Starcraft 3 is reportedly in development

Aoe 2 is a lot older and will out live starcraft

Unbalance of starcraft comes down one race has magor advantages

Let’s go with strongest mineral units

Marine and hellion/ hellbat ones aoe

Ling and queen ones tied into macro unit that has poor return later on.

Zealot and warp prison.

Seems Terran leans heavy favor

Macro tools mule broken feature which means u can’t hurt terrans economy ever.
Only race that can have zero money and zero workers still be strong in economy. Every other race is dead.

Pop block wait I got button for that.

Scouting I got button for that very heavy favors Terran again.

Sieg 13 and it’s aoe that good out box no upgrades yet both other races has seven and upgrades to 9 which lower then siege range of sight.

Team gave one side way more tools and balance team doesn’t try balance they try control outcome of tournaments.

Queen nerf was mainly pros was trying force build work against its counter instead of delaying fast void to get feed back they wanted to nerf counter.

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Do you have any proof other then you just saying stuff? Cuz at least he had some form of proof which cant be said about you.

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Sure, but it’s painful to play; I’ve tried. AOE 4 has the same problem. Units aren’t responsive. They’re slow to react to your commands, and it feels like you’re playing a game that just doesn’t move. Pathing is weird too - better in AOE 4 than in 2, but still weird.

Comes down to people screaming constantly, instead of having civil discussions, and chasing off anyone who might actually be interested in trying new things, changing the game up and ultimately a generally toxic minority.

And yet the stats don’t agree with that at all.

Not can’t just hard to do so. And dependent on the stage of the game too.

So if I drop a mule on a mineral line that has no minerals, I’ll get money back? News to me - I thought I had to have minerals to get minerals.

I get what you’re saying though - but Terran’s biggest weakness has always been their slow production.

“An Elazer of Overlords.” That sound familiar? Yeah, imagine being the guy that makes 200 supply of overlords before even reaching 80 supply, spending over 1200 minerals on that and still being perfectly fine.

Different races are different.

And as a down-side, Siege tanks produce slowly, require themselves to go into a completely immobile position that takes 3 seconds to siege and 3 seconds to unsiege (slightly less, actually but not by much), requires a spotter to use their full range, can’t attack units within a certain range etc. They also have less health than every other siege unit in the game that isn’t the swarm-host (who doesn’t even need to be there to siege you).

Colossus can move and utilize their entire range without needing to siege, and can walk over their units.

Lurkers can burrow almost instantly and move as fast as a helion while also having more HP than a siege tank and being a cloaked unit, and being a unit that can easily be produced en-mass.

Gee, it’s almost like different races are different, and have different mechanics that balance them.

Creep. Literally the most oppressive vision mechanic in the game. So much so that they’ve had to nerf it and change it multiple times because it was so strong. Overlords, which don’t cost any supply whatsoever, and Overseers which also don’t cost supply but are a super-cheap morph.

Honestly, the only race that actually gets shafted with scouting (to some extent, anyway) is Protoss, who actually require supply to scout things. Observers, Oracles and Sentries.

No, it really wasn’t - This statement shows how absurdly ignorant you actually are of the happenings in sc2.


Post you responded to was made back in July 2023 before the acquisition went through, sometime in late December.

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Why u guys still think s.o will make a SC3? Are you really such endless SC fanboys? For me the idea of Terran, Protoss and slimy Zerg started getting a bit worn out and after a decade of the game, needs a change of the plot entirely which is why best they could do is make completely new games. Maybe if VR becomes the default for games or something and they need to ‘remaster’ the game to it, SC2 already is a an upgrade of the SC1 2D not to say it got its own remaster, no one will make such game any time soon. With ZeroSpace and Stormgate no matter how successful, what will a SC3 be doing with this… end story?

I also hated that really stupid to see how a flock of mutas is like 1 muta. glad SG keep formation.

I disagree with the rest. Protoss was so broken in 2018-19 and now you come say how every Terran unit is OP. Mate nothng is cheaper than playing protoss that now maybe T can stand a chance and win in recent years but too late, the game is at its end

Failure of this game was blizzard buff or nerf was based on favorite units what they feel.

Marine should been adjusted from get go Protoss was hey we just combined 2 units as one then we balance this with cost but once hey max pop its gg.

Thier ideal on queen puts Zerg at disadvantage by forcing not micro army or fall behind in economy.

Them forcing this concept made butch nerfs and force Zerg to have bloated pop forcing Zerg army be smaller