Show us your most OP protoss replay

It kind of contradicts itself really.

Race of in complete danger? Let make a bunch of zealots (which they aren’t robots mind you) and throw them to the frontlines as they only cost minerals and have their function as the ultimate cannon fodder.

The entire gimmicks of protoss just reeks of cheese and unorthodox tactics that makes me feel like a complete idiot anytime I play against them even if I win. If you have a good gateway unit, they will be exploited to hell by warp mechanic. If you make a good air unit (Void Rays now), it will be exploited to hell by proxies just it is happening with PvP and TvP.

Maybe you can help me out on the thought process here because I’m not seeing it. You open with 3rax but don’t get a bunker, so your early marines get picked apart by stalker micro. Then you take a 3rd CC before a getting a factory as you march your 3rax squad across the map. You get to his side of the map but then back away without even poking (he had like 4 stalkers total). Take a bad disruptor hit (lost like 1k for free :/, sucks but not the end of the world). After seeing disruptors you go for…ghosts?? What happened to your mass factory anti-disruptor tanks? Where’s lib range? Then he pulls you out of position with the blink dt that protoss always go for at 4base. If you struggle with blink DT why are you sprinting toward that part of the game?

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h ttps://

Im the protoss here, the terran got more bases, have 50% more army than me all the time, he got libs and ghosts, while I only got z,stalk, and ht and some pylons outside base NOT a WARP PRISM

The Two disruptor hits caused him to lose 2k before 6 min mark. It was gg from there, imagine losing almost 20 zealots causing zero damage at 6 min

review mine its 37mins showing how easy toss is vs terran

37 minute game with many fights and you call that easy?, easy is steamrolling in the first 10 minutes, tomorrow I will watch the rep, but it looks like throwing T, your army composition looked really bad, something that melts with a single EMP spam round.

ya just see it to believe it, my pt is even how bad the toss is I managed to get a win to a more experienced terran than me playing toss, he almost gg me in his 1st pressure with tanks and mmm. AND THATS THE TIME WHEN THERES STILL NO SUPER BATERY

Terran dude couldn’t split a single marine and couldn’t hit a single good emp. But his macro was way better than the toss for sure.

How is that worse than toss taking a bad mine drop? let’s say you get a really good hit and take out 12 workers. Toss lose 600 minerals in workers, not nearly as bad you say…but worker mines 50 minerals per minute and he’s not going to have that income. Mine drop hits ~5:00 and let’s say toss isn’t full saturated till 7:00. That means he misses out on 50x12x2=1200 worth of income. Add that to the lost material of the workers and you get 1.8k loss.

Seems pretty comparable to me.

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And a 50 supply difference at minute 7, don’t know what kind of trash opening you did but only had a couple of stalkers for a long time, that’s death sentence against a lot of pushes.

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i dont really see how any of that has to do with me losing to disruptors when i was in a good position to win 100%

You have a cycling terran production comparison with a protoss that has chrono boost, and you are comparing a disruptor hit that doesn’t even appear in the mini map with a boosted medivac arriving at your base in timed harrass.

To lose 12 workers terran needs at least 3 widow mine burrowing + the boosted medivac appearing + the dropping. Medivacs drops 1 unit per second, so if you count 0.5 secs for the arrival (a really good arrival one), you have at least 3 seconds to react before all of the burrowing. (+ 2 seconds for one of them to burrow and a second for it to fire = 4 seconds to react for the first mine shot)
Its 4 seconds to pull the probes of out there, you can even not split and be fine.

Terran can lose almost 1k in army supply from 0.5 secs man, and doesn’t have chrono to make up for that, he can only turtle. Sometimes he needs to split on the fly as going back with the army is not enough.

And the counter play for medivac drop: 2~4 stalkers in position shooting the hell out of the mines.

Counter play for those disruptor hits: TY’s /Byun’s reaction time.

It works that way because the toss had an observer spotting for the disruptor. Once he kills the obs its shut down.

If you had a bunker at start to protect your first marines and if you actually comit to the 3rax pressure he just keels over. You backed off gaving him the leeway to do cutesy warp prism disruptor hits and go up to 80+ workers with you on 50 scv’s.

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as far as i know he never took a fourth base. me losing a few marines was a mistake but had 0 effect on the outcome of the game. the disruptor shot was what cost me it.

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You can’t be serious about killing the obs to shut down the disruptor play. You know if he had sniped the obs, his army position would still be given away and he could still had those shots. By the way the shot came with the observer approaching, dude needed an eagle vision and insta reaction to kill that observer for the first shot.

PS: unless you are saying he could have sniped the observer before. Go for his cam and see If he could see the observer.

He outmined you by like 4k I think. Give you back the 2k from the disruptors and your still behind.

“He wouldn’t have outmined me though”

Yeah…and?? What is the point of the 3 rax if you don’t hit with it?

If toss doesnt have spotting obs to line up shot you have a lot more time to react. It was trailing his army for like 30 seconds but he wasn’t looking for it.

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dude he would have died to the stim push(and should have i just didnt know there was disruptor)

my strategy is to get early damage so i dont have to go macro against protoss.

His Cam in his cycle didn t even squared the Observer, and even then he would need to snipe It… Ok seems fair, I bet all 4.6 k terrans can do that, even 5.4k GM terrans…

With 4min 3rd CC??

Is the observer a new unit blizz just added that no one knows how to deal with it? He doesn’t get a reaper so he doesn’t know it’s a robo opener so maybe you forgive that, but why does he have so much bio and no tanks or a raven?