StarCraft Brood War Is Much Better Than SC2

And it’s better on nearly every level.

Balance… much better. No stupid infestors in Brood War!

Art style… enough with the World of Warcraft style cartoon graphics. Brood War is again superior.

Music… also better. Particularly for Terran music.

Excitement… remember the good old days of exciting rushes and more aggressive playstyles? SC2 seems to favor more turtling playstyles more than BW.

Better UMS games… SC2 always seems to have the same handful of UMS games on the top of the “most played” UMS games page, and the ones that are there now are pretty much the same as the ones that were there a year ago, two years ago, etc. The BW UMS game scene was much more dynamic, with cool new maps popping up all the time (that were often actually good). I just went back to Brood War after a long break, and the UMS scene there already had several new versions of old classics with new designs, features, etc, as well as some entirely new map concepts.

Playing Brood War again lately has reminded me that gameplay trumps flashy graphics, and Brood War has some of the best gameplay… certainly better gameplay than StarCraft II.


And now? Nobody forces you to play sc2. Go play scbw then. Its like saying “meh, far cry 5 is so bad, far cry 4 was much better”


I am playing SC:BW instead these days. And also making a comment about that on the forums to discuss the game.

What, is this forum only for the game’s fanboys and not for people who played it and have some criticism for it or something?


Generally this forum is constituted of 2 groups:

1-people who whine
2-people sick of the whining

Your posts sounds uncannily like the first, thus generating a response from the second group.
And so a conversation is born!!!


Cool, then stick to getting RSI from having to micro a dragoon up a ramp. We literally don’t care that you prefer an outdated game.

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There is one mission in the campaign where this is a problem (an installation mission with a sideways staircase ramp).

Everywhere else it is a user issue that is easily avoided.

The game is literally infamous for its poor pathing and difficulty getting units to do exceedingly basic things. If you want to be intentionally ignorant of that, that’s on you



Broodwar is not without flaws, but on core rts fundamentals it beats sc2.

In sc2 an engagement that lasts a minute or longer is remarkable. In broodwar that’s simply called midgame.

Broodwar rewards micro more than sc2 (dumb micro is the default if you dont control) is anti deathball by design, has meaningful cover and high ground mechanics, units move slower and there are more space control spells and abilities, making for drawn out engagements all across the map.

Sc2 has turtle, deathball and push2win. Its a snoozefest by comparison. Still better than most esport games but it is no broodwar.


That difficulty is also what balanced the game.

Broodwar isn’t balanced, everything is so difficult to execute that balance isn’t even an issue.


don’t worry temps I gave you a thumbs up. Its gangstalking on these forums you won’t get a thumb up unless you’re part of the regime. And I also agree that Brood War is better. I play both games. The reason why is because the new gimmicky units don’t even feel like they belong in any RTS game much less starcraft. Spells, death balls, and stacking carriers and BCs and mutas make the races not even feel the same anymore.

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“Broodwar isn’t balanced, everything is so difficult to execute that balance isn’t even an issue.”

If that was true, the SC:BW pro scene wouldn’t be as competitive as it is.


I don’t know how long any of you played SC1, but as a person who is playing SC since the beginning I can assure you that SC1/BW had a lot of problems. Generally the balance was further polished by maps and not by changing units and so.

However there are so many differences between these two games that it would be stupid to compare them. BW in its core is better designed and the main critical mistake they’ve made with SC2 was the “This will counter that” strategy they took. For example the thor was solely presented to deal with stack up mutas and many more.

Another thing is that they indeed left BW to setttle, check how many changes were there in the balance compared to SC2. You cannot make changes every month and expect to balance something.

Still at the end we can say that BW design with the SC2 path finding and so, would be terribly unbalanced. Currently SC2 has no competition in it’s genre, no matter how many “players” are whining here for balance and so.

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Finally, a refined aristocrat appears. Good day, sir. Everything he says is factual. Truly a being living above the filth that is SC 2.


BW has far superior sounds and music.

But I heard its hard finding a game on there with the match maker. Seems like the initial hype is not there anymore.

I might try WC when it comes out, but idk. I couldnt get into the game back then

And over a decade of changes as well as fiddly, busted AI that gives the impression of depth but really amounts to busy-work.

Each to their own. I really like SC2’s graphics.

I rather like SC2’s Terran tracks. Toss is also solid. Zerg…yeah, SC1 was better.

Generally because people were either still figuring out RTS games or something was insanely imbalanced.

Disagree strongly here. SC2 gave us Black and White, Desert Strike, Squad TD and more. Maps so influential that some of them basically became Steam games.

Meh. Again, more power to you. I like BW a whole lot, but I certainly prefer SC2 on nearly every level.


Can you link me to your youtube channel?

The game also looks much better now thx to StarCraft Remastered, for those concerned about graphics.

Don’t forget to work the shaft while you suck off Brood War. You like the game, that’s great! However, you don’t need to broadcast it to the wrong forums.


What an interesting and original opinion

personally I prefer being able to control my army and not worrying about the path finding and AI ruining my games but everyone has their tastes. But seriously if you have a choice between a game that requires extra attention to everything, extra micro to compensate for technical problems, and a game that feels streamlined and is way more playable why would you pick the clunky one? I like the graphical style of BW, and the story better but that’s it, there’s no reason to go back outside of that.

you’re talking about a forum where 99% of the “criticism” is people crying about how it’s blizzards fault they lost an online match and complaining about races are OP and UP