SC2 and Destiny 2 messing with color settings

Hi, I have a program called “flux”. It messes with my color settings so that my monitor turns red’ish when it’s time for bed. It’s been great for me getting to bed at a decent hour.

However, I’ve noticed that when I play SC2 and Destiny 2 the color settings of flux are overwritten, and I get a bright white screen that keeps me up all night.

How do I tell SC2, and possibly Destiny 2, to accept the color settings that flux has created?


Some games may not support Flux, you could try playing in Windowed mode or contact Flux to report the compatibility issue to see if they can find ways to resolve this issue.

Thanks, but what should I tell flux about why it’s not supported? What about Starcraft 2 makes it not supported?

Are there similar programs that are supported by Starcraft 2?


Simply reporting the issue to them should be enough. Sadly I don’t know the exact reason for the conflict. I believe the latest version of Windows 10 has a feature like Flux, found Here. If you are using Windows 10 make sure it’s fully upto date and you could try that.
