SC 2 editor issue

It seems like the SC2 map editor can’t open heart of the swarm and legacy of the void maps in the map opener menu. Also I can’t log in to battle net through the editor somewhy. I got solving ticket, but the problem still occurs. In the openable maps menu I don’t see hots and lotv maps openable and my normal login data is not accepted by the sc2 editor. I’m waiting for further ideas about the problem. At log in when I write my account name it says my account name is not valid thus not letting me to log in, while I’m able to connect through battle net platform. What could be the problem? Any guesses or solution? :frowning:
Thank you,

The only way to veiw/open Hots and Lotv content in the editor is by logging in.

So you will need to get that working first.

Thank you for your answer! Sadly I can’t seem to log on if I type in my log-in informations. I don’t know what’s causing the problem. I tried to enter map editor via host, but still not working! :frowning:

I am also unable to open the SC2 editor in the battlenet “app” on windows.

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