Starcraft 3 confirmed?

Just copy a short story from the Internet that I haven’t read, it’s acceptable for me. Change characters names.

In essence all movies and video games tend to repeat themselves, same story different character names ).

Eh… Because everyone needs hope. It’s normal. And Github has many code about brush. They want to be stolen. So… Well, I want to focus on my Diablo 3 new season. Next time, dude.

Well, I don’t mind if the focus is more on a good game rather than $. Unfortunately, it’s no longer Blizzard. It’s Activision, and their track record isn’t fantastic.


it probably just means we will finally have some bizarre things on maps in competitive play like in BW’s competitive play. But more than likely wont be seeing any of that until late this year.

the story will probably just revolve around Alarak, U.E.D, and maybe Simulants as the main antagonist that are trying to manipulate(via Raynor hostage) and or steal power from Kerrigan for their own galactic domination plans… if they decide to just leave Kerrigan complete out of it though then I’m sure its gonna revolve around all these co-op commanders subraces having internal conflicts with one another somehow.


This is strong evidence that Blizzard is planing on something, probably a Starcraft 2 remake. This was exacly the case for Reforged. They started upgrading the editor to 1.30 for no reason, no one didn’t even know they were planning on doing Reforged. We might be loking foward to the next Blizzcon to see if they announce something.

But let me tell you all, you do not want Blizzard touching SC2, take Reforged fiasco as an example of what this is the case.

Blizzard of today is not Morheim Blizzard, they do not even look like it. And that’s the reason why (watch the next 45~50 secconds of this video):

I have tecnical demonstration for how that’s the case with the Reforged campaign map editor, the undead invasion of Dalaran and Silvermoon missions (that are remaked versions) are bugged and ugly terrained, clear signs of a different team. More detais here:

And the artist that made the Reforged models are a small company of Malasya called Lemon Sky, the only good thing of Reforged wasn’t even made by Blizzard:

I don’t trust Blizzard to remake anything anymore, yes, BW remake was good but it was only visual update, they got a super conservative approach to it, not the case with Reforged.

In my opinion a new SC only have a chance of being good if, and only if they do it from scrach, and this is definitely not happening since investing in a brand new RTS is too risky because it’s not trending genre anymore. And even this opinion can instantly change depending on how good is Diablo 4 and OW2.

These are dark times, folks.


It’s American disscussion style. You are very direct. Yes. Remaster SC 2 is not good…
War3:reforged is indeed another No Man’s Sky, and the difficulty of the campaign is obviously not adjusted. I think some of the campaigns are too difficult and the play time is too long, which leads to fatigue. Automatic save is also a problem.( Automatic save is hard in 17 years ago. So…)

Indeed. They will have to fix the WAR3:reforged issues until the most of players are satisfied.

I got hit in the face with a tomato at a press conference. It’s normal. I hope the same thing won’t happen to blizzard. At least that time only two people hit me in the face with tomatoes, not a group of people. Well, keeping pleasant.

I could see them remastering the game. But there really isnt a need to make a 3rd game tbh. Story wise the game ended on a decent enough note, not sure where they would take it from there. Multiplayer wise there isn’t any other RTS game out there that can compete with SC2. So there isn’t an incentive to make a whole new game. A remaster could happen I spose, but whole new game I doubt.

It depends on whether Blizzard is willing to do it. Blizzard game is the improvement in gameplay. If Blizzard don’t have a good idea, give it up is the best choice. If Activision did the job of Blizzard, we all saw that.
Activision can’t solve some game problems such as Army Units suck each other. FPS games never change their gameplay so Activision doesn’t know how to solve it.

Haha, might be due to sheer exposure, I’m not American. xD

This is a problem with RTS in general, and specialy with Warcraft 3 balancing which is a mess even tough the original WC3 the campaign were even harder than Reforged that got a big downgrade dificultywise.

Yes and the thing is, with the ammount of issues that they caused I doubt the game will ever be 100% fixed. Hell, to this day they haven’t reintroduced the Custom Campaigns.

As long as most of players feel satisfied. And don’t try to consider the balance of multiplayer games. Starcraft 2 multiplayer balance is that Blizzard looks for trouble to themselves. War3 is never balanced. Most of players don’t care it. They care more about new things such as new campaigns or custom campaigns.

No but you know what’s funny… all the changes they make are to favor War3 map making and possibly making War3 maps/games from it…What does it mean as someone who thought Reforged would revive War3 hype to somt like SC2… lolol they kick their own bucket as if they say [clipped] war3 development, we move all to sc2.

[Edited for language - Blizz]

I don’t think so.
SC2 is where our hearts reside. Admit it.

To anyone saying that they’re going to remaster StarCraft II, that’s just ridiculous. Games that are being Remastered are from the 90s and early 2000s, not from 2010. And a remastered game is the one that’s made for outdated PCs, and again, to run StarCraft II on max graphics, you need a really strong and advanced PC and push it to the limits. And the last expansion came in 2015(or even 2016 if you count NCO as an expansion), which is yesterday in Blizzard years. To top it all of, the beauty of Sc2 was that it was so advanced for it’s time. It had a stunning graphics for 2010, likely the most advanced in the world for that time, so it was always ahead of it’s time. Even now it doesn’t look outdated at all, it’s stunning. Even today when it’s mostly forgotten :frowning: and especially today when most games are free to play with silly graphics.

So, all in all, no. They likely won’t be remastering SC2 for at least another 10 years or so.

That’s the first time I’ve ever seen anyone say SC2 is “advanced for its time”.

Crysis says hello.

The demo shown for Unreal Engine 5 is stunning.

SC2’s graphics was already showing its age years before.

Because the underside of Sorceress’ neck when viewed with scapnel lighting is… beautiful… okay…
I think it’s more than a few spotlights. Ummm. I don’t know, I’m not artists.

To my knowledge, the most popular game right now is Fortinte. And it basically looks like Super Mario, with a bit more round shapes.

And it’s made by the same company that makes Unreal Engines, which is a delicious irony, now that you think about it.

And you expect them to Remaster Sc2 with Unreal Engine? Not gonna happen.
Might happen if Blizzard decided to sell the rights to this IP(and I’m certain that even Epic Games would love to get their hands on StarCraft), but again given the resent massive editor update, not gonna happen.