Stetmann's Stetzone and why should you NOT give Stetzone to your ally base

Since you’re interested in the numbers, I did my best to set up a test to compare Kerrigan with and without Stetzone, she would appreciate Blue Setzone the most on DoN. Stetzone spread reach Kerrigan base while she was at 15 worker on mineral and 0 on gas. In both tests my goal was to reach full saturation (27/27 and 3/3 on 3 gases.) Here are screenshots:
The difference is 295 minerals and 55 gas, in a situation Stetzone would have the best effect on a commander that would benefit from it the most. This is likely the most resource gain a Stetzone can give if an ally macro well. The number would be less than this on other 2 base maps.

I also run this test for those who claimed Stetzone gives them thousands of minerals: I let saturated base rune for ~10m without Stetzone, then give Stetzone to it and let it run for another 10m, this is the income chart:
You can see the mining rate goes from stable to rather inefficient due to workers running between mineral patches more often with the extra speed but overall no extra income for a saturated mineral line.


Heres something that I think is not being taken into account, since were apparently min-maxing the ever loving crap out of the game today. With a blue stetzone, commanders like Nova or Zagara can sack some of their workers to free up more supply for their actual army, while losing less income from doing so due to the speed boost cutting down on travel time for the workers.

I’d like to see a comparison between… lets say Zagara on two workers per mineral field with a blue zone versus 3 workers per field without. How much income does she lose?

And then when Stetman switches off blue…?

Then you lose income for a few seconds until the fight is over and he switches it back on.

Well, i always play with random pubs.
As you guys must’ve already known the problem with random pubs, some of them certainly need all the help they could get.
That is why i always try to get the blue zone to their first base.


As you mentioned here, this is the difference after making a proxy Hatchery first, and your images show you also tech’d up to Hive.

Given that your initial post was emphasizing the efficacy of the first 3-4min. It’s a little weird that you chose to compare it this way. This in itself shows the difference in build order from player to player (your test sample versus my build order). Already would have impact.

It would be better to see the difference in the following circumstances:

  1. No proxy, just the initial main.
  2. 14 Drones (as any Kerrigan focused opener would have a supply block here).
  3. Compare zone versus no zone.
  4. Since Zeratul is used as an “no zone commander” per your post, compare the same on this map.

Also, any tech finished compared to not finished makes a huge difference. And they should be listed out. For example, a finished Hive due to having zone at say 4min, would allow Ability Efficiency to be researched sooner, thus greatly affecting Immobilization Wave, Assimilation Aura, income thereof, push timings, etc.

You know, since we are talking about min-maxing. Timing is literally everything. So removing that early research from your ally because you didn’t provide the zone would affect the game. Where only extra vision is gained but much more potentially is lost.

Funny I did a different comparison before this (2 hatches, drone only, no tech up) but I didnt like it due to deeming it as unrealistic. The reason I did the comparison this way is to see the resource number Kerrigan would have in a situation I’d normally end up with Stetzone support. The 2nd hatch is there to offset Kerrigan unbearably slow larva production, and that’s what I’d normally do on this map. My stance on eco boost is “I will never expect my ally to give it to me so I’ll do without, if I get it then it’s an extra” hence my test do not use Stetzone as a crutch.


I see, thanks for the explanation.

I can see where your stance is stemming from then.

I used to get mad when Stetmenn would give their own mineral lines and not mine their eco boost. I used to intentionally not help with attack waves that went for their bases as reprisal for not being selfless enough.

But reading this thread has helped me realize I was being a jerk over a miniscule economic advantage. Thanks guys.

Kane, you are a real ettiquette thought leader. Thanks, man.


According to liquipedia and teamliquid forum, 2 workers per mineral patch would gives 78 (farther one) - 90 (closer one) per minute, and 3 workers per patch would give 102 mineral per minute regardless mineral patch distance. I believe most main mineral line has 7 mineral patch, which is 4 closer and 3 distance, so 14 workers (2 per one patch) would harvest 594 mineral per minute, while saturated 21 workers would harvest 714 per minute.

With stetzone, it could be assumed that 2 workers would work as fast as 3 workers. So if your ally stop at 14 workers for harvest mineral, it would give them 120 more mineral per minute.
More than 14 workers would give almost 0 benefit, but when the expansion is finished, the extra workers can move to expansion immediately.
The extra mineral gained in early minutes can be used to build something else earlier, including earlier gas, earlier tech and more units.


This only applies to commanders on my Yes list, and to a lesser extent Maybe list. My point was never about NEVER spread Stetellites to your ally in all scenarios, I listed all the commanders that would benefit, maybe benefit, and will not benefit from Stetzone by the time it takes for the Stetmann player to spread Stetellite over. I even gave numbers on how much an ally would gain to show that Stetzone as an eco boost is very weak (unlike Swann Gas Drone which each gives 20 gas per minute, or Kerrigan Assimilation Aura which can net up to 1k resources per use) and not something to get mad and ragequit/teamkill if you did not get it.

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Thanks! So perhaps for a duo speedrun on DoN, but otherwise the benefit is nice, but not very noticable.

You know what’s also cool about giving the stettzone to ur ally base? You can transfer all your workers to the expansion and continue mining at your base with the stettzone active, making full use of its potential. (Assuming the expansion isn’t going to be covered 2 anytime soon. Depends on the map, temple and void launch comes to mind

that is a good analysis if not a bit late. most rando players will expect you to put stet fields on their main and expansions by now.