Terran hate disruptors but somehow, widow mines are fine

Widow mines are more dependent on your opponent making a misplay than you playing really well with them.

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L2P noobs. No 400 APM? GTFO! Now, seriously. -_- Widow Mines, Disruptors AND Banelings are CANCER of this game. This three units made me QUIT playing. I don’t like units which SOMETIMES kill 30 supply and SOMETIMES do nothing. Of course, while you have 400 APM and your opponent has 100 APM, then the former happens more often than the latter. Remember, these units are “high SKILL cap”. They are intended for the PROS and that means NOT FOR YOU. :wink: I’m sure Clem doesn’t complain about Widow Mines.

You have to walk into a widow mine to take a hit. A disruptor will hit you if you don’t actively run away and dodge. Two completely different things. Let’s not even mention the differences in range and splash radius. The fact that anyone would compare these units is indicative of extremely low IQ.

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You need to know when and how to move or you can end getting friendly damage or the mines being baited by single units.

Disruptors also have a longer range than mines so they’re better against a larger range of units than mines are. There’s lots of distinctions between the two units. I think the similarity people are pulling at here is that if you’re awful at the game both units overperform compared to pro level games.

Sure, but it doesn’t really make mines good. It just makes them less awful. I think mines are really overrated by Protoss players, they have niche uses in TvT and TvP but they’re only strong as a core unit in TvZ.

mines are need for terran anti air banes and ruptors are not though…

You have to guide the disruptor shot too. Mines are fine left alone and, they’re invisible, a fact you conveniently left out to make it seem like they’re weaker.

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And as soon as you point out all your posts pleading for zerg nerfs your post will make some sort of sense. Like 2019 when zerg was dominating the tournament scene and you and other zerg trolls kept whining constantly that winning 11 out of 17 premier tournaments just wasn’t enough for zerg and somehow terran was too strong with 3 wins.

Hate to break it to you but I suspect many of todays crybabies learned it from watching a 10th dan crybaby grandmaster like you.

Widow mines are the most OP unit in this game. You can drop 4 mines in a Protoss mineral line and even with 3-4 cannons firing on the mines, you can still burrow and take out the ENTIRE base.

Blizzard balance team is just a bunch of failures.

Protip: just move your workers. Cannons will finish the job. Stalkers are 6 range too… open twilight then robo like a normal protoss will also hard counter mine dropping.

What are you even trying to say? Pls learn english. Marines can handle every one of these functions, just split your units. Not sure how corruptors are even needed to be brought into the discussion since you dont build WM to stop corruptors from pissing on your base. WM overall lose their utility past 10-12 anyways in tvz, you’re asking for festor hydra broodlord to make your day bad past that number.

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:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:
This guy has misconceptions of the word “hard counter”. That’s a lot of crap, at best it could be considered a weak softcounter.
For proper countering (still not hard-counter) Protoss has to drop twilight and open Stargate-Robo.
A couple of Obs in strategic positions and a flock of Phoenixes would do the trick (for M1-GM).
Lower ranks are out of luck (not able to use properly the Phoenixes).

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Blizzard should give widow mine auto-cast for burrow.

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:sweat_smile: cmon stop the joke

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Not autocast that you couldn’t turn off that would make it useless. But terran could turn on autocast then load then up into medivacs. Shiftclick drop the mines in a protoss mineral line and you get an auto-pilot bomber. Deadly.

no available profile

opinion discard gold trash. become a master like me and maybe your opinion will count for something.

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You still think that a couple of Stalkers and an Observer are “hard-counter” for WM-drops?
Stalker-DPS even in Master is still 10, and masetr Terrans do not only drop WM but combine that will an attack in another place to precisely exploit the fact the morons like you have concentrated all firepower in countering the WM drop.

As concerning your Code-S Level, we all know that Protoss can reach GM with exclusively Cannon-Rush.

Sure, some people are anti toss biased.

Think about this… corrosive bile from ravages gives an off screen notification that your units are under attack. Why don’t we do the same with disruptors? It’s not about how bs the unit is. If we are both engaging in a fight it’s a give and take micro battle. But what’s really disheartening and honestly a meme is once disruptors are on the field I have to spend an excessive amount of attention babysitting or splitting my army to mitigate a game ending disruptor shot. Sure, you have to early game and mid game babysit your mineral lines a bit and pay attention to those but there’s things you can do to make it easier. Pylons in corners of bases for identification time, cannons eventually if your opponent is hard committing to mine drops. Blink stalker placement. Alternatively for Terran it’s not about the potential damage to workers… it’s about a ball coming out of the fog of war in the mid game that strikes a blow destroying 30 supply of army. When the reaction time for it was about a second and a half. With cannons or a stalker or two in the corner of your bases you’ll at least get a notification that your units have engaged something allowing you to pull workers and mitigate damage. What option does Terran have?

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Put cyclone on patrol or one viking in patrol in edge of base plus made depot in edge of main? Or even easier mine in edge of main

That might help with like… a disruptor dropping into my main, or natural but that’s usually not where units are positioned. Not in the main or natural at least. I’m talking like… mid game, I’m trying to position for my third base, etc. also don’t forget anything I send out of my base unit wise on the ground is free pickings for blink stalkers. Is the appropriate play to throw down sensor towers once disruptors are on the field to mitigate game ending damage? Should I have to invest a significant amount of resources into the off chance that 1 disruptor will come wipe the mid game army? I need my gas to get to the next anti AOE from toss. And yes, I can come out of the fog of war with a cloaked ghost and EMP the Protoss army (massive damage yeah) but it won’t end a game nothing will die.

A simple notification of “your units are under attack” when a purification nova is fired off your immediate screen while your units are in range would mitigate so much of this. Then it becomes a skill thing vs a meme that your opponents camera wasn’t on screen. Notification and reaction of opponent to mitigate damage. A skill check. I’m sure some toss can agree with that as well. I know when I go disruptor in PvP I often find myself getting massive disruptor shots where I am shooting a ball from the fog of war and I kill like… 5 stalkers, and maybe other high value units of theirs. Little things like that just suck. I feel great when I get those shots but I don’t feel like I’ve genuinely outplayed my opponent. Between warp ins, pylon dropping, tech advancement, base management etc… I caught my opponent in a 1 second window where they weren’t looking at their army.

Idk where are you looking if you move out from base means you go to fight and dizruptors came to party i mean you end all things witch base eco and other in another example protoss just attack you without dizruptors and you lose fight