Starcraft 3 is reportedly in development

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This is an article based on a single tweet by some random dude working at MS. I wouldn’t give it much thought. The MS acquisition of Blizzard hasn’t even gone through yet, so there is noway Sc3 would be in production.

Considering almost all developers of SC2 left blizz and they would need a major engine upgrade prior to SC3, I would put more hope in stormgate.

Blizzard team is too woke and money grubby to be able to produce a good game.


What makes you think it would be BLizzard who will be developing it?


Blizzard games are a waste of time. I refunded Diablo4 every single blizzard game has maphacks or bots out for it onliine.

They do NOTHING to stop it. Blizzard only pretends to try to stop it. Why? Probably because they know that if every single gamer knew blizzard does nothing to stop cheaters then players would not even buy their games.


Who else can? Maybe I don’t know something, but Microsoft does not own any teams know for good rts. I mean Microsoft can give the Fallout in the hands of Obsidian, what they proved with The Outer Worlds, but whom can they give development of sc3?

Why do people hope for sc3? What would it have more than sc2?

A game engine made in the last decade? An active development team? More pixels?


I could think of a bunch of new improved things.
One thing would be cool. Imagine if regular ladder allowed something similar to the heros co-op mode.

Like you are playing 1v1 ladder but instead of picking a race you are picking a whole subfaction to the race. So their could be the Zagara brood for zerg or Kerrigens brood. Etc

They would have different units and tech. Possibly a hero or may be not if was a bad idea or they could not figure a way to balance it.

What I would like and already see in Stormgate is a major change to the interface, where abilities, as well as mini-map, resources and supply are in the bottom middle part of the screen. Currently, when you are looking at your resources, you can miss something on the mini-map. With such interface as in Stormgate, it would be a very big improvement in terms of comfort. Usage of only 2 cores, makes it so, that even with 11th gen i7, I still have 20 fps in 3vs3 battles. It was okay, back in 2010, but today, when there are 32 core cpu’s on the market, it would very be good, if the game could utilize them.

The pessimist in me thinks it is a cash grab mobile game. If that is the case, we need to shame blizzard on a level not seen since Diablo Immortal.

If it is in fact SC3 RTS, then I wish the dev team the best.

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All this, and usually it boils down to just more money so why not.

There is nothing special about the game engines. All needed to make ones are people who devoted their life to c++ and picked some specific knowledge along the way.
There are a lot of such people around.

Microsoft can hire several dozens of guys like me to make them a new engine.
For 100+K £ and the visa I would sign up for whatever TBH, let alone something as interesting as game engine development… :man_shrugging:

It’s just the question of amount of cash you have at your disposal, and Microsoft has billions.

Playing StarCraft2 is a chore.
And its not exactly running smoothly.
And have problems with cheaters, griefers and apparently bots.
And needs a proper expansion to shake up the stale meta. Granted, the game right now is in the best state it ever was, but there is a lot of room for improvement.

So to recap, I want better - MUCH better - UI, I want game that does 300 fps consistently, I want “pay to own” game to filter out 99% of griefers and a working anti-cheat to remove map hackers, and, finally, I want a big balance update with removal of B$ units like Zealot and BattleCruiser.


You can hire any amount of c++ programmers. But some would deliver RDR2 or GOW and others would deliver Redfail, WC3 Refunded, Forspoken, Gollum etc.

Ironically all the games you mentioned used 3d party/already existing game engine.

Of all of them I played only GOW and it was… once and done kind of game.
Its combat system was bad. Absolutely not fun to play.
GOW however had an enormous amount of art assets that clearly took a lot of time and money to make (pretty much all assets are very high quality and usually very good).
It had some small design choices that I noticed and liked (like how they marked cliffs that you can climb - usually such things look absolutely out of place - but they figured out how to make them not too immersion breaking and very obvious at the same time :+1: ; the way camera moves in and out of cutscenes also worth mentioning).

But nothing really stands out in this game. Its your typical conveyor-line Unreal AAA game. If not for 40 Euros I paid for it I would not have finished it.

Programmers deliver render and features and gameplay mechanics. Artists create stuff like models, textures, animations, light, etc. Designers design the gameplay.
While there is some interconnections (i.e. artists can’t make some graphic effects possible without render developers making them possible) this are different groups of jobs.

So regarding SC3, you need people who will make engine that supports features necessary for proper RTS and you need different people who will do the game design part.
Luckly in case of SC3 there already is a game that is for the most part good and only needs some tweaking.

The whole concept of using so much supply for workers and ‘best moments come from wiping them’ units and Expandcraft that LotV is, does not make me want another SC2. better another warcraft or since that is also exhausted, stormgate as they did. Idk what would Blizz ever need to make with a new rts

The zerg factions forming with Zagara would look cool. So many infested terran zerg. It would have divided zerg factions all battling. The new protoss under Alarak would be cool. I want to see different dark templar units. This game could have costume upgrades and co op upgrades you can purchase to give Blizzard microtransaction sales. Can have weapon and armor upgrade microtransactions in campaign mode.

Sc2 delvepers sucked ,they didn’t know what balance is in first place.

They buffed marines way to much, they did crappy job on air allowing it to stack vs add animation to keep them seperated.

They have I forgot button to one race and unforgivable mechanics to another.

They don’t know how defensive race vs offensive one is. So any development can do a same or better job.

X for doubt, given that any other RTS that’s tried hasn’t gotten close. More than just balance makes a game. Unit fidelity, unit responsiveness and so, so much more makes the game.

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