Temporary server outage unable to play

I have the same “outage” error as the people posting here. If you change the region to Europe, it worked for me. I’m still hoping they fix this, because all my progress is on the American region.

I understand issues arise and its not a priority from how little they make, its just enough to keep the servers running most of the time, but not enough to fully staff a team for it. But it would be nice if they at very least make single player/campaigns available for play offline.

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I am having this issue as well. Switching regions does not seem to help.

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So here is the real sad part… Blizzard made more money off of the sparkle pony (Celestial Steed) in wow than StarCraft2 in it’s entirety… Yes, that is correct… A mount in WOW that cost next to nothing to make, made billions…

Do you think Blizzard cares enough about their customers to share that profit with new games and real game content??? Nope?? Why should they?? We as customers really haven’t given them a reason to…

So here is the real sad part… Blizzard made more money off of the sparkle pony (Celestial Steed) in wow than StarCraft2 in it’s entirety… Yes, that is correct… A mount in WOW that cost next to nothing to make, made billions… Do you think Blizzard cares enough about their customers to share that profit with new games and real game content??? Nope?? Why should they?? We as customers really haven’t given them a reason to…

Your right and I hate it. I actually have a game idea that i think people would love (it is starcraft related, and involves Zeratul). but i have been told by reddit that blizz doesn’t care, this outage is just proof of that. I can play just fine, but some of my friends cannot, and it’s weird. Blizz fix this.

even as someone who’s played WoW longer than she’s played StarCraft I do still agree. It’s a great game and great world, and I wish it didn’t get the short stick. My only hope is that one day it’ll get something to revive it enough to at least get some care/attention

Imagine being “customer support” and all you do is fight with users in the support forums.

If you don’t have much info, just say: “Sorry to everyone having problems currently, we are trying our best to resolve the issue, but SCII is currently on low priority so please be patient while we fix the errors”

Blizzard you can hire me and pay me half of what this joker gets.


It is about the allocation of resources. Dismantle it you think, but his point rings ever true. Your company, like many corporations has constituents, investors and shareholders. Although making great leaps in design, it has since its inception had the goal to develop cash-flow. You allocate resources for cash-flow. Sometimes at the behest of product longevity and success. I have particularly disgruntled friends in Irvine that attest. Indeed to go further, one could mention your fellow oligopolistic competitor Electronic Arts; with Maxis and Bullfrog, gutted, exploited, and scattered. It is par the industry to consume. Nevertheless, we should remain civil, and your teammates have priorities to make a fortuitous brand as Activision-Blizzard has so far. Let us acknowledge, that a great effort should be made in your offices to be on top server connection, and we understand it is easier said than done. No hard feelings, and we wish you the best luck in amending it. I hope they fulfill the overtime pay with some of the skins they sold. :peace_symbol:

It’s nothing of the sort. It can seem foreign to those who haven’t experienced a game they like reaching the end of development, but it’s the reality of retired games. It’s the inevitable fate of all video games. It’s left for sale “as is” just like all the other retired games that are still for sale.

And it has been when there’s larger impact issues. However, it has been placed at a low priority.

That has nothing to do with it whether a game is retired or not. It’s going to happen to them all eventually.

That’s not the case at all here though. There’s been several big issues that have arisen since it was retired and they have addressed to a point that allows the game to still be played.

No, Silver. That’s noting but a twist of my words. At no point did I say anything remotely resembling that. I’ve only explained the situation SC2 is in. Careful throwing accusations around if you’re going to put words in my mouth.

Same thing here. You can’t just twist reality to conveniently fit your position. SCR is seven years old. And before it was remastered, it was in a similar glitchy, partially functioning state like D1, WC1 and WC2. SCR is also retired and it’s starting to have issue as well. Be glad that Bliz is still fixing the big issues in SC2 because they haven’t fixed anything since 2020 in SCR.

Opinions are allowed. Even if one has no idea why they have it.

Sorry but your blind guestimates hold no water.

D1, WC1 and WC2 all work on most modern computers thanks to Blizz partnering with Good Old Games. You can even buy these games on the blizz store again.

The only thing that is still an issue is the online play but with rumored Warcraft 2 remaster who knows. They might bring some better battle.net for it.

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The truth can be wild, especially when it’s not liked. I’m not going to misrepresent the situation to keep it tame.

Correct. It’s for sale “as is”, exactly like how it was (all Bliz games in fact) when it was still under development. That hasn’t changed. And now that it’s retired, the “as is” part will slowly degrade as technology leaves it behind.

That’s not unique to a retired game. It happens to all games at some point, multiple times. SC2 had plenty of down times its whole life.

I’m not paid.

I haven’t dismissed a single issue. Like the one above you, you can’t twist reality to fit your frustrated position. All I’ve done is explain why SC2 has recurrent issues and why it can take more time than usual to fix them.

That’s a fabrication of the playerbase likely due to simply not liking what they are hearing. It doesn’t in any way represent combativeness on my part.

Well, it’s something that those who choose to play a retired game need to make peace with. Blizzard is who decided to retire SC2, not me.

Patch 5.0.13 was released in March of this year 2024…

Patch 5.0.14 is on the test server…

They have released new maps and made balance patches… 5.0.14 is a balance patch…

Is the game retired as you say?? Blizz still makes bank from all the StarCraft tournaments around the world… It is sad that they killed Overwatch league…

Do you actually play any of these games?? Are you current on anything?? Do you actually think before you write a post??

Here is an opinion… You suck at customer support… And I know why I have that opinion…

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Well seems the trolls are eating well tonight 0.o

When this happened last time, there wasn’t any communication on it. It just started working the next working day.


But the ones on the Bliz store are not updated. They are in the same condition they were in when they were retired. They barely function without a handful of community made patches. It’s not just online that doesn’t work well. Most aren’t able to launch it due a Dx issue resulting in a black screen.

They did the last time and since it’s game breaking they likely will again.

Two things are working against that. First, SC2 used to be offline when not playing multiplayer. Around 2.0 they changed over to fully online, so it was a conscious decision to get rid of it. Making that effort to get rid of it points to the unlikeliness of it coming back. Second, with it having reached end of development, they won’t be putting anymore developmental work into it (which putting an offline mode back in would require).

They did leave behind a somewhat obscure offline mode. If the computer’s internet is disabled, the authorization will fail and a screen will appear asking if you want to play offline. Like all the modern Bliz games that have offline modes, it will require occasional connections to revalidate. But after, it can be played offline again for a while.

Like I said, I’m doing nothing of the sort. That’s something you are fabricating likely due to not liking what your being told. I have no reason to fight with anyone about this.

That would be great if Bliz did that. But for those that are new, Bliz hasn’t had a good communication culture for a couple decades. And now with the teams that used to communicate with the SC2 community long gone, it’s going to be even less.

That would be $0.

Again, not liking what you’re being told doesn’t make it bad customer support.

It’s the reality of the situation: Bliz has retired the game. Bliz is leaving the servers up. Bliz is leaving it on sale. Bliz is addressing the larger impact issues at a much lower priority that the actively developed games. Explaining that doesn’t make it bad support, you simply don’t like it.

Does it suck? Sure. Do I like the situation? No. SC is my favorite franchise. But that doesn’t change the reality that we all have to accept if we choose to play the game.

Correct. It is retired. The patches you speak of are multiplayer balance changes solely made by the community using the editor. The same is true for the two Coop patches that were pushed. There was no Bliz development involved in either.

… so the question really becomes, do you research the facts before you attempt some sort of “gotcha” moment? As for the bad support accusations, I’m not the one with the misunderstandings here.

Because you’re frustrated like everyone else at the situation. But some of you have allowed that to turn those frustrations onto someone who has no say in the decisions, and has only explained the reality of the situation. It’s totally fine if you don’t like it, just let it cloud your rationality.

Folks, this isn’t the place to debate SC2’s situation.

Everyone is free to start discussions about it in the General Discussion forum. Let’s leave this forum for its purpose: to report and ask fellow players if they have any advice on technical issues.

To reiterate what I said above in case it gets lost in the posts:

Negative. This is an online game that has a company based server with no TCP/IP or community driven servers. All of those “obsoleted” games you speak of have passionate communities of modders bringing them back to life or modding them to make them compatible with modern hardware and OS’s. Again EXTREMELY disingenuous even if you don’t like that word because we have no ability to fix it, it is completely in a trillion dollar companies hands and they can’t even be bothered to maintain their legacy ALSO old games didn’t have the luxury or curse of being always online crap that they could push patches for when things broke. Anyone with a brain knows why EU is online and NA is completely hosed. Because that would be a massive lawsuit since consumer protection is infinitely better and in favor of the customer. Don’t talk to me as if you are holier than holy and know the score with your PR jargon. They care about EU because it would cost them money to not care. There is no repercussion’s but these forum posts that noone cares about including the damn CS for the game. If the game is abandoned then hand it over to the damn players. We will make it work for free cause we give a damn still. I have never talked to a CS rep on bnet forums but jesus I have no hope after this interaction for any Blizzard game if this is the response. Also every single entity that has any weight on youtube or social media or twitch will say the same thing. The amount of people that play SC2 especially after support was dropped for pvp aspects is miniscule compared to the PVE and arcade modes. It is not just an opinion. I am sorry that I don’t have statistics that YOU probably have access to or could corroborate. It’s just sad the way you are gaslighting your own community. I am done with this conversation since it has no merit or point. Hopefully this mess will get fixed by new years at least. A girl I play with can’t even log in and after leveling every prestige to max we really don’t wanna play on a laggy EU region version arbitrarily because blizzard doesn’t want to get sued and we take a backseat because they are allowed legally to not give a crap about us. Delete my post if it will make you feel better that you won the argument in your head. But there is far more level headed opinions blasting holes in your calm PR jargon that says you are just wrong and numb to the situation. Just. Incredible.

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So if the game is truly retired and this is a community effort??

Why is the game still for sale? Why are their skins, announcers, and other addons for sale??

Why are we able to post on a Battle.net forum for SC2???

Why hasn’t blizzard announced to shut down the battle.net service for StarCraft??

How can you be such an idiot??

You are just a cheerleader with a sad pair of legs…

I give the game is not in active development… But that does not mean retired… They are still taking in money for the game…

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Because it’s not against any laws or rules to keep it on sale for those who choose to play it as is. Just like how the legacy games that are barely functional are still for sale for those who choose to play them as is.

Retiring a game doesn’t mean people can no longer discuss it in the studio’s space. Plus it’s the most logical place for reports of problems.

Because only development has ended. Nothing else.

That might be where you’re going so far off base. SC2 is retired, which means it has reached end of development.

Come now, MajikMyst. Like above, it’s not me who doesn’t understand the situation. Nor is it me who’s been grasping at whatever I can to keep afloat.

I have no feelings one way or the other on the word, Silver, simply because it doesn’t apply to the situation.

I’ve simply described the reality of SC2 status, as decided by Bliz. Not liking it doesn’t immediately make any of it disingenuous.

Which suggests you don’t understand the basic tenets of business.

It’s not that they can’t be bothered. They quite intentionally choose to let old projects go in favor of new ones. It’s the eventual fate of all video games regardless of their impact or status or legacy.

It’s unfortunate that you would spin it that way. Again, please try not to create things that aren’t there. I’m only explaining a situation that I certainly know more about than the average person, jargon or not.

Turn the source code over to the public? Again, it seems frustration is clouding your rational thinking.

In similar circumstances, it would be the same responses no matter the company.

Seeing the last time it happened it was fixed the next work day, there’s a good chance of that. There’s been reports of it working again this morning.

On a separate note because you’ve alluded to it a couple times, I’m not an employee. It’s not my company, I’m not a rep, I don’t get paid, I don’t make internal decisions, etc.