Error messages and no settings

Hello Blizzard!

There isn’t a setting to turn off error messages in Starcraft ll, is there? I want there to be a setting that can turn off these error messages. Please, I don’t want to see these error messages every time I enter the game. I’m playing the game in co-op. It seems too much when I play fast. I request you to please add such a setting, it will affect everyone.

Best regards, Eymen.

you do know that there is no delopement for sc2, the games on standby mode.

Is this setting possible?

there is no one working on the game you will not get anything new, we will be lucky if they do another balance patch in the next year or two, but the pros are the ones doing them, not actually blizzard. the game is basically on life support status right now, blizzard dont even fix things anymore unless its something major

What error messages are you talking about?

Let me explain, Blizzard: I get a warning message when I try to place a building in the wrong location. I’m not new to the game. I know the game very well. This warning message also applies to minerals and gas. Seeing this message a lot annoys me, it spoils the fun of the game. Please add a setting where we won’t see the warning message again, but only we can turn it off.

Messages like the red “Can’t place, location invalid”?

Those can’t be turned off. And unfortunately as WKnight2 said, SC2 is no longer being developed.

If you are getting errors when trying to place structures where they cannot be, turn on the “Display Build Grid” option. That will show you where you can and can’t place structures.

Why don’t you update? So it’s a very simple thing, just a setting that can turn off warning messages.

there is no developement dude, its a dead game

They can’t turn such a beautiful game into a dead game, this is nonsense! And that doesn’t make any sense, so can’t they improve it for something simple? Roblox is a normal game, but even it updates itself. I spent so much money on this game for nothing!? This is not a stupid game!

Every video game will eventually end development. A time comes when the studio will move on to bigger and better games. It’s both natural and inevitable.

SC2 ended development in late 2020. So except for major bug fixing, Bliz will not be making any more changes to it.

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