Serral is a joke LMAO

It’s getting to the point where Terrans are making a conscious effort not to take a shark festor to the face, you can only surprise Terrans so long until it becomes anticipated. I disagree with you when you say that lurkers are trash, sure they’re not as strong as the 2020 patch but they are a apm tax burdening, efficient way to defend and counter attack. Infestors would need IT back in order to have the same benefits lurkers do -AA. Reynor also had better luck with banelings than Serral did, you need burrowed banelings against clem.

Have you seen how trash cyclone hellion comps are lately? The same comp Clem was regularly using in 2023? Yup gigatrash now, hard countered by ling baneling comps. Clem had to reinforce with stimmed marines for it to be efficient.

Shoutout to Protoss officially becoming the least successful by virtue of prize money earnings. I think one person Clem needs to thank was TaeJa. Dude won so many 10k tournaments but knew the career life span and damage on his wrists that it made him argue for better prize pools. Now 1 win put Clem way into the top 10 in earnings. TaeJa walked so Clem could run.


Didnt even notice that. Im surprised they werent always at the bottom since they were obviously at the bottom at top players earnings. But good to know that despite protoss players being notorious for participating in even the smallest tournies to grab some cash they desperatly need, they are still at the bottom of earnings overall. And now clem kicked protoss representation in top 10 from 3 (placed 8,9,10) to 2 (place 9 and 10) and the all of the best 4 player have like double the earnings compared to the best protoss :smiley:

Oh man. Im so sad for missing like entire wol and nearly all of hots pro scene :frowning: I was active at sc2 since the beginning but was too young/ too dumb that there was always an easy accessible pro scene, so i missed taeja completly. But yeah from what ive seen he actually grabbed a ton of 10k tournies. Even like 3 in a row :smiley:

Sharkfesters are a tempo play. You have to pressure the terran and make him waste scans & be low on eco. You can’t turtle on creep to 90 drones. But, you don’t have to rely on the surprise element. Simply counter attack with 12 hydras to catch reinforcements or to hit a base. Then you look for fungals as his army is moving and or he isn’t looking. Even this isn’t required. At a certain point you have enough hydras that they start to mow throw any marines that get in range (especially w/ fungal). This requires tanks to engage. Small tank numbers can be engaged w/ a flank. Large tank numbers are dealt with by counter attacking with half your army, forcing him to unsiege & chase. Half your army + fungal can beat his entire bio army. He has no choice except to unsiege and you simply engage with the other half at the same time in a sandwich maneuver. If he commits harder, you slow him down with fungal and give up ground. While he inches forward, you kill bases or his main with the other half. You can even give up your own main base as long as you kill his production. You just have to be patient and take a good fight. Be sure to rebuild the hydra den & keep the overlords alive.

what is your elo do do these claims? you seem very acoustic, serral didn’t prepare because he was engaged in the military service, plus Z has been nerfed to the ground. Serral is the goat without any doubt

Patch 4.7.1 Transfusion no longer restores 125 health instantly. Now, it restores 75 health instantly plus an additional 50 health over the next 7.14 seconds.
Patch 4.12.0 Anti-air weapon range decreased from 8 to 7.
Patch 5.0.9 Can no longer transfuse off creep

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I agree with what you said about Serral. But Clem?? Clem is just as overrated as Serral…

I don’t watch many of Clem’s games but I just saw him get totally rekt recently versus herO or Rogue…I think it was Rogue…the few games of his I’ve seen I was not very impressed. Clem might be good but he isn’t on the same level as Maru, Byun and Innovation…just my opinion…those 3 guys were dominating with terran during “the zerg era” when zerg was without question the strongest race by a large margin. I’ve never really seen Maru, Byun or Innovation look “weak” or have an “off day.” They always look really strong even the few times they lose.

Things that you mentioned decreased queens OFFENSIVE capabilities. Zergs could no longer use them with pushes (although they found a way to drop creep using ovies and then transfuse anyway)

What about queen’s general ability to defend pressure, spreading creep, production capabilities etc ? Inject was decreased from 4 to 3 at the very beginning of LOTV because zerg could produce absurd amount of larva thanks to injects. For 150 minerals only the utility this unit provides is way too much.

Protoss dead race- they need be buff asap

Well, Clem’s trademark was always TvZ. He was never TvT or TvP monster and i never meant Clem is the best terran overall. Just TvZ. One has to admit his style is unbeatable when he is in a good shape. His micro, unit control, multitasking is something out of earth. I’ve never seen Maru or Byun play like that and completely demolish any zerg player.

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Protoss can be buffed when the top ranked protoss at the world finals doesn’t lose 7 voids for free to 1 bile. It’s 100% a skill issue if protoss can’t win. I’d be so bold as to say that he probably shouldn’t’ve been in the semis with that quality of play, and it was protoss that put him there despite the mistakes.

It is worth mentioning that Serral hasn’t been able to practice as much lately though, while Clem has been, so there’s a very good chance that Serral was not playing as well as usual, while Clem was playing the best he ever has.

Also, the map pool was Terran favored - They had a lot of easily abusable positions for tank/marine that threatened key bases while being difficult for ling/bane to properly engage, and plenty of space for medivacs to abuse around the edges of the map.

Ling bane wasn’t deleted from the meta. It’s still used. Zergs just aren’t playing it every game now.

Nah, Protoss needs reworks. It could use a bit of help at the very top level, but it’s currently a bit too strong at the masters-low/mid GM level. It’s been that way ever since battery overcharge was added; Protoss is able to handle attacks that it maybe shouldn’t, which lets it expand/tech more aggressively and hit sharper timings to snowball off of its initial eco advantage from Chrono activating the earliest and Probes not having to be removed from work for any significant amount of time to make buildings.

Protoss still has clear issues at the very highest level of play with its extremely specialized/gimmick units (eg: adepts), units that are just bad (voidrays), or give agency to the opponent (disruptors), and generally poor scaling though. In PvT especially, if the game gets prolonged for some reason, Protoss looks pretty helpless vs skyterran/ghost.

There’s a serious argument to nerfing Protoss in the very early game with changes/nerfs to shield regen, battery overcharge, and/or starting nexus energy, and to compensate that with buffs/adjustments to make their early game units (adepts/stalkers/sentries in particular) more functional/scale better as the game progresses.

Zerg has issues with late game spellcaster reliance and the difficulty of controlling them due to the lack of a basic attack and the large collision size of infestors. Terran also has EMP on ghosts, which sort of counter everything Zerg can make, and are only really countered by fungal, which reveals them, limits micro, and stops snipes - but Infestors are also countered by Ghosts, and ghosts are way easier to use. Ghosts should have the light tag so they die more easily to banelings, or maybe should be raised to 3 supply so massing them isn’t so effective.

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It was said billion of times on this forum that protoss doesn’t need any buffs but complete changes to its design. It’s impossible to buff protoss at pro level without hurting the ladder.

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anti air range is more defensive than offensive …
but sure, nerf queen more and bring back hatch tech 1 supply hydralisks from SC1 :+1:

The thing that bugs me the most about zerg (pun intended) is that zerg’s tech is ridiculously slow to progress. There are gms who do 1 base bc rushes & it works, aka they can rush to their ultimate tech on 1 base. By contrast, a 2 base muta rush, which isn’t even zerg’s ultimate tech, can only get out in 5:30 seconds and it comes with severe vulnerabilities to hellion runbies and you are guaranteed to be behind in economy, upgrades and army supply for the rest of the game. Translation, far from viable. So zerg’s tech progresses insanely slow, and that limits zerg’s options to turtling on creep to 90 workers. It’s the only thing you can do with very few exceptions.

Tier 1 hydras would be cool, but frankly probably OP. A better option would be tier 1 swarm hosts because they have big vulnerabilities which include simply backing off between a locust wave or making the locusts drop in the wrong place. So if a zerg were massing swarm hosts off tier 1, the early game would be non stop action packed harass where the terran tried to get juke the swarm hosts out of position & roast a bunch of drones. It becomes a strategic game of positioning & timing instead of the super boring turtle on creep all game strategy that dominates 95% of zerg games.

Swarm hosts are bad defensively (as the attacker can just back off) but good offensively (until the enemy has enough firepower to kill locusts quickly). I think in early game they would be devastating against protoss and zerg who can’t lift their buildings or scan for burrowed SHs

Really. I think the protoss would make 1 void ray and win.

T1 hydras would address a major problem in Zerg’s design: Lack of T1 anti-air. They might need some sort of change to make them more specialized - eg: less base damage, but bonus vs armored (Personally, I think specializing some more Zerg units in such a way could be beneficial regardless), but it’s also possible that they wouldn’t, given their reliance on their upgrades, which could require lair tech, so early Hydras wouldn’t be such a problem for existing timings.
Even Vs Protoss, for example, which would be the main concern (Hydras aren’t quite as good in ZvT/ZvZ), Hydras aren’t particularly good until their upgrades and armies are getting above a certain size, and adepts are very good against them/stalkers could kite them in small numbers. If it does become a problem in any match up, nerfing their damage vs light (making them less effective vs lings/zealots/adepts/marines), even if it coincided with buffing their damage vs armored, would most likely resolve the problem.

Swarm Hosts at T1 could easily cause problems, as critical mass is needed by the opponent to effectively deal with them, and they’re very difficult to defend against effectively.

In PvZ, for example, having something that can completely bypass the wall and target down workers/pylons could easily be a huge problem, given Zerg’s early map control advantage through speedlings/roaches out-trading Protoss units that aren’t able to position in/behind a choke to limit what can engage.

Likely, what would actually happen is that the meta shifts to account for Zerg being able to make a few early swarmhosts and snipe pylons/workers/units, forcing Protoss to get more aggressive earlier to try and prevent that.

If 1 voidray would win the game, Protoss could/would already be doing that, given none of Zerg’s existing T1 units can hit air either (aside from ravager biles - which are unreliable at best, and queens).