Terran late game is underpowered

There are over 150 events in major/premier/minor events. You’ve listed only 15. This doesn’t prove that I lied. This proved that you are lying. You deliberately took an average over 15 events and used that to say I lied when you knew for a fact that I was talking about an average over 150 events.

To prove it’s a lie you must first prove that it is wrong.
Team Liquid:
Protoss: 3 wins
Terran: 3 wins
Zerg: 9 wins
These are facts.


I don’t have to prove that the average over 15 is wrong to prove that I am right about the average over 150.

When you can’t understand basic math, it is highly relevant to a conversation for which understanding basic math is very important.

Oh I’m sorry, I just supposed the one who couldn’t understand basic math was the same guy trying to use a random youtube video about sample size to claim that 3 > 9. My bad.


I didn’t claim 3 > 9. I claimed 150 > 15.

I didn’t claim 3 > 9. I claimed 150 > 9.

You didn’t, but that’s fine - lying, back peddling, and moving the goalposts are all staples of your existence as the most annoying and persistent forum troll in SC2 General.

Okay now prove you aren’t lying by listing all the ‘minor’ events zerg is losing that no one was talking about or cares about in the slightest. Count those M&Ms for me!


That’s exactly what I said, and I said so repeatedly. A sample from 150 tournaments is far more important than a sample of 15. Bigger samples are better. Within that sample of 150 tournaments, terrans win more. That’s a fact. That’s all I’ve been saying here repeatedly.

That’s exactly what I said, and I said so repeatedly.

What, can’t you count M&Ms? Were you lying about being such a high IQ intellectual as well?


Ok, it’s clear you are a troll. Time to flag and move on.

Lets say you have 12 tournaments and Zerg wins 10 of them. Is Zerg under powered?.


Can’t say, because 12 tournaments is too small of a sample. Let’s apply your logic to an identical scenario.

flips quarter
gets heads

Wow 100% of the coin flips were heads, I guess the coin has a 0% chance of landing on tails.

Watch the video. Learn to count M&M’s. You CAN do it!

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Ok, so lets make the tournaments 120, and Zerg wins 110 of them. Is Zerg under powered?

When zerg wins so many tournaments that the probability of it occurring by chance shrinks to less than 1%, then zerg is overpowered at winning tournaments.

So this year in 2019 we have had 15 premier tournaments. Zerg has won 9 of them.

There is no small sample if 15 is literally whole population.

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Well, that’s still better than you:

Flips quarter
Gets heads

“Wow, well the sample size is too small so that PROVES that there was a 1% chance of heads and 99% chance of tails! The facts are there and anyone who disagrees is a liar!”


Terran’s late game composition is pretty terrifying. It’s just not very mobile. I find it almost impossible to lose with mass ghost/viking/liberator against nearly any composition unless I start getting too active on the map.

The answer isn’t too look at tournament wins, but race win % across premiere tournaments. Focusing on just the winners is asinine. That still shows Zerg is strong by the way, but you’ll look smarter while promoting it.

wtf is wrong with you…


Its legit comedy gold at this point. That’s rabiDrone for you, he always delivers.