Terran hate disruptors but somehow, widow mines are fine

Raven. It’s not about them attacking with their army and having disruptors. It’s about the random shots in the dark from outside our vision that give us a 1 second window to react but only if our camera is on our units. That’s the problem.

Moving out from your base doesn’t also mean I should have to babysit my army during the whole move out. You’re telling me that when I leave my base I can’t ever drop another depot? Because since I’m going to fight that means my focus is 100% on my army? That’s honestly just wrong. We need to macro as well as while we are fighting man.

Sure you do. Protoss would build an equivalent of terran Sensor-Tower even it cost were 200/200.
Otherwise use scans to keep track of the Protoss army.

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Meh if nova fly out maybe protoss see your army by unit vision or observer shoot random no meaning because cooldown

Why terran ever think he allowed get macro things together witch fight it like protoss please dont shoot nova i not watch my army now

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LUL, Ravager’s bile has a cooldown of 7 sec, disruptor has it 21 sec.
I have no problem with Disruptors that give "notification " if their CD would be 7 seconds…

:joy: 7 For dizruptors now it sounds way crazy

I think you’re entirely missing the point and I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not. There is only one unit in the game that has literally 0 risk high reward and that is the disruptor. You want me to scan (hurt my economy) constantly in the early to mid game to scout for disruptors? There is no other unit in the game that can one off eliminate units from the field while also maintaining completely safe from danger. Even if I’m not moving out and I’m just posturing at my third this is still something that can simply end games. The only other thing close is bane mines. Low risk high reward. However, requires me to literally walk on top of them and my opponent to be paying attention to trigger them. Disruptor can while safe from have a positive over 1000 resource trade. It’s insane. A simple notification again will help mitigate this.

It was an ironic reply to that scumbag that is asking for Protoss nerffs. Disruptor is fine as is. Only imrovement is to drop the vs. shild damage (55) and do full 200 damage.

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Map and situational awareness are mandatory skill for each race (even more for Protoss that lacks the detection abilities of Terran/Zerg).
If you don’t like to Scan than you can use 50 mineral units (marines) as sentinels in important places of the map to extend vision (M and GM terrans do it routinely).
Terrans have low hp ultra high DPS and high mobility armies.
Protoss have high hp low DPS and low mobility armies.
Only thing to balance is those high risk/high reward spells (Storm/Nova).
If Disruptor was nerffed as you like than the balance would be broken.

That’s the reason why PvT is so one sided, protoss gets some hits and crushes terran or misses and is crushed by the terran.

You think that adding a notification that your units are under attack before a nova goes off would imbalance the game? You believe that mechanically the only way for a disruptor to be effective is to catch a Terran or opponent off guard? The disruptor has 0 utility in a straight up fight and does 0 damage? I’m just trying to understand where you’re coming from.

Sure. 90% of Disruptor use is with the whole army as meatshield for protecting him and givin him the necessary time to crush the terran army.
It has a 2 sec time (2000 ms) during which a terran can run away, rush to kill the Disruptor before nova explodes or even load bio in Medevacs.
In High GM is hard to hit terrans with less than 5-6 Disruptors.
Surprise is part of the game.

Saying they act as a meat shield is honestly really misplaced. If your only form of splash damage is disruptors then yes. That’s one form of AOE to deal with and it’s done by avoiding the balls or splitting. Add disruptors into your main army in the big engagements with colossus, also HT if you’re already at that part of the game. While you as the Protoss do 1A with the main army and then fire off disruptors in a steady succession think about the amount of micro required in this fight. As Terran I want to engage your colossus stalker army with bio Viking. Focus colossus and studder step bio backwards trying to mitigate damage from colossus, Or stand and fight. Disruptors eliminate the ability to studder step. Now Terran has a few options all of them not great. I can run away completely eating free damage from colossus as well as opening your stalkers up to shoot my Vikings relatively freely. I can dive on the disruptor which vs a colossus also army is not a smart idea. Or I can split. Splitting requires a lot of drag box and right click in multiple different directions. If Vikings are also coming in from on top of my army I’m going to stop them in some cases from shooting at colossus. I can make Vikings come from a weird angle but that opens them up to being blinked under and sniped. If we add HT into this mix then I also need to land EMPS and if I miss some HT I risk taking game ending damage. If I screw up a split I take game ending damage. So on so forth. In the end this isn’t a major issue as their are other units that can be added later in the game that counter the disruptor play so I’m not going to whine and say it’s OP and Protoss is unbeatable. But couple that mid game difficulty with taking a blind disruptor to the face really puts Terran at a huge disadvantage. TL;DR I disagree with your assessment that disruptors serve no purpose and act only as a meat shield. If you control them right also they’re never in danger and can fire balls from a good distance in army vs army fights.

Adding a notification for under attack will not break the balance of the game. Instead it’ll correct a 0 risk high reward play with game ending opportunities.

It’s amount to playstyle. Personally i don’t bother to waste resources with HT, Stalkers and Collo.
I babysit 6-8 Disruptors with 4 Immortals, 2-3 DT and 10 Adepts.
The rest is Phonixes.
It’s not advisable (due to friendly-fire) to use Zealots in this composition.
Adepts will clear the remaining light (marines) and Immortals the armored (Marauders) that have escaped the carnage of the Disruptors.
It does wonders even in GM.
Sometimes is advisable to scare the terran to death with Hallucinated Disruptors…

No, i said quite the contrary, the army is built around the group of Disrutors that are the main heavy-hitters, the army can be sacrificed in order for the Disruptors to do their magic.

Maybe I misunderstood this. Your army is a bit unorthodox though. Colossus with disruptor honestly is really strong and can bully a tankless bio army all day.

Collo has too many counters to be really viable. A couple of Vikings and that’s it. Zerg will be happy to abduct/kill 6 supply units all day long.
In PvT Collo suck against armored (marauders). Disruptor has not the consistency of Collo but he slaughters anything on ground and the remaining are cleared by Adept/Immos.
Also if one builds Collos, he will be forced to protect them with at least 4 Stalkers for each Collo.
Stalkers in fights suck.

amazing that you can’t see that WM are absolutely o risk high reward. Oh so your opponent buit cannons and you can go to his side ? Just burrow mine to protect your base or just along paths on the map. The mine doesn’t even need to attack it’s such a braindead unit. Burrow and wait, guaranteed value

that was next level of brain damage, you make me wanna punch HOLES IN THE WALL