are P>T>Z. GM representation is P>T>Z. Zerg is definitely the hardest race, Protoss the easiest, and Terran the middle-ground.

Sane people especially successful running multiple business people that also larp as handymen don’t need to spend 3k posts convincing other people that they’re super good and that their opinion matters while exhibiting clinical amounts of arrogance and solipsism in what is by their own account a children’s game that is easy.
Some people may have their ego bruised and have issues of their own, but I think this is one of the most profound clinical cases of delusion and cognitive dissonance I’ve ever seen

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How dare are you questioning the project lead in multiple videogames, multiple AI projects, scientist, businessman and the best SC2 player of all times, who has beaten Parting 2 times, Techbatz? (Sorry, if I missed some of your titles, you can add them below that post)


You remind me of a guy called Thrasher who said Snake was a better roach player than I am. I proceeded to 5-0 Snake on the ladder and Trasher is now MIA. They dip out as soon as their clown mask is revealed, only to show up on a new account after their misdeeds are forgotten. You see, Snake is a 6k mmr zerg player and I can run circles around him all day. People laughed at me for saying I was 6300, but the truth is that I lied. I knew they wouldn’t believe my real MMR value, so I reduced it to 6300. Even that was too much for them to swallow.

Situations like this are proof that you could be Elon Musk, livestream putting your car into space, and internet crazies still won’t believe you even then. “Oh, you 5-0’d the player I said was better than you? You just got lucky in some ZvZ’s. He’s definitely better in ZvT”. Lmao.

They would sooner type a paragraph about “arrogance” and “solipsism” than admit the plain and obvious truth. I mean, they have literal video proof of something happening over and over again and they still deny it. You can smell the “loser” attitude from thousands of miles away. The amount of sheer spite they have for anyone who is successful is just blaring out of their keyboard in every word they type.

You act like I don’t know how normal people react to my personality. Shall we contrast how normal people react vs how Bnet losers do?

Normal people: https://i.imgur.com/fnXFCM4.png

Bnet losers:

Dude, your body is slightly above average and nothing more

It’s a steep climb at around top 20%. To which you aren’t much better than that.

You have a body that looks like he casually works out a couple times a week. Nowhere near body building or competitive status.

Dude, you don’t have an impressive physique to me. You are above average, that’s it. There’s nothing wrong with it, but you do not have an 8% bodyfat

… Etc.

Bnet clowns will legit say that bulging vascularity isn’t <8% bodyfat while simultaneously claiming to have a medical degree. It’s a contradiction of epic proportions. They are obviously lying about both claims. Meanwhile, they claim you are wrong even though you have literal photo proof. Double standards doesn’t even begin to describe how crazy these people are. I have come to the conclusion that many of the people on the internet are literally insane, like literally schizophrenic. And when I say “literal”, I literally mean “literal.” These people are crazy. I would not be surprised if some mental hospital somewhere had a computer room that let their patients play video games, or something like that.

To contrast just how insane these people are, I once had a hip injury due to sports. I had to take an 18 month break from bodybuilding, was doing physical therapy and got in to see an orthopedic surgeon. I hadn’t been to the gym in 18 months. I went in to see this surgeon and he asked me how many times I go to the gym. I told him I used to bodybuilder but I hadn’t been to the gym in 18 months. He practically rolled his eyes and entered into his notes that I was an athletic male who frequents the gym. I found out later because they print off the paper work for the diagnosis and it has the doc’s notes right there. My resting bod is legit so flipping good that an orthopedic surgeon thought I was lying about going to the gym. I was just sitting around the house and playing video games for crying out loud, and the doc thought I was yoked.

These people and their beliefs are so detached from reality it’s like a spectacle to witness their cognitive dissonance. Browsing this place is like visiting the zoo. An ape says more coherent things than these crazies do when he goes “ooo oo aaa aa” for a banana.

So anyway that reminds me of a funny story. I ended up getting some steroid injections from this doctor. He uses an active X ray machine that lets him see where the needle is so he can deliver a precise dose. Well, you have to drop your pants and lay down on a table while the nurses clean the injection site and set up the machine etc. There were legit 7 nurses there. It was the funniest thing I’d ever seen. They were there to learn about the process of what the doc was doing, obviously! What else would they be there for! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It was just so funny how they were all acting. One of them had shaky hands, and they’d pretend to be looking away when you looked at them but would start staring if you looked away from them. Each of them was looking for something to do / tripping over each other to help with the process. All of them jumped at the opportunity to “help” me into the wheelchair after the procedure. They don’t want you bearing weight for a couple of hours after the procedure, so you need help getting your trousers back on. It reminded me of my highschool ballroom class. When it came time to take the test, literally half the girls in the class asked me to dance the test with them. :joy: :+1:

It’s nice being genetically gifted and having a muscular bod without trying, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. I used to lecture people on how they needed to change their form at the gym / how they were doing the exercise wrong. In reality I had no clue what I was talking about, and I just got good results because I was favored by the genetic lottery. I must’ve sounded like a complete clown and a condescending one at that.

So anyway that reminds me of another funny story. I have a technique for avoiding awkward situations with chicks. You know, the last thing you want to do is embarrass yourself when you are getting a steroid injection, so I just kept thinking about this police officer. I own a car repair shop and this clown rolls up, hops out of his car, and starts accusing me of committing a felony for doing bodywork on my own sports cars. I have never been more mad in mad in my life than I was when that clown showed up a second time with his superior. So anytime I need to avoid an awkward situation, I just think of think of this police clown. It’s an instant mood killer, if you know what I mean. So there I was surrounded by all these nurses, and I didn’t want to embarrass myself, so I just kept thinking about how much I hate cops. Hey, these cops finally did something useful, who would’ve guessed it.

I could tell you all sorts of crazy stories about cops with my car business. At least half of the people who text me about a car I am selling will be cops. One time they set up a sting operation on me because I was selling a hot rod for such a good price they thought it was a scam. I could go on and on and on. Good thing those nurses didn’t see the car I pulled in with. If they had, they probably would’ve penned their number onto my legs with a sharpie lmao.

You know, the funniest thing that women compliment me on is my … hands. Literally. Many women have told me that I should be a professional hand model or something. When I use the ring designing AI that I programmed to launch a business here in a few years, I will definitely model my own hands for the male rings. It’s going to be flippin’ awesome. I get the posturing just right to show this gothic ring with skulls and it’s contrasted against these rough hands with scars all over the place and bulging veins. My hands and gothic rings are like a match made in heaven.

Do you know what this thread calls for? Some vengeance:


holy butthurt batman!
I for one dont doubt you can beat a pro chilling on his off race and on high ping due to server distance.
In fact most people would at best find you a slightly indifferent braggart.
Again, sane people dont act like you. Imagine comparing yourself to a billionaire just because you have a life and are decent at sc2 (a children’s game by your own admission, which is correct again)
you act like the nouveau riche guy, but on the internet.

The saddest part is this dude would have been banned a long time ago if he didn’t have another account that was a forum mod here. For his mental state they really need to remove him from this site.

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He HAS been banned. A ton. He’s on like his 9th account here or something I think. Somehow he failed to get the message.

There’s probably a hundred take-aways from that post, but your financial insecurity makes it impossible for you to see anything else. I thought someone should point that out to you. You shouldn’t let your financial status define your social interactions. They can be part of it, but they shouldn’t define it.

Lmao. Projection. Later, loser.

You can’t ban someone who is a mod here. Dude is just using his alt accounts.

Lmao Tsabi I just blocked you. I can’t read what you say, m8. Bye.

The craziest part is everyone here knows hes a pompous loser that lies about everything he posts. Literally everyone here. I don’t get why he even bothers. Its like talking to a room full of people laughing at you.

a genuine butthurt moment where mister cool guy had to vent on the forums btw.
Imagine being this butthurt because (allegedly per his own post) he lost to a few adepts juking him.
pro tip: mass hatcheries (though not 5 granted) have been known to work against protoss who doesnt go for dedicated early pressure for a very long time

Lmao. That’s what 7 posts in the 10 minutes since I blocked you. Low T can be treated by a doctor, you know. You know what you need is a good role model:

being this butthurt over someone you blocked
actually continuing to check said thread
you need to take your meds anon. you are gonna shoot up something

What do you want to bet he responded within 5 minutes, lmao.

BatZ: rambles about cars, hot nurses, metal & money.

Unstable internet randos, to quote MegadetH:

:notes: The timing is right to exact my revenge
Spilling enemy blood, I will fight to the end
No more lying-in wait, just to even the score
There’s a price to be paid, now it’s time for war :notes: