Someone please explain how it can be done!

Hello Everyone!

There are these error messages in the game, everyone sees them when we do something wrong. There is no setting to turn these off. The only way to turn these off is to delete them from the files, right? Can someone explain this to me one by one? Because I get really angry. Because if I find those files and delete them, I will never see them again. Please someone tell me how this can be done.
Best regards, Eymen.

As a general rule of thumb, you can’t just delete files from the game, it will see theyre missing and refuse to work until it fixes them.

Beyond that, you can almost never disable error messages, theyre there for a very good reason. What kind of error messages are you getting that pop up so often?

Well maybe the error u doing something wrong for example u could be trying to cheat and doesn’t like that your cheating

Cheat codes wouldnt give an error, and hacks would just crash the game if they werent working, not give an error popup.

Can you take a screenshot of the error? Or is it a voiceline in game?

For reference:

It’s very likely hardcoded into the engine, which is buried inside the exe, meaning there’s no way to stop the messages.

Okay, then I won’t touch or tamper with it. But thanks anyway, I mean, it would still be nice if there was a setting to turn off error messages.