Starcraft 2: Co-Op commanders were reset to level 5

is there any support main ticket to report this?

I logged started playing and realized I was only level 5! =(

I need my lvl 15 back on my 3 common characters

Thereā€™s no need to file a ticket.

  1. Bliz is aware of the issue and is investigating
  2. Support canā€™t do anything for you because itā€™s a bug on the back end.

Iā€™m still having this issue, any updates? I hope it gets fixed soonā€¦

It is been a while since the problem occurs, and still is not fixed, I tried deleting cache but did not fix the problem :smiling_face_with_tear:

Is blizzard actually doing something about it?

6 posts were split to a new topic: [Main thread 03/29] Co-op Commanders Level set to 5