Starcraft 3 confirmed?

So they’re making major changes for the map editor out of the blue, does this mean Sc3 is confirmed and in development!?!

No this is a ded gaem i read it in forums 2012 amen thanks david kim harass is the most exciting part of the game and Terran is def the most favorited race by Blizzard because David Kim. Thanks for my listening to my podcast ANNNNND POST.

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I hope not, because that would imply they’re using the same engine for SC3 as they are using now. That would suck.


Well technically I think they used the sc1 engine for sc2, but then slowly kept upgrading it in drastic ways until it was its own new thing, so I mean, maybe it wont be that bad.

Well if it is ever confirmed, expect loot boxes and DLCs.

Gone are the days when you purchased War3 and it comes with 4 campaigns.

I wouldn’t be surprised if each race’s campaign for SC3 comes with 3 mission packs sold separately haha.


I expect they improve map editor to completly stop support/balance patches and let players to make their own maps/balance patch themself.

Pretty dumb idea to be making a new game based on an engine that’s well past its use-by date.

indeed. War3:reforged models are very beautiful. Players hardly notice them because of old engine. If them have some patience to focus on the models. They will find a beautiful world. And Army unit suck each other, the handle feeling is not good. Before they notice the beautiful models, they abandon the game. In my opinion, good visual is the precondition of playing video games. No one wants to play Mario( NES verision ) every day on a 21st century computer.
Compare with other video games.
Actually, Blizzard Artists can do it. So, I think just becuase of engine.

When did Blizzard had a problem with engine?, everything was done by them. The reason SC2 is the only RTS that feels so fast and has so fantastic animations even after 10 years is the engine, that was done by only them.

You know, I keep hearing that for years. But I can still find a game much faster in SC2 average 2 min (even in 2v2) compared to Dota 2 (5min which is also pretty fast).
Just check the statistics, besides HOTS release drop in popularity, it’s been pretty constant in how many games are played on a daily basis.

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And I will buy them separately :), but I would like a bit more story depth like in Wol, and maybe more challenging missions like BW.

I’m actually realy afraid that we are slowly nearing the last update of Stacraft II. Giving us even more editor tools means more control over the games “development”. We are only 2 weeks away from SC 2 10th anniversary and as sad as i would sound this would be the most logical thing that Activi-zzard would do :confused:

No, that’s what are the internet articles saying (I don’t if it is confirmed), that indeed the SC1 engine was used, which is both astonishing and perplexing. The thing is with game engines, they need usually at least 2-3 million of lines of base code. With custom codes added it can be a lot more.
Sadly mobile gaming is much more simple in almost every way (coding, maintenance, marketing) . :woozy_face:

But that’s poor people’s game. It doesn’t suit me. Whatever, I just want some interesting thing to do after dinner.

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You mean players make our maps for us!
Yours truly:

Everybody loves PC games over mobiles

I wouldn’t get my hopes up, tbh. Even if it was, it won’t be announced at least till November 2021. For such an announcement, they’d have to wait for a Blizzcon, and have a big opening cinematic at Blizzcon(like it was for D4 in 2019), and the nearest Blizzcon is in November 2021.

And also there’s story problems that many people have pointed out. StarCraft story has mostly been told. The big bad dark god behind all evil has been defeated, Kerrigan became Jean Grey and took her lover boy Raynor to a happier place. Zeratul got his happy ending. All other characters got their happy ever after. And all races(Terrans, Zerg, Protoss) as a whole got their happy ever after.

Where do we go from here? As someone said, we could go around fighting random gods, like in WoW? Does Jean Grey suddenly loose her powers cause of some great evil like in Marvel comics or WoW? My point is, sadly, the story can only get worse from here on out…

Good story. Much better. :slightly_smiling_face:

Zergs find the blood of an ancient xel’naga and started mining it for the bio-evolution. Protoss realises that they’re out matched and they too seek said blood (since theyre the first born, they too can go super saiyan with the Xel’naga blood) with the aid of Terran’s machinery i.e the Big Daddy laser drill.
As for Terran, well… even though Protoss can wipe planets and warp in gigantic spaceships, they don’t have the means to drill holes or transpirt vast earthly minerals thus they act as bounty hunters for Terran while Terran mines for them. Protoss send their army to die in order to capture live Zerg units (also live Protoss units by Terran Spec ops, ssshhh) so they can splice the genes with himan subjects.

Humans become less green hulk, Zerg become more animalistic abomination (2008 hulk movie) and Protoss become horse face thor.
Everyone is happy.

War ensues between the two factions. Well call it BfK: battle for kopulululstgvs sector (w.e the sector is called, I’m on mobile).

For story, we always can go in the past for conflicts that happened before.

Ther sc1 starts with humans encountering the Z then P. So you can focus on how Protoss was fighting another race and drove it to extinction.

Also some terran conflicts just berore the sc 1 events/ maybe more Jimmy s background or Sarahs background.