Switching to the reported hard race?!

NA has no competition the higher you go but OK try to see how far u go. Any race to learn takes time, maybe cannon rushes and other 5 min games not but the rest does, it is why I wouldn’t take the already little time for this

I dunno man. I was literally better than every NA Terran, from BW, whether they quit or not, that switched to SC 2 sans Major. Not even really that close. SC 2 inflated the ranks of Terrans, in comparison. I know some guys like Scan were a god at BW and struggle at SC 2 in comparison, but… they’re really the exception.

Non Koreans were far less numerous in BW at “GM,” because it was a lot harder. They were a unicorn in BW, basically.

I really think the cyclone is beyond broken. I truly do. When I play P vs T, it’s all that goes through my mind. I mean, I truly believe I have to open fastest DT into quick three bases or I’d probably lose to anyone doing a cyclone build. It’s just not worth the trouble. The cyclone straight up beats everything.

Like you’re supposed to get charge and blink to deal with cyclones. Those are things you have to research. Like that not only provides a window for cyclones to abuse you, but even after you get those abilities, so what… the cyclone still does adequately if not well. It’s a joke. It owns every unit. Doesn’t matter how costly. It’s broken as s.

On the other side… I just make cyclones and watch everything die. I have zero idea how to use cyclones. I couldn’t be using them any worse. I absolutely couldn’t, yet… everything just dies. It’s disgusting. Like… there’s nothing to even think about. Just spam cyclones… You have to be really good at this game… to just deal with the spam of 1 unit. I’m not playing good players. It’s free wins until you play whoever these guys are who know the answer to a unit that beats everything.

It reminds me of P vs T in BW, where if you lose… you just tip your hat and you’re like “wow… he must be really good.” Every Toss unit sucks.

In my time of playing BW or SC 2, what I’ve found is… if you’re relatively good and something gives you a lot of trouble, then… you can switch races… and you’re going to win “every game” abusing what gives you trouble, given the players you’re playing aren’t as good as you with the race that you couldn’t figure out how to beat what was troubling you.

I really just think non koreans have a terran problem. Like there’s something mental that just prevents them from being able to play terran, no matter what the difficulty of the race is. That said, a hard matchup is beating arbiters and carriers in BW. There’s nothing remotely hard about T vs P in SC 2 in comparison. Nothing. It’s a joke fest, in comparison. The fact that anyone could act otherwise is hilarious.

Because 3.5k players don’t know you can cancel lock on with a warp prism. 6 stalkers+ a warp prism can beat 6 cyclones. That’s 600 gas from 1 factory too…

Do you really ever see that, outside of maybe with Parting? What happens if you just lockon the warp prism? What, they’re always going to have the prism in a perfectly safe/optimal distance? I don’t get this unit. Nothing about it makes any sense, yet everyone acts like “totally just another unit. If anything, it sucks.” It’s like… really…

If this unit is fine, then then the tempest with 100 range is fine. That’s how I feel about it. Even if the tempest had 100 range. Give me the cyclone.

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Just did it with 2 stalkers remaining… first attempt. You never have equal cyclones versing an equal amount of stalkers… add anything into that equation it gets even worse…

One of the highest win rates I’ve seen for T vs P, is the guy who ONLY MAKES CYCLONES every game. It’s clearly the best way to play, at a non pro level, at a minimum. It’s the easiest matchup in the game. It has to be. The cyclone vs Toss matchup. I’ve never seen anything like this. Maybe mutas vs Toss in HotS is the only comparable.

XD battlemech styles died out ever since they buffed zealot speed. They move faster than cyclones and are more numerous and the lack of tanks makes you vulnerable to anything else. If you’re defending with cyclones you’ve already lost. Please link me the guy that goes mass cyclones though. Is it nathanias? maybe ruff has had a go?

opp 4 stalkers remaining second attempt. Think I can get 6/6?

I think I’m coming for you. One day, you’re going to be begging for mercy, saying “no more.” As you tried to style me with a warp prism, and that style had you laying in a virtual casket. RIP Thrasher. Tombstone reading “I should have listened to Playa, given… he’s never been wrong before. Paid with my life. Learn from me kids.” You know, the longest engraving ever, cause every word is needed for humanity, going forward.

Don’t make me get morbid Thrasher. Just fess up to there is no practical answer to becoming the cylone’s b word. Cyclone has an insatiable appetite, and he feasts on everything he wants, which is everything.

I remember Nathanias did like massing cyclones. There’s always some talented individuals out there that can make anything look beatable, though. Yeah, he definitely wouldn’t be the guy with that win rate. I don’t think I’ve ever faced a sensible build from Ruff, so no.

Hot off the presses. I’m 2-0 with my new style. I like to call this the 3/3. The 3 fact, 3 port, mine viking build. Brought to you by yours truly. Max’s first Terran creation. I hope we’re all really proud of him. Maybe make a thread for his first Terran build. GJ son. I always knew you had it in you. Where’s Harstem at when you need him, which is never.

Anyways, check it out: h ttps://drop.sc/replay/19582474 I messed up by making a tech lab first. You know me, just always in cyclone mode.

I clearly could have done this better. I don’t care if my opponent was trash league. This is what style looks like. Pure class and sophistication. Room to grow, too. I can see me beating some chumps in a higher league with this.

I see you with your little monocle on thinking “man… he’s just going to clump them all together, and my one ravager bile going to kill them all, then I a-move to his base and remind him who the champ is.” Nah son. Won’t be like that.

I link replays versing 5k terrans you link me replays versing 3.5k zergs doing florencio strats. ZZZZ They’re still learning what units are and what buttons to press… Like I could be watching Livibee playing terran instead… it’s the same level.

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Blame random players. I ain’t got time to play vs random. If I wanted to play a guessing game, I’d play some poker.

It took her 1k games to reach that level. Put some respect on the difficultly of reaching this level of prowess. Where will I be after 1k games with Terran? Will I be on Pluto? Will I be trying to educate Pluto residents on the disrespect going on, on earth. “Hey guys, did you know… they said you’re not even a planet? They called you nothing. And they tried to act like I didn’t create the builds I most certainly did.” I’m not sure which one they would be more disgusted with, but that’s the kinda disrespect happening here.

When earth gets lasered to death by aliens, I’m blaming thrasher. I’ma be on Pluto, though, so I don’t care. I own some jackets, so it’s w/e.

Did livibee play terran to a ro16 NA tournament in BW with AVILO as a practice partner? NO… She had to settle for BERRYCRUNCH… Could you imagine what BW playa would be saying now that you don’t even play ranked?

New account champ… They’re free. I want to see the stats… Take a page from GOody and use the provisional MMR as a booster.

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His Terran is just as bad. I smashed him on ladder, flamed him for his build making no sense and then he spent 1 hour talking to me on discord, coping about how he isn’t a$s.

1 is standard, 2 is a weird recent meta I’m not too sure about, I think it’s for map control but on ladder 0 cyclones is more common than 2.

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Minor update. It appears I have to win 10 games in unranked, basically, and one EACH DAY (can’t be done in a day, etc) to be allowed to play ranked on a new account. I can’t believe I haven’t heard this before. I can’t believe there’s weirdo geeks with a million accounts given this.

The alternative is… give Blizzard money. Can’t do that out of principle, even if it just required a penny. That would be a nah son. So, guess I won’t be playing ranked Terran for a week’ish…

So, in playing news, I have yet to lose a game vs Zerg since I’ve started going mine, viking (add in tanks eventually). I’ve beaten higher ranked players since the first rep. I dunno. Seems like the free win strats have been established vs casually skilled opponents. Cyclones vs Toss. Mines vs Zerg. Now, only to keep you posted on the free win strat, to be determined, vs Terran.

In all honesty, Terran seems a lot easier than Toss starting out. The race macros by itself. The only thing to learn is the add on part. The biggest reason it seems easier, besides never being supply blocked… is you can do builds that involve a fast third CC that you know none of your opponents can punish. You just start every game ahead and your units are also better than your opponents.

It’s not like you’re going to be facing vipers or well used ones… If you can avoid playing in a way that loses to banelings, then I guess Terran life should be pretty easy. We’ll see how much I eat those words or not, though.

I’m not a fan of infinite unit selection with Terran. Seems unnecessary and just promotes all things bad. Not properly using hotkeys. An inability to do multi pronged stuff. I just don’t think it does anyone any favors, besides people who really don’t want to be competitive ever.

It’s fine to use F2, you can mitigate bad effects by shift queuing F2 movements.

Unlimited unit selection is something you’re going to use, not just F2, if you can… but it does one a disservice. It’s silly to think that it was a lot easier to do multi pronged attacks with Terran in BW and to defend vs multi pronged attacks, just because SC 2 suckers you into using death ball hotkeys.

It almost feels like a pick your poison thing. If you try to hotkey units a little more anti death ball wise, now maybe you fear you’re going to get out death balled. I dunno. It’s just weird to think it’s totally harder in SC 2 to do multi pronged attacks or to defend vs anything, really.

So far, T vs T feels like a slightly less lame version of T vs T in BW. Given there was no such thing as bio plus tanks in BW, it was a little more hard to punish anyone. But, it’s similar theme now still.

I don’t know how it works in BW, but you can play styles like Byun does where you just try to break the other bio player and its very aggressive. But yeah, TvT can be very turtly if you both play a certain way.

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T vs T in BW is a straight up nightmare. The norm was for Terrans to auto leave upon joining your game and seeing you had picked Terran. If you ever saw a game with the title of “no Terran,” it was 100% a Terran player.

No one liked it. Everyone hated it. It was pretty common for every Terran to try playing another race vs Terran. Idra, for instance, was a Z vs T player. He only started playing T vs T because Estro made him pick one race, for all matchups.

It was just massing tanks and goliaths (thors). When I was starting out, I had probably 5 drawed games on ladder vs Terran within a couple months. And, let me tell you… it could have been far more. Like “every game” could have been a draw if it wasn’t for one playing getting impatient and just wanting to end it, win or lose.

You kinda had to learn how to transition to BCs without dying, to have any chance to win games “before an hour” if the game was remotely close.

Eh, I like longer games. I wish SC2 games could go on for that amount of time. But I get that lots of people are very impatient.

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I always play for “full fledged macro games.” I mean, I’m the most macro centric player in GM. I’ve literally tried an all-in an amount of times that can be counted on 1 hand. And even then… I’m so macro ingrained, that I can’t stop making workers and expanding when trying an “all-in.” Not even sarcasm.

That said, I much prefer a normal LotV version of a long game (20’ish minutes). You know 30’ish minutes at most. In BW… all those draw games were well over an hour. When I played a WCG series, P vs T, vs Evade… every game was well over an hour.

And T vs T… it’s always like that in BW unless you really know what you’re doing. Like you use the most optimal opener. You exploit every little thing early on. That’s the only real way to be able to finish any games. Once a guy got a third… he could max and draw the game out for as long as he wanted, and had just as good of chances of winning as you did, no matter how many expansion you had (at normal level).

I tried playing without any bio in SC 2 (today), but… I found I was just having way too many tanks picked off for free. And just losing games I had no business losing. Unless I want to scan non stop, and gift the guy minerals, basically… that didn’t seem feasible/prudent.

I just don’t like “stalemate games.” And T vs T seems to breed those games. It’s why I hated the disruptor era in P vs P so much. It was just a stalemate game where the winner was decided by patience.