2 steps forward 1 step back. Would you consider that a nerf? BC teleport used to be insta escape but i don’t consider the stun change in general a nerf. I think its wiser to consider all the changes made to a unit. Cause if we think about it with just the nerfs alone then i can make a statement like Thors got nerfed (armor and AOE radius).
You and I can both agree that Thors got buffed in TvZ and TvP with their 250mm mode. Some people might disagree and say no Thors got nerfed overall and say the armor and AOE are more important especially vs mutas and lings. It then becomes an entirely different discussion. I mean tell me can you include Liberators in a list of units that got buffed in lotv just because of the change that moved the upgrade to the fusion core disregarding all the nerfs it received (which i don’t defend at all). I mean making that statement when Libs and Thors got nerfed especially against mutas isn’t correct.
I dont mind listing buffs and nerfs for each race however if we are going to cherry-pick then we do it for both the nerfs and the buffs.