StarCraft II 5.0.11 PTR Patch Notes

I congratulate Microsofot just for the simple act of giving to this community a balance patch!


Hereā€™s a change that will get blood boiling: Let Ghosts make their special attacks from bunkers and get the +1 range bonusā€¦


The article should be more specific about broodlings of afterkilled zerg hatch or broodlors broodlings, in this case the broodlings should be smaller so they may were more attacking the same unit but their timelife with 5.0 seconds would be ok.

According to TerranicII explanation a bigger slop range is buff for Ultralisk cause it can attack the same unit with less moves so more times.


What it means is that you will have a harder time stutterstepping away from it. It used to sometimes cancel his attack if you stimmed one range away. Now that is 1.4 range.

To give you an idea of how bad this is: imagine the radius standard EMP (3 screens wide) and deduct 7.5%.

What is damage point reduced of the hydra?

Damage point is essentially the wind up on the attack. Lowering the damage point makes microing the hydralisk easier with things like stutter-stepping.


one thor doesnt, stop lying

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all you do is nerf terran
your team is full of zerg and protoss players

play like maru? other pros cant do that and people should have their own gameplay style not play like maru bs.

ghosts are one of the most important unit for terran against protoss ( ht unit) and zerg

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They donā€™t have team, these changes were made by pro players.

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What are you talking about? The sentry got a huge cost and warp in speed buff. The Protoss Upgradeā€™s got a huge time buff. And the observer is faster! The High Templar got a huge buff. How can you be complaining about how Protoss is this patch? The only thing that is a small nerf is the sky-toss bug is finally fixed.

There are a couple bugs this time around. Larva are wandering away from Hatcheries, Lairs and Hives. Hatcheries, Lairs and Hives canā€™t be upgraded when theyā€™re selected together. The same goes for spires and greater spires. Maybe Terran is the same way. At any rate, when you have a mix of selected buildings you can no longer upgrade the un-upgraded buildings and used to be able to.

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It is not an upgrades buff, they increased the time by 15 seconds with 2 nerfs and now reverted one by decreasing it by 7 seconds.

How can you say this is anything but a massive nerf to protoss? Are you blind or dumb? Terran is at worse getting slightly buffed, maybe neutral

You seem to have forgetten the MASSIVE target priority nerf for carriers. Basically the only reason carriers are good at all is because the AI targets interceptors. Now you dont have to anything to counter carriers. Fly 10 corruptirs at some carriers and kill them all without even having to click them

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Yeah protoss won one GSL in like 5 years, cant let that happen again! Huge nerfs to terranā€¦please

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Protoss have won as many GSL tournaments as terran in the past 2 years. Stats were already posted in another recent thread for some other whiner if you donā€™t feel like looking it up on liquipedia yourself. Past two years terran have won 5 GSL tournaments and protoss have won 5 , zerg is up to 6 with the GSL a few days ago.

Stop crying and get one clue before posting misinformation again.

Terrans whine so much. Your tears bring me joy. Terrans got a pile of buffs, Protoss got a long deserved nerf bat to some small things and a couple of buffs - mixed bag, and zerg too. All in all a GREAT PATCH 9/10, would patch again.

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As it should be. Amen brother sing it. Ding dong the carrier is dead.

___Regarding Raven nerf: 150 gas, 75 energy, but Intf Matrix: 11s->8s, AA: 3->2 ArmorR, Turret energy 50->75(!): (which is really much nerf)
Anti Armor missile should be reduced to 50 energy then. (-33%) Itā€™s not a buff to the spell itself, because the spell canā€™t be spammed. But ratherā€¦

  • makes up for the 33% reduction in armor reduction value, by the way.
  • makes up for the much more expensive turret, especially. (+50% cost which is huge) So now while you can not cast 4 turrets anymore and instead only 2, at least you could cast one other spell. I think itā€™s fair that you could use up the 200 energy somehow, still but at less power still (less armor reduction, only 2 turrets). For instance one Viper can use Abduct + PBomb which uses up 200 energy, or 2x Blinding Cloud.

Or rather itā€™s fair to have one spell that costs less energy. And IMHO the Anti Armor Missile IS the best candidate, because it doesnā€™t buff its strength at all. It will still be a nerf to the Raven, but it also respects the slight reduced gas cost.
(again, Turret energy affects of how many turrets you can have, Interference Matrix energy or length affects of how many disabled targets you can have, but AA missile energy doesnā€™t change anything on the enemy)


This also goes in line with the previous patches nerfing the AAā€™s damage over time, ultimately to zero, by the way.