I am platinum 1 and routinely when i play I encounter guys with 200-400 apm with matching skills. Then often when winning, they just leave the game , so they presumably remain at this level, dont advance higher. Then they are guys with similar statistics that are unranked… If you encounter a few during a ladder session, it can really get a bit frustrating. I mean is this that fun to beat up poeple that are obvioulsy less skilled? Would you get much fun going into a primary school and beating up kids?Why dont you just play at your level , pick up opponents of your own size? I think its sooo silly and it can be detrimental to the game, becase at some point players might get fed up and stop playing alltogether.
Smurfing is fun, just get gud man
So you havent got the balls to fight in your own weight class?
Ladder is an environment where almost every game is a completely one sided stompfest. I’m sure the people you win against feel like there was nothing they could do to win just like you do.
The games don’t usually feel like they are one sided but if you go back and look at most of your replays you’ll notice that you were behind the entire time. The only times they actually feel completely one sided is when your opponent is an aggressive player and just tears you apart, and these types of players usually have high apm in my experiences.
Ok but what it has to do with what i wrote?
so to you its like bullying, they show you how sheety you are, let you ‘win’ as if to make you feel bad ? xD Poor being, look at you, now, Ill give you win, so you get higher and are more likely to run into more pro kind of folks.
You are missing the point. The ladder and mmr system are for a reason so similarly skilled players play against each other. Sure im not that great Sc2 player, but its all relative because if you are master grandmasters will kill you easily and if you are low grandmaster, high grandmaster/pros will still annihilate you.So trying to make me feel bad becasue some poeple are better then me is a bit silly.
I was just wondering about the motivation of such folks.
You might also be encountering a lot of people coming back for occasional games, I come back a couple times a year to play and usually end up in the plat-low masters bracket but you don’t just forget how to macro at a gm level once your hands remember where the buttons are
A lot of people smurf. I’m not sure why, but people get a kick out of smashing people in the lower leagues or trying/practicing out new strats. It’s one of the big reasons why free to play killed this game in the long term
one bid problem is ranked vs unranked still- blizzard dont give a damm- so they dont get a damm bout smurfing - blizazrd is a evil company
I beatean even +1k mmr player, although it is boring. Even during day i get -700 +700 mmr players all the time, which is simply not fun, either easy win, or i get rekt hard… Game is dead, i used to play at 2016 at 5300 mmr and didn’t get gm as much than today on 5000~
Never look at apm, most of the players just spam 300 apm instead of actually playing and stay in plat/dia with it. The only way of how you would spot a smurf, it’s if plat player will do multidrops while still macroing at home, it’s diffenetly not a level of plat.
To comment on the whole primary school thing… Probably. The people are probably one in the same.
I don’t mind smurfing, but leaving as he’s winning the game…what?
I understand new account and shred low leagues until you hit his actual rank, or leaving right as match starts, but playing the match and quit on purpose? Never saw that.
Either way, make use of the replay to know how he beat you, high APM does not equal skill, can understand multitasking, not 8 clicks to move a imortal out of the natural.
Better than you = Smurf.
Worse than you = Noob.
I don’t know but this post sound like the mentality of a 12 year olds.
I would say your post sounds like a kid. You are gneralizing without any concrete answers. Im not saying everyone that beats me is smurf, and never said anytihng about people i beat. I can easily tell when i play against poepl more or less at my level, and win or loose it will be most of the time a fun game that i can learn from. But guys im talking about , i am not making it up, after few first skirmishes, i usually know im playing again someone 2 times as good as me. The control of his units has got that extra something. And i wont learn anything from the game, becasue i can have a great plan and I can counter his units and he will still outmicro me so hard i will loose. And there is no way he stays at this League level for long, so seeing as he quits before claiming the win is a clear indication how its possible. I ahve met one such guy recently 2 times on 2 different days, if he played normally he would be much higher already.
The only way you will get better is to play against better opponents.
Some people do not want to be a better player, simply want to play against people of their level and enjoy the game. With that elitist mentality that our community has, we must not forget that this is a game and its purpose is to be fun for everyone. The smurf gets what he wants at the expense of the experience of others players and shouldn’t be allowed.
That’s true, but clearly here it is not the case. OP is not playing with somebody one League or 200-300MMR up. He is playing with an opponent with 1000-2000MMR difference.
I assure you that were you to play Maru/Serral/Stats, you would even not understand what hit you.
You can learn from people of your level and a little better than you, but the greater the difference in skill, the less you learn.