SC2 News Update - No More Commanders

What this means is that we’re not going to be producing additional for-purchase content, such as Commanders and War Chests, but we will continue doing season rolls and necessary balance fixes moving forward.


No additional content eh?

Well, this was I guess was inevitable in a sense.

10 year of Anniversary was the only thing taht motivated the devs and Blizzar to add content in to the SC2 coop and since it has now passed there is no further reason to implement new contents.

Pity that Selendis, Tosh and other candidates will never see the light of the day.


I don’t want to “like” that post.



No Balancing for a while, that sucks too. It’s fine. I guess the prestige was the last push.

EDIT: Why do I keep going on games that is going to shut down … Zzzzz I just found coop few years ago!!

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Dead game confirmed, “good” news of 10th year! WOW, why don’t you announce this in Christmas?
Well, I don’t like to put it this way, but it is clever to shift focus out of sc2, since the amount of players is relatively too small. Developing new, unique and balanced commanders may not have a great pay back. To maintain the iconic SC2 Esport event, only balancing pvp is seemed to be the most economical choice.
If you want to play more new commanders, you may go to Chinese server where there is a fan made coop mode containing new guys like Tosh… Well, these commanders ars not balanced, since they are designed for you to solo hardcore mutations…


Damn shame, though I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

I’ll still be playing this game though, for as long as it’s fun.

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RIP SC2. It had a good run. Co-op was one of my favorite games ever. But the addition of new content is one of the things that kept me playing.

Pretty weird to say in an interview a few months ago that Co-op has more players than versus or custom, then go with this “announcement.”


RIP SC2, the inevitable has finally happened, damn shame Selendis will never be a thing, however, their mentioning of shifting focus from just SC2 to the whole SC universe does put a little hope in me to see future SC series.


Cool. 10th anniversary celebration goes out after like 3 days on PTR, full of bugs, no testing. Balance/rework patch goes out a week later. Then… nothing since, despite a bunch of obvious, fixable bugs.

And now we get this. Mengsk came out a YEAR ago. Have they really spent that entire time thinking they might start working on another commander? Or did they throw out a bunch of work they already had done? …Or did they just kinda dick us around?

Cool. If they don’t want my money, I’ll put it to use elsewhere. Blizzard has nothing for me now.


I wonder how that affects the free stuff, like the mutations and the maps. Not that I’m holding out hope for new maps.

Oh well. The game is still a lot of fun, both in ladder and co-op. Too bad about no more new commanders and skins though!


Was going to happen, but that’s disappointing.

That said, I do think coop is in a relatively good place as it is. Though there are definitely hot spots like several prestige that just aren’t in a good spot; I doubt it but who knows, maybe they’ll count as “necessary balance”.

(side note: hoo geez is the general chat taking the news differently.)


I dont think there will be new starcraft content in a long, long time.


Haha lol with so many prestiges and masteries not properly working Blizz announces they are giving up.

Without a balance patch planned for 2020 Q4 they will probably not release a patch to fix coop issues before 2021.
RIP zagara and H&H masteries, bugged AF.


Damn it. It isn’t like it was unexpected, but it still sucks.

The lack of paid content is the worst news. If they are no longer monetizing SC2, then there’s no reason to keep it around, and every reason to let it wither. They’ll get a trickle from the occasional newcomer, but otherwise it’s purely a cost center now.

And dollars to doughnuts, the next Starcraft product won’t be an RTS.


I think the mutations would still be there, probably old ones–no new mutations, but, that’s better than nothing.
Maps, on the other hand, disappointed, but not surprised they’d make no more maps.
I hope they still do weekly mutations, even old ones!

They should fix bugs, like Zagara’s masteries, Alarak’s mothership/gateway hotkeys, etc.

considering they said that, I’m…ah optimistic.

ok, i am out of here then.

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Awwww no more andreasasp trolling …


A damn shame. Looks like Co-op is now going to become a dying game mode, fellas. Best enjoy it while you can.


This is my to go game after* my wife and kid go to bed :joy:


If this came as a surprise to anyone, then said person must have not been active enough in Starcraft II in general.

If you are genuinely upset about this, then you are likely a devoted fan who’ve enjoyed the franchise for a long time.

It is sad to see this news but I hope their closing sentiment of refocusing on the core franchise’s future will ring true. And with that, hope we can all see the fruit of that labour sooner than later.
