Terran is the least micro intensive race

APM burden is not the end all be all when it comes to managing units. It matters, but it’s not the only thing that brings results.

You’ve misunderstood what I said and missed the point. Oracles, Banshees and Mutalisks are not units you take direct fights with regardless of their stats. They each have to avoid fighting specific unit types and focus on vulnerable targets. Screw your balance/design whining to justify your bias.

They can provided they have a positional advantage or any advantage that built up throughout the game. I’m not saying they’re a-move units per say, it might’ve been my fault for being vague here but I was sure it was implied about having to micro units or they die.

Even if this is the case, such is life. Zerg may be more stressed to do it but Terran also can’t really just move carelessly or wait until they’re under attack to set up their three siege units. I’m not sure about Protoss, they’re the least fun to play so I haven’t experience with it let alone watch Protoss enough to have an idea.

They cost around the same per supply and generally low in health because they’re easily replaced in masses because of how Larvae works. Being fragile is just part of the price balance. If they were any tankier they’d be broken because it’d be exponentially harder to fight a second wave of Zerg with Larvae.

You put too much faith in Medivacs, they don’t out-heal high burst damage or very fast DPS. This is one reason I know you don’t play Terran let alone pay attention. Medivacs help but not that much. Stim speed boost doesn’t make them less fragile, Stim costing HP makes them more fragile.

Replacing the units fewer at a time is the same as being harder to replace. Parade pushing also only works when the Terran’s push was successful enough and they’re trying to end the game.

You misunderstood the context again. And once again I thought it was obvious yet you manage to miss the point despite it being said, at least during HOTS or WOL when I cared about tournaments, nobody can push onto creep because it lets Zerg take favorable positions allowing them to defend for as long as they can provided the right circumstances.

Pretty sure turtling is staying in your base, not necessarily using walls everywhere being a strict meaning to the term. A Zerg who sticks to their bases and hardly attacks until they’re on the tech they want and have a bank to sustain multiple attacks is just as bad as a T or P hiding behind walls for just as long. I’m guessing you’re relatively new around here.

This is a common excuse, if it’s not “you aren’t GM” then it’s “you aren’t GSL”. You use league as an excuse when the subject (Macro requirements) is purely subjective. Being GM has nothing to do with whether or not a routine is more or less difficult. You’re using the league card as an excuse to discredit peoples’ experience when the whole bit is subjective. If this was about balance or design then league would matter, but it’s about neither. Each race has an equal amount of routine to their respective macro.

You seem to be ignoring this to be in favor of your own personal beliefs, no matter how flawed they are. Which is no surprise given the content of your entire thread being biased against Terran. Probably because you suck at playing Terran and have a mental block that doesn’t help.

Not really, still. They’ve got to manage Templar for the most part then tell Disruptors to attack a particular location, Blink Stalkers. It’s about on the same level as having to manage Vipers and Infestors with an army; Or Ghosts, Liberators, Mines, Ravens and/or Tanks. But as far as actually managing their units, each race has to do this particular type of micro. The point is that they’re all on equal ground depending on the builds they go with.

Trying to separate these things only because some are casting units while others are ability is just being selective. As far as balance and design is concerned, you should probably just not talk about it at all.


I wouldnt’ say any race is more or less micro intensive, just different. Terran micro is about multitasking and juggling, ie drops while pushing or macroing, siege tank pushing, etc. Zerg micro is more about setting up positions like flanks, surrounds, backstabs, controlling banes vs splits, preventing splash from destroying clumped up units. Toss micro is about individual units.


So you are stuck in Master league and you never got GM.
See,it works both ways. cun7

You pulled the league card on a plat while you are diamond thats the problem here, like i couldnt care less being ‘hardstuck masters’


I mean, it’s probably similar effort on both sides but it just looks like Inno is working a lot harder for lower payoffs while having a larger margin for error. Are my eyes deceiving me? Does creep spread APM make up for the extra micro Inno has to perform in every engagement, large or small? How is Inno even supposed to micro against spore + fungal + brood + viper?


And why should i care for being “hardstuck” in Top Diamond?Platys51 is plat league whiner-tra$h ofc im taking dump on him.Too bad you can’t see further than your nose :smiley:
Not to mention that i never wanted to be in Master league.

Well then you’d be wrong. There is basically zero micro involved with cyclone and bc mech styles. It’s literally move-clicking a bc around and for cyclones it’s move-click forward and move-click backwards. If you can’t see the difference between that and this:


Then you need to have your head examined. The two aren’t in even the same universe in terms of difficulty. Blizzard has been militantly on a mission to make Terran the casual race of SC2 and they have gone overboard. Buffing mech to replace bio (and switching from widow mines to siege tanks) was one thing but the new cyclone and bc styles are on a whole 'nother level. Terran is now a meme of EZ. It’s the race meant to introduce players to the game.

Mind you that terran was already very easy in terms of strategy (overly diverse units, economy on training wheels (mules), the ability to undo supply blocks in 1 click, etc) but that was all offset by how insanely hard terran micro was. Now terran’s micro isn’t hard and that means terran is by far the easiest race for casuals to play.

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terran is strong AF…
my winrate this current season is 62% vs protoss, 54% vs zerg and 34% vs terran…
and recently, after extensive research and vasts improvement, my winrate vs protoss and zerg raised by a lot.
vs terran it doesnt matter if you scout, everything they have is a hard counter. protoss has specialized units, a few units in their army are counters to your army. while terran, their entire army is a hard counter to zerg.
terran needs a total redesign. all their units needs nerf, except the casters. nerf thor, siege tank, wm, marauders, hellions, hellbats, BCs, etc etc, nerf all amove units that they have. and then buff casters, buff ghost and raven. so this way terran wouldnt be just amove win race because they are just stronger, but they’d need to micro like all the other races need to, instead of relying on amove

edit: apparently the race i played against the most is terran, which proves everyone is playing terran because it’s the stronger race… where’s the balance team???


Ya, your problem is not a balance problem, its a “not good against terran as zerg” problem.

Seriously, play terran for 100-200 games and report back what you find. You’re experiences may change your entire perceptive.


Nah, he won’t. Even if he did, he would never admit he was wrong because it goes against everything he believes. Not to mention the fact that he doesn’t really understand how anything in this game works. He’s wilfully ignorant, and exceedingly biased, and there isn’t any getting through to people like him.


so, just to add up. my winrate vs terran is only 34% because recently i concluded that i either need to play like mid GM to beat high diamond terrans, or all-in every game and hope they don’t go blind siege tanks. so i started all ining every game, and recently it has raised, so it’d be like 20% if i didnt start all ining every game
but to extend it further, since i started all-ining all games vs terran, i’ve been winning about half of the games. the all in i do is a roach-nydus all in on 2 bases, but i do take a third except i don’t mine
of this 50% recent winrate, only 10% of the losses are actually terrans who properly scouted and reacted. which means, out of 10 terrans in the high diamond league, only 1 knows how to properly scout and react. the other 40% losses is when they go blind siege tanks
as for zerg, for you to remain in high diamond, not only you need to have constant scouting and perfect reacting AT ALL TIMES, you also need to not be supply blocked at all, while terrans at this rank usually are supply blocked for 20% of the entire duration of the match
which shows the skill level difference required to play terran and to play zerg. as a zerg, you need to perfectly scout, perfectly react and perfectly macro. as for terran, you don’t need to scout at all, even though you have an insta scout button, you don’t have to react to anything and you can be terrible at macroing
terran needs a massive redesign and fast, so that their race can pair up to zerg and protoss in terms of difficulty.

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incontestable proof that terran is OP:
i’ve just beaten a grandmaster on a ZvZ. my zvz is at gm level, but terran is so op that i can’t even beat mid diamond terran (unless i all in and get lucky)

This makes no sense and is part of the things that “never happened”.

Send us a replay.

Someone who has GM level ZvZ means their mechanics are insanely good.

No one can regularly do GM ZvZ well, but then fails regularly at diamond ZvT.

That’s literally impossible.

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it’s actually not the first time i’ve beaten a gm, i think out of the 3 times i found a zerg gm on the ladder i won 2

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How did you match with a GM player?

Even if this was a legitimate win, you don’t regularly beat GM zerg players, it would have been a freak accident.

Sorry, its just not possible to constantly beat GM players and then lose to diamond players constantly using the same race.


of course the terran would try to deny an incontestable proof that shows his race is op…
i dont find many gms on the ladder, the last time was a few years ago when i 1v1’d nathanias and outplayed him
and thinking about it, i’ve never lost a single game against a gm on the ladder, my winrate vs gms while laddering is 100%

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the matchmaking system is not perfect. such mismatches do happen

also TvZ is the most broken matchup in the game. Terran has massive advantage vs zerg

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Lol, how often do you match with a GM player when you’re diamond? That’s insanely rare. I’m not sure if that’s even possible. that’s like a 4k players being matched against a 5.3k player.

TvP is way worse than TvZ.

i’ve been playing unranked so i wont throw my computer out of the window after i get placed against a terran
maybe that has something to do with it